(PDOC-21) Typecheck documented parameters

The documented parameter types should be compared with the actual types when
This commit is contained in:
Ian Kronquist 2015-07-08 16:12:04 -07:00
parent 2e3821c2af
commit 4653a5f9f0
10 changed files with 185 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ class PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::DefinedTypeObject < Puppe
# A list of parameters attached to this class.
# @return [Array<Array(String, String)>]
attr_accessor :parameters
attr_accessor :type_info

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ class PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::HostClassObject < PuppetX
# The {HostClassObject} that this class inherits from, if any.
# @return [HostClassObject, Proxy, nil]
attr_accessor :parent_class
attr_accessor :type_info
# NOTE: `include_mods` is never used as it makes no sense for Puppet, but
# this is called by `YARD::Registry` and it will pass a parameter.

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ class PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject < Y
attr_accessor :type_info
# FIXME: We used to override `self.new` to ensure no YARD proxies were
# created for namespaces segments that did not map to a host class or
# defined type. Fighting the system in this way turned out to be

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@ -8,6 +8,23 @@ class PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::Handlers::HostClassHandler < PuppetX::
param_tuple << ( a[1].nil? ? nil : a[1].source )
tp = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.new
param_type_info = {}
statement.pops_obj.parameters.each do |pop_param|
# If the parameter's type expression is nil, default to Any
if pop_param.type_expr == nil
param_type_info[pop_param.name] = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.any()
param_type_info[pop_param.name] = tp.interpret_any(pop_param.type_expr)
rescue Puppet::ParseError
# If the type could not be interpreted, default to type Any
param_type_info[pop_param.name] = "TypeError - " +
"#{pop_param.type_expr} isn't a valid type."
obj.type_info = [param_type_info]
statement.pops_obj.tap do |o|
if o.parent_class

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@ -52,19 +52,24 @@ class Puppet4xFunctionHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base
obj = MethodObject.new(function_namespace, name) do |o|
# overload_signatures is a array of arrays of tuples or empty:
# The data structure for overload_signatures is an array of hashes. Each
# hash represents the arguments a single function dispatch (aka overload)
# can take.
# overload_signatures = [
# [ # First function dispatch arguments
# { # First function dispatch arguments
# # argument name, argument type
# ['arg0', 'Variant[String,Array[String]]'
# ['arg1', 'Optional[Type]']
# ],
# [ # Second function dispatch arguments
# ['arg0', 'Variant[String,Array[String]]'
# ['arg1', 'Optional[Type]']
# ['arg2', 'Any']
# ]
# 'arg0': 'Variant[String,Array[String]]',
# 'arg1': 'Optional[Type]'
# },
# { # Second function dispatch arguments
# 'arg0': 'Variant[String,Array[String]]',
# 'arg1': 'Optional[Type]',
# 'arg2': 'Any'
# }
# ]
# Note that the order for arguments to a function doesn't actually matter
# because we allow users flexibility when listing their arguments in the
# comments.
overload_signatures = []
statement.traverse do |node|
# Find all of the dispatch methods
@ -75,16 +80,23 @@ class Puppet4xFunctionHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base
if do_block == command
signature = {}
# Iterate through each of the children of the do block and build
# tuples of parameter names and parameter type signatures
do_block.children.first.children.each do |child|
overload_signatures <<= [extract_type_from_command(child)]
name, type = extract_type_from_command(child)
# This can happen if there is a function or something we aren't
# expecting.
if name != nil and type != nil
signature[name] = type
overload_signatures <<= signature
# If the overload_signatures array is empty because we couldn't find any
# dispatch blocks, then there must be one method named the same as the
# If the overload_signatures list is empty because we couldn't find any
# dispatch blocks, then there must be one function named the same as the
# name of the function being created.
if overload_signatures.length == 0
statement.traverse do |node|
@ -92,7 +104,7 @@ class Puppet4xFunctionHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base
# function being created.
if (node.type == :def and node.children.first.type == :ident and
node.children.first.source == obj.name.to_s)
signature = []
signature = {}
# Find its parameters. If they don't exist, fine
params = node.jump :params
break if params == node
@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ class Puppet4xFunctionHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base
if param.type == :ident
# The parameters of Puppet functions with no defined dispatch are
# as though they are Any type.
signature << [param[0], 'Any']
signature[param[0]] = 'Any'
overload_signatures <<= signature
@ -114,9 +126,9 @@ class Puppet4xFunctionHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base
# at the docstring.
obj.type_info = overload_signatures
# The yard docstring parser expects a array of arrays, not a array of
# arrays of arrays.
obj.parameters = overload_signatures.flatten(1)
# The yard docstring parser expects a list of lists, not a list of lists of
# lists.
obj.parameters = overload_signatures.map { |sig| sig.to_a }.flatten(1)
obj['puppet_4x_function'] = true

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@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ def init
@template_helper = TemplateHelper.new
@template_helper.check_parameters_match_docs object
params = object.parameters.map { |param| param.first }
param_tags = object.tags.find_all{ |tag| tag.tag_name == "param"}
param_details = @template_helper.extract_param_details(params, param_tags) unless params.nil?
@template_helper.check_types_match_docs object, param_details
def subclasses

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@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ def method_details_list
params = parameters.nil? ? nil : parameters[1].split(/\s*,\s*/)
param_details = @template_helper.extract_param_details(params, param_tags) unless params.nil?
@template_helper.check_types_match_docs object, param_details
param_details = @template_helper.comment_only_param_details(param_tags)

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@ -105,6 +105,63 @@ class TemplateHelper
# Check that any types specified in the docstrings match the actual method
# types. This is used by puppet 4x functions and defined types.
# @param object the code object to examine for parameters names
def check_types_match_docs(object, params_hash)
# We'll need this to extract type info from the type specified by the
# docstring.
type_parser = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.new
type_calculator = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new
object.type_info.each do |function|
function.keys.each do |key|
if function[key].class == String
instantiated = type_parser.parse function[key].gsub(/'/, '').gsub(/"/, "")
rescue Puppet::ParseError
# Likely the result of a malformed type
instantiated = function[key]
params_hash.each do |param|
if param[:name] == key and param[:types] != nil
param[:types].each do |type|
param_instantiated = type_parser.parse type
if not type_calculator.assignable? instantiated, param_instantiated
actual_types = object.type_info.map do |sig|
# Get the locations where the object can be found. We only care about
# the first one.
locations = object.files
# If the locations aren't in the shape we expect then report that
# the file number couldn't be determined.
if locations.length >= 1 and locations[0].length == 2
file = locations[0][0]
line = locations[0][1]
warning = "@param tag types do not match the code. The " +
"#{param[:name]} parameter is declared as types #{param[:types]} in " +
"the docstring, but the code specifies the types " +
"#{actual_types.inspect} in file #{file} near line #{line}"
warning = "@param tag types do not match the code. The " +
"#{param[:name]} parameter is declared as types #{param[:types]} in " +
"the docstring, but the code specifies the types " +
"#{actual_types.inspect} Sorry, the file and line number could" +
"not be determined."
log.warn warning
# Check that the actual function parameters match what is stated in the docs.
# If there is a mismatch, print a warning to stderr.
# This is necessary for puppet classes and defined types. This type of

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@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ describe PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::Handlers::Puppet4xFunctionHandler d
"parameter name: also_not_a_param \n in file `(stdin)' near line 3"
expect {
parse <<-RUBY
# @param not_a_param Integer the first number to be compared
# @param also_not_a_param Integer the second number to be compared
# @param not_a_param [Integer] the first number to be compared
# @param also_not_a_param [Integer] the second number to be compared
Puppet::Functions.create_function(:max) do
dispatch max_1 do
param 'Integer[1,2]', :num_a
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ describe PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::Handlers::Puppet4xFunctionHandler d
"docstring in dispatch method" do
expect {
parse <<-RUBY
# @param num_a Integer the first number to be compared
# @param num_b Integer the second number to be compared
# @param [Integer] num_a the first number to be compared
# @param num_b [Integer] the second number to be compared
Puppet::Functions.create_function(:max) do
dispatch max_1 do
param 'Integer', :num_a

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@ -56,4 +56,70 @@ describe TemplateHelper do
obj2.docstring.instance_variable_set("@tags", [])
it "should issue a warning if the parameter types do not match the docstring in dispatch method" do
expected_output_not_a_param = "[warn]: @param tag types do not match the" +
" code. The arg1 parameter is declared as types [\"Integer\"] in the " +
"docstring, but the code specifies the types [\"Optional[String]\"] " +
"in file test near line 0\n"
object = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet4xFunctions')
object.files = [['test', 0]]
object.type_info = [{
'arg0' => 'Variant[String,Array[String]]',
'arg1' => 'Optional[String]'
param_details = [{
:name => 'arg0',
:types => ['Variant[String,Array[String]]']
:name => 'arg1',
:types => ['Integer']
template_helper = TemplateHelper.new
expect {
template_helper.check_types_match_docs(object, param_details)
}.to output(expected_output_not_a_param).to_stdout_from_any_process
it "should not issue a warning if the parameter types do match the docstring in dispatch method" do
object = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet4xFunctions')
object.files = [['test', 0]]
object.type_info = [{
'arg0' => 'Variant[String,Array[String]]',
'arg1' => 'Optional[String]'
param_details = [{
:name => 'arg0',
:types => ['Variant[String,Array[String]]']
:name => 'arg1',
:types => ['Optional[String]']
template_helper = TemplateHelper.new
expect {
template_helper.check_types_match_docs(object, param_details)
}.to output("").to_stdout_from_any_process
it "should not issue a warning if the types in the docstring in dispatch method are assignable to parameter types" do
object = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::YARD::CodeObjects::PuppetNamespaceObject.new(:root, 'Puppet4xFunctions')
object.files = [['test', 0]]
object.type_info = [{
'arg0' => 'Variant[String,Array[String]]',
'arg1' => 'Optional[String]'
param_details = [{
:name => 'arg0',
:types => ['Variant[String,Array[String]]']
:name => 'arg1',
:types => ['String']
template_helper = TemplateHelper.new
expect {
template_helper.check_types_match_docs(object, param_details)
}.to output("").to_stdout_from_any_process