AlternC is a software helping system administrators to handle Web and Email services management. It should be easy to install, based only on free software.
This software consist of an automatic install and configuration system, a web control panel to manage hosted users and their web services such as domains, email accounts, ftp accounts, web statistics...
Technically, AlternC is based on Debian GNU/Linux distribution and it depends on other software such as Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, Mailman (...). It also contains an API documentation so that users can easily customize their web desktop.
This project native language is French, and the code is commented in English. The packages are available at least in French and English, German and Spanish interfaces are usually available too.
* This software is built around a Debian package for Stretch whose packaging instructions are located in [debian/](debian/) folder (this package can be installed on Jessie safely too)
* The web control panel pages written in PHP are located in [bureau/admin](bureau/admin) and the associated PHP classes doing the stuff are in [bureau/class](bureau/class).
AlternC's translations (po files) are distributed under the [Creative Commons CC0 license]( Don't participate to the translation if you don't agree to publish your translations under that license.