require 'spec_helper' require 'puppetx/strings/pops/yard_statement' describe Puppetx::Strings::Pops do let(:parser) {} describe "YARDstatement class" do let(:manifest) {"#hello world\nclass foo { }"} let(:model) {parser.parse_string(manifest).current.definitions.first} let(:test_statement) {} describe "when creating a new instance of YARDStatement" do it "should extract comments from the source code" do expect(test_statement.comments).to match(/^#hello world/) end end end describe "YARDTransfomer class" do let(:manifest) {"#hello world\nclass foo($bar) { }"} let(:manifest_default) {"#hello world\nclass foo($bar = 3) { }"} let(:transformer) {} describe "transform method" do it "should perform the correct transformation with parameter defaults" do model = parser.parse_string(manifest_default).current.definitions.first statements = transformer.transform(model) expect(statements.parameters[0][0].class).to be(Puppetx::Strings::Pops::YARDStatement) end it "should perform the correct transofmration without parameter defaults" do model = parser.parse_string(manifest).current.definitions.first statements = transformer.transform(model) expect(statements.parameters[0][1].class).to be(NilClass) end end end end