(PDOC-37) Test errors are output properly

Also comment out a statement which we frequently use for debugging which
snuck in by accident.
This commit is contained in:
Ian Kronquist 2015-07-01 18:47:54 -07:00
parent 463d4e0a1f
commit d37e071ab7
3 changed files with 80 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ Puppet::Face.define(:strings, '0.0.1') do
# For now, assume the remaining positional args are a list of manifest
# and ruby files to parse.
yard_args = (args.empty? ? MODULE_SOURCEFILES : args)
class YARD::Logger; def progress(*args); end; end
# This line monkeypatches yard's progress indicator so it doesn't write
# all over the terminal. This should definitely not be in real code, but
# it's very handy for debugging with pry
#class YARD::Logger; def progress(*args); end; end

View File

@ -54,12 +54,21 @@ describe PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::Handlers::Puppet4xFunctionHandler d
expect(the_namespace).to document_a(:type => :puppetnamespace)
it "should not add anything to the Registry if incorrect ruby code is present" do
parse <<-RUBY
# The summary
This is not ruby code
expect(YARD::Registry.all).to be_empty
it "should issue a warning if the parameter names do not match the docstring" do
expected_output_not_a_param = "[warn]: @param tag has unknown parameter" +
" name: not_a_param \n in file `(stdin)' near line 3"
expected_output_also_not_a_param = "[warn]: @param tag has unknown " +
"parameter name: also_not_a_param \n in file `(stdin)' near line 3"
expect {
parse <<-RUBY
# @param not_a_param [Integer] the first number to be compared
# @param also_not_a_param [Integer] the second number to be compared
Puppet::Functions.create_function(:max) do
def max(num_a, num_b)
num_a >= num_b ? num_a : num_b
}.to output("#{expected_output_not_a_param}\n#{expected_output_also_not_a_param}\n").to_stdout_from_any_process

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'puppet_x/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/template_helper'
require 'puppet_x/puppetlabs/strings/yard/code_objects/puppet_namespace_object'
require 'strings_spec/parsing'
describe TemplateHelper do
it "should not print any warning if the tags and parameters match" do
th = TemplateHelper.new
# Case 0: If the documented tags do include the parameter,
# nothing is printed
tag0 = YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:param, 'a_parameter')
tag0.name = 'a_parameter'
obj0 = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet3xFunctions')
obj0.add_tag tag0
obj0.parameters = [['a_parameter']]
expect { th.check_parameters_match_docs obj0 }.to output("").to_stderr_from_any_process
# The docstring is still alive between tests. Clear the tags registered with
# it so the tags won't persist between tests.
obj0.docstring.instance_variable_set("@tags", [])
it "should print the warning with no location data if the tags and " +
"parameters differ and the location data is not properly formed" do
th = TemplateHelper.new
# Case 1: If the parameter and tag differ and the location is not properly
# formed, print out the warning with no location data
tag1 = YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:param, 'aa_parameter')
tag1.name = 'aa_parameter'
obj1 = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet3xFunctions')
obj1.add_tag tag1
obj1.parameters = [['b_parameter']]
expect { th.check_parameters_match_docs obj1 }.to output("[warn]: The parameter aa_parameter is documented, but doesn't exist in your code. Sorry, the file and line number could not be determined.\n").to_stderr_from_any_process
# The docstring is still alive between tests. Clear the tags registered with
# it so the tags won't persist between tests.
obj1.docstring.instance_variable_set("@tags", [])
it "should print the warning with location data if the tags and parameters " +
"differ and the location data is properly formed" do
th = TemplateHelper.new
# Case 2: If the parameter and tag differ and the location is properly
# formed, print out the warning with no location data
tag2 = YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:param, 'aaa_parameter')
tag2.name = 'aaa_parameter'
obj2 = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet3xFunctions')
obj2.files = [['some_file.pp', 42]]
obj2.add_tag tag2
obj2.parameters = [['b_parameter']]
expect { th.check_parameters_match_docs obj2 }.to output("[warn]: The parameter aaa_parameter is documented, but doesn't exist in your code, in file some_file.pp near line 42\n").to_stderr_from_any_process
# The docstring is still alive between tests. Clear the tags registered with
# it so the tags won't persist between tests.
obj2.docstring.instance_variable_set("@tags", [])