enabled) { __("This page is restricted to authorized staff"); exit(); } $fields = array ( "show" => array ("request", "string", ""), "creator" => array("request", "integer", 0), "short" => array("request", "integer", -1), "pattern" => array("request", "string", FALSE), ); getFields($fields); if ($short!=-1) { $mem->adminpref($short); $mem->user["admlist"]=$short; } $subadmin=variable_get("subadmin_restriction", 0); // If we ask for all account but we aren't "admin" and // subadmin var is not 1 if ($show=="all" && !$subadmin==1 && $cuid != 2000) { __("This page is restricted to authorized staff"); exit(); } if ($pattern) $r=$admin->get_list($show == 'all' ? 1 : 0, $creator, $pattern); else $r = FALSE; ?>

  " />

' , $error, '

'; } if (!$r) { __("Enter a pattern for login list"); exit (0); } ?>


' . _('List all AlternC accounts') . ''; if ($subadmin==1 || $cuid==2000) { $list_creators = $admin->get_creator_list(); $infos_creators = array(); foreach ($list_creators as $key => $val) { $infos_creators[] = '' . $val['login'] . ''; } if (count($infos_creators)) { echo ' ('._("Or only the accounts of:")." ". implode(', ', $infos_creators) . ')'; } echo "

"; } } else { echo '

' . _('List only my accounts') . '

'; } }// END ($subadmin==1 || $cuid==2000) if (!is_array($r)) { echo '

' , _("No account defined for now"), '

'; } else { ?>
user["admlist"]==0) { // Normal (large) mode ?>

  5) { ?> " />

user["admlist"]==1) { // SHORT MODE ?> [  ]     [  ]     [  ]    

  50) { ?> " />

">  " value="" /> > "> 
renew_get_expiry($val['uid']) ?>
lst"> ">     lst" > ">   lst" > ">   lst" > ">  
'; $val=null; if (isset($r[$z+2*$rz])) { $val=$r[$z+2*$rz]; } if (is_array($val)) { ?> '; } // for loop } // Short Mode ?>
  " id="id_c_" /> " title="">[  ] " title="">[  ] checkcreator($val['uid'])) { ?> " title="">[  ] ">   " id="id_c_" /> " title="">[  ] " title="">[  ] checkcreator($val['uid'])) { ?> " title="">[  ] ">
">  " id="id_c_" /> " title="">[  ] " title="">[  ] checkcreator($val['uid'])) { ?> " title="">[  ] ">

" />