
42 lines
883 B

This project is used to build Cameo using podman / docker.
It could be used to build any OpenRA mod which uses make and
## Checking out the code
The actual Cameo source is a git submodule. If you are cloning this initially, use
git clone --recurse-submodules
If you already have the source checked out:
git submodule init
### Updating the checked out Cameo mod code
git submodule update
## Building container image
podman build -t cameo-build:latest .
## Building Cameo
podman run --rm -v $(pwd)/Cameo-mod:/workdir localhost/cameo-build:latest
To build the release packages (exe, AppImage):
podman run --rm -v $(pwd)/Cameo-mod:/workdir -e RELEASE_VERSION=$(git --git-dir=Cameo-mod/.git --work-tree=Cameo-mod describe --tags) localhost/cameo-build:latest