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The Strings JSON Interchange Schema

Strings has two flags used to emit json.

  • --emit-json $FILE Saves json to a file.
  • --emit-json-stdout Prints json on stdout.

Top Level Structure

The json outputted by strings is a single object which has 4 keys representing the different types of Puppet code and extension functions Strings reads. The value for each key is a list of json objects representing each puppet class, function, etc. Here is an example of the top level structure:


"defined_types": [...],

"puppet_classes": [...],

"puppet_functions": [...],

"puppet_types": [...],

"puppet_providers": [...]


Defined Types

Each defined type or puppet class object has the following properties and values:

  • name: A string representing the name of the object.
  • file: The file the object came from. A string.
  • line: The line in the file the object came from. A number.
  • docstring: A string. The docstring describing the object.
  • examples: A list of strings representing the content of the examples in the docstring.
  • signatures: A list of function signatures which may be supported by the object. Each function signature is a json object whose keys are the parameter names, and whose values are the types those parameters may take. This is extracted from the code itself.
  • parameters: An object whose keys are the parameter names and whose values are the parameter's types or null if it has no types. This is extracted from the docstring.

Puppet Functions

Both puppet 4x and 3x functions are represented as json objects kept in the puppet_functions list. Puppet 4x functions have every property that 3x functions have, as well as a few extras.

Puppet 3x functions have:

  • name: A string representing the name of the
  • file: The file the object came from. A string.
  • line: The line in the file the object came from. A number.
  • docstring: A string. The docstring describing our object.
  • function_api_version: the number 3.
  • documented_params: A object whose keys are the parameters which were
  • documented and whose values are the types they may take, or null.
  • examples: A list of strings representing the content of the examples in the docstring.

Puppet 4x functions have everything 3x functions do as well as:

  • The function_api_version is the number 4, not 3 (surprise!).
  • signatures: A list of function signatures which may be supported by the object. Each function signature is a json object whose keys are the parameter names, and whose values are the types those parameters may take. This is extracted from the code itself.

Puppet Types

Each puppet type object has the following properties and values:

  • name: A string representing the name of the object
  • file: The file the object came from. A string.
  • line: The line in the file the object came from. A number.
  • docstring: A string. The docstring describing our object.
  • examples: A list of strings representing the content of the examples in the docstring.
  • parameters: A list of objects with the following shape:
    • allowed_vales: a list of strings representing the allowed values.
    • default: a string or null.
    • docstring: The docstring.
    • name: the parameter name.
  • properties: A list of objects with a shape very similar to parameters but also including:
    • namevar: A boolean.
  • features: A list of objects representing possible features. They have the following shape:
    • docstring: The description of the feature.
    • methods: null or a list of the available methods as strings.
    • name: The feature's name.

Puppet Providers

Each puppet provider object has the following properties and values:

  • name: A string representing the name of the object
  • file: The file the object came from. A string.
  • line: The line in the file the object came from. A number.
  • docstring: A string. The docstring describing the object.
  • examples: A list of strings representing the content of the examples in the docstring.
  • commands: A list of the names of the commands available.
  • confines: An object whose keys are the confine keys and whose values are the confine values.
  • defaults: Similar to above.
  • features: A list of strings representing the features this provider supports.
  • type_name: The type this provider accompanies.