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Dockerized tt-rss using docker-compose

The idea is to provide tt-rss working (and updating) out of the box with minimal fuss.

General outline of the configuration is as follows:

  • separate containers (frontend: nginx, database: pgsql, app and updater: php/fpm)
  • tt-rss updates from git master repository on container restart
  • tt-rss source code is stored on a persistent volume so plugins, etc. could be easily added
  • database schema is updated automatically
  • nginx has its http port exposed to the outside
  • feed updates are handled via update daemon started in a separate container (updater)
  • optional backups container which performs tt-rss database backup once a week


Check out scripts from Git:

git clone ttrss-docker && cd ttrss-docker

Edit configuration files:

Copy .env-dist to .env and edit any relevant variables you need changed.

You will likely have to change TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH which should equal fully qualified tt-rss URL as seen when opening it in your web browser. If this field is set incorrectly, you will likely see the correct value in the tt-rss fatal error message.

By default, frontend container binds to localhost port 8280. If you want the container to be accessible on the net, without using a reverse proxy sharing same host, you will need to remove from HTTP_PORT variable in .env.

Please don't rename the services inside docker-compose.yml unless you know what you're doing. Web container expects application container to be named app, if you rename it and it's not accessible via Docker DNS as http://app you will run into 502 errors on startup.

Main configuration file (config.php) is rewritten on startup, don't edit it manually. Use environment variables or config.d snippets to customize it.

Build and start the container

docker-compose up --build -d

See docker-compose documentation for more information and available options.

Default login credentials

Username: admin, password: password


Restarting the container will update tt-rss from the origin repository. If database needs to be updated, tt-rss will prompt you to do so on next page refresh. Normally this happens automatically on container startup.

Updating container scripts

Latest tt-rss sourc code expects latest container scripts and vice versa. Updating both is a good idea.

  1. Stop the containers: docker-compose down && docker-compose rm
  2. Update scripts from git: git pull origin master and apply any necessary modifications to .env, etc.
  3. Rebuild and start the containers: docker-compose up --build

Suggestions / bug reports