##2015-09-21 - Release 0.3.0


This release includes support for Puppet Types and Providers, as well as
type checking Puppet 4x functions and defined types. As part of generating html
documentation, strings now emits JSON representing the information it parsed
for use by other tools possibly including the Puppet Forge.

All related tickets can be found under the [PDOC][PDOC JIRA] JIRA project with
the fix version of [0.3.0][0.3.0 search].

[0.3.0 search]: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDOC-45?jql=project%20%3D%20PDOC%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22PDOC%200.3.0%22


- Emit JSON structured data **(PDOC-23)** **(PDOC-22)**
- Support for Puppet Types and Providers **(PDOC-35)**
- Type check Puppet 4x functions and defined types where possible and warn the user when types don't match.
  - Type check defined types **(PDOC-21)**
  - Type check Puppet 4x functions **(PDOC-38)** **(PDOC-19)** **(PDOC-37)**
  - Output type info in generated HTML **(PDOC-19)**
- Improved warnings and logging.
  - Create a consistent style for warnings. **(PDOC-49)**
  - All warnings get printed on stderr.
  - Yard warnings are redirected to a log file **(PDOC-38)**
  - Prevent duplicate warnings **(PDOC-38)**
- Improved README installation and usage instructions.
  - Installation instructions using Puppet **(PDOC-33)**


- Fix markdown list processing **(PDOC-30)**

##2015-03-17 - Release 0.2.0

This release includes improvements to the HTML output generated by strings and a few bug fixes.
All related tickets can be found under the [PDOC][PDOC JIRA] JIRA project with the fix version of [0.2.0](https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/issues/?filter=13760).

[PDOC JIRA]: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDOC

- Custom YARD templates for classes and defined types **(PDOC-17)**
    - Improved HMTL output that is more appropriate for Puppet code (especially for parameters)
    - Support for the explicit list of YARD tags we will be supporting initially (@param, @return, @since, @example)
    - Our own custom YARD templates which can be easily extended and tweaked
- Custom YARD templates for 3.x and 4.x functions **(PDOC-24)**
    - Improved HMTL output that is more appropriate for listing several functions on one webpage in addition to being more consistent with the HTML produced for classes and defined types.
    - Support for the explicit list of YARD tags we will be supporting initially (@param, @return, @since, @example)
    - Our own custom YARD templates which can be easily extended and tweaked
- Addition of RubCop Travis CI job to ensure code quality and consistency **(PDOC-8)**

- Puppet namespaces are no longer mangled for nested classes and defined types **(PDOC-25)**
- Strings is now compatible with the renaming of the Puppetx/puppetx namespace to PuppetX/puppet_x **(PDOC-26)**
- Strings will no longer crash when documenting 3x functions with less than two arguments passed into newfunction **(PDOC-27)**