array ("get", "string", ''), "script" => array ("get", "boolean", 0), ); getFields($fields); if (in_array($action, array('start', 'stop', 'monit'))) { $res = $hooks->invoke($action, array(), 'lxc'); } $infos = $lxc->getvm(); if ($script) { // FIXME afficher les variables pertinentes de manière pertinente pour quelqu'un qui veux scripter :) print_r($infos); if (isset($res)) print_r($res); die(); } # Show the header after the "if script" ;) include_once("head.php"); # Debug echo "
"; if (isset($res)) { printvar($res); } echo "infos getvm"; printvar($infos); echo "
"; ?>

errstr(); ?>

'; __("You can start a virtual machine."); echo ""._("Click here to do so.").""; echo ''; } else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"._("Start time")."".$infos['date_start']."
"._("Click here to stop the machine")."
"; } // empty infos ?>

http://user['login'].':ALTERNC_PASSWORD@'.$host.'/vm.php?http_auth=1&script=1&action=start' ?>
http://user['login'].':ALTERNC_PASSWORD@'.$host.'/vm.php?http_auth=1&script=1&action=stop' ?>
http://user['login'].':ALTERNC_PASSWORD@'.$host.'/vm.php?http_auth=1&script=1' ?>