diff --git a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/box_info.erb b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/box_info.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1780c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/box_info.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ - Defined in:
+ -
+ <% @source_files.each do |file| %>
+ <%= file[0] %>:
+ <%= file[1] %>
+ <% end %>
diff --git a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/docstring.erb b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/docstring.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5110a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/docstring.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<% @class_details.each do |func| %>
+ >
+ <%= func[:name] %>
<%= htmlify(func[:desc]) %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/header.erb b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/header.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b3dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/header.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/method_summary.erb b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/method_summary.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d61392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/html/method_summary.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Available Functions
diff --git a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/setup.rb b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/setup.rb
index cf37b36..a310566 100644
--- a/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/setup.rb
+++ b/lib/puppetx/puppetlabs/strings/yard/templates/default/puppetnamespace/setup.rb
@@ -3,5 +3,122 @@ include T('default/module')
def init
sections :header, :box_info, :pre_docstring, T('docstring'),
:method_summary, [:item_summary],
- :method_details_list, [T('method_details')]
+ :method_details_list, :method_details
+ @methods = object.children
+def header
+ if @methods[0]['puppet_4x_function']
+ @header_text = "Puppet 4 Functions"
+ else
+ @header_text = "Puppet 3 Functions"
+ end
+ erb(:header)
+def box_info
+ @source_files = []
+ @methods.each do |method|
+ # extract the file name and line number for each method
+ file_name = method.files[0][0]
+ line_number = method.files[0][1]
+ @source_files.push([method.name, "#{file_name} (#{line_number})"])
+ end
+ erb(:box_info)
+def method_summary
+ @method_details = []
+ @methods.each do |method|
+ # If there are multiple sentences in the method description, only
+ # use the first one for the summary. If the author did not include
+ # any periods in their summary, include the whole thing
+ first_sentence = method.docstring.match(/^(.*?)\./)
+ brief_summary = first_sentence ? first_sentence : method.docstring
+ return_tag = method.tags.find { |tag| tag.tag_name == "return"}
+ return_types = return_tag.nil? ? nil : return_tag.types
+ @method_details.push({:name => method.name, :short_desc => brief_summary, :return_types => return_types})
+ end
+ erb(:method_summary)
+def method_details
+ @class_details = []
+ @methods.each do |object|
+ examples = Hash.new
+ example_tags = object.tags.find_all { |tag| tag.tag_name == "example" }
+ example_tags.each do |example|
+ examples["#{example.name}"] = example.text
+ end
+ return_tag = object.tags.find { |tag| tag.tag_name == "return"}
+ return_text = return_tag.nil? ? nil : return_tag.text
+ return_types = return_tag.nil? ? nil : return_tag.types
+ return_details = (return_text.nil? && return_types.nil?) ? nil : [return_text, return_types]
+ since_tag = object.tags.find { |tag| tag.tag_name == "since"}
+ since_text = since_tag.nil? ? nil : since_tag.text
+ param_details = nil
+ if object['puppet_4x_function']
+ param_tags = object.tags.find_all{ |tag| tag.tag_name == "param"}
+ # Extract the source code
+ source_code = object.source
+ # Extract the parameters for the source code
+ parameters = source_code.match(/(?:def .*)\((.*?)\)/)
+ # Convert the matched string into an array of strings
+ params = parameters.nil? ? nil : parameters[1].split(/\s*,\s*/)
+ param_details = extract_param_details(params, param_tags)
+ end
+ @class_details.push({:name => object.name, :desc => object.docstring, :examples => examples, :since => since_text, :return => return_details, :params => param_details})
+ end
+ erb(:docstring)
+def extract_param_details(params_array, tags_hash)
+ if params_array.nil?
+ return
+ end
+ parameter_info = []
+ # Extract the information for parameters that actually exist
+ params_array.each do |param|
+ param_tag = tags_hash.find { |tag| tag.name == param }
+ description = param_tag.nil? ? nil : param_tag.text
+ param_types = param_tag.nil? ? nil : param_tag.types
+ parameter_info.push({:name => param, :desc => description, :types => param_types, :exists? => true})
+ end
+ # Check if there were any comments for parameters that do not exist
+ tags_hash.each do |tag|
+ param_exists = false
+ parameter_info.each do |parameter|
+ if parameter[:name] == tag.name
+ param_exists = true
+ end
+ end
+ if !param_exists
+ parameter_info.push({:name => tag.name, :desc => tag.text, :types => tag.types, :exists? => false})
+ end
+ end
+ parameter_info