JavaScript promise rejection: Loading CSS chunk katex failed. ( Open browser console to see more details.

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Katex support 2019-11-15T12:00:06+09:00 KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.

The following

 \int_{a}^{b} x^2 dx 

Is an integral

 \varphi = 1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\cdots} } } 

Enable Katex in the config file by setting the katex param to true. This will import the necessary Katex CSS/JS.

See the online reference of supported TeX functions.

Note: For inline math to render correctly, your content file extension must be .mmark. See the official mmark site.

Inline math: $$ \varphi = \dfrac{1+\sqrt5}{2}= 1.6180339887… $$

Inline math: \varphi = \dfrac{1+\sqrt5}{2}= 1.6180339887…

Block math:

\varphi = 1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\cdots} } } 

Block math:

\varphi = 1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\cdots} } }