
34 lines
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require 'yard'
require 'puppet/pops'
require_relative '../../../yardoc'
module Puppetx::Yardoc::YARD::CodeObjects
class HostClassObject < YARD::CodeObjects::NamespaceObject
# The `YARD::Codeobjects::Base` class pulls a bunch of shenanigans to
# insert proxy namespaces. Unfortunately, said shenanigans pick up on the
# `::` in Puppet names and start to mangle things based on rules for the
# Ruby language.
# Therefore, we must override `new` for great justice.
# TODO: Ask around on the YARD mailing list to see if there is a way around
# this ugliness.
# Alternately, consider ensuring all `proxy` objects resolve to a
# placeholder `NamespaceObject` as the name mangling behavior of these is
# easier to control.
def self.new(namespace, name, *args, &block)
# Standard Ruby boilerplate for `new`
obj = self.allocate
obj.send :initialize, namespace, name, *args
# The last bit of `YARD::CodeObjects::Base.new`.
existing_obj = YARD::Registry.at(obj.path)
obj = existing_obj if existing_obj && existing_obj.class == self
yield(obj) if block_given?