(PDOC-155) Allow type documentation in Puppet 4 code

Because Puppet 4 is typed, parameter type information can
be automatically determined without any explicit documentation
in @param tags. However, users may desire to do so anyway for
consistency. This commit allows @param tags to include a [type]
in Puppet 4 code. Strings will emit a warning if the documented
type does not match the actual type. In such an event, the incorrect
documented type will be ignored in favor of the real one.
This commit is contained in:
Will Hopper 2017-01-10 11:06:04 -08:00
parent 5b7ee1901f
commit 165170c08b
5 changed files with 79 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -210,15 +210,15 @@ The Strings elements appearing in the above comment block are:
* The `include` statement, which adds the usage example code.
* Two `@param` tags, with the name of the parameter first, followed by a string describing the parameter's purpose.
Puppet 4 is a typed language, so Puppet Strings automatically documents the parameter types from code. With Puppet 3, however, include the parameter type with the `@param` tag:
Puppet 4 is a typed language, so Puppet Strings automatically documents the parameter types from code. You may optionally include a parameter type in the `@param` tag. Strings will emit a warning and ignore the documented type should it differ from the actual type.
With Puppet 3 code, you must always include the parameter type with the `@param` tag:
# @param first [String] The first parameter for this class.
# @param second [Integer] The second parameter for this class.
Note that if you document a parameter's type, and that parameter already has a Puppet type specifier, Strings emits a warning.
Defined types are documented in exactly the same way as classes:

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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Puppet::Base < YARD::Handlers::Base
# Warn if the parameter is typed and the tag also has a type
log.warn "The @param tag for parameter '#{parameter.name}' should not contain a type specification near #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}: ignoring in favor of parameter type information." if parameter.type && tag.types && !tag.types.empty?
# Warn if the parameter type and tag types don't match
log.warn "The type of the @param tag for parameter '#{parameter.name}' does not match the parameter type specification near #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}: ignoring in favor of parameter type information." if parameter.type && tag.types && !tag.types.empty? && parameter.type != tag.types[0]
if parameter.type
tag.types = [parameter.type]

View File

@ -111,7 +111,30 @@ SOURCE
describe 'parsing a class with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type' do
describe 'parsing a class with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which matches' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo class.
# @param [Integer] param1 First param.
# @param param2 Second param.
# @param param3 Third param.
class foo(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) inherits foo::bar {
file { '/tmp/foo':
ensure => present
it 'should respect the type that was documented' do
expect{ subject }.to output('').to_stdout_from_any_process
expect(subject.size).to eq(1)
tags = subject.first.tags(:param)
expect(tags.size).to eq(3)
expect(tags[0].types).to eq(['Integer'])
describe 'parsing a class with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which does not match' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo class.
# @param [Boolean] param1 First param.
@ -126,7 +149,7 @@ SOURCE
it 'should output a warning' do
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The @param tag for parameter 'param1' should not contain a type specification near \(stdin\):5: ignoring in favor of parameter type information\./).to_stdout_from_any_process
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The type of the @param tag for parameter 'param1' does not match the parameter type specification near \(stdin\):5: ignoring in favor of parameter type information./).to_stdout_from_any_process

View File

@ -111,7 +111,30 @@ SOURCE
describe 'parsing a defined type with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type' do
describe 'parsing a defined type with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which matches' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo defined type.
# @param [Integer] param1 First param.
# @param param2 Second param.
# @param param3 Third param.
define foo(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) {
file { '/tmp/foo':
ensure => present
it 'should respect the type that was documented' do
expect{ subject }.to output('').to_stdout_from_any_process
expect(subject.size).to eq(1)
tags = subject.first.tags(:param)
expect(tags.size).to eq(3)
expect(tags[0].types).to eq(['Integer'])
describe 'parsing a defined type with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which does not match' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo defined type.
# @param [Boolean] param1 First param.
@ -126,7 +149,7 @@ SOURCE
it 'should output a warning' do
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The @param tag for parameter 'param1' should not contain a type specification near \(stdin\):5: ignoring in favor of parameter type information\./).to_stdout_from_any_process
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The type of the @param tag for parameter 'param1' does not match the parameter type specification near \(stdin\):5: ignoring in favor of parameter type information./).to_stdout_from_any_process

View File

@ -115,7 +115,29 @@ SOURCE
describe 'parsing a function with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type' do
describe 'parsing a function with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which matches' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo function.
# @param [Integer] param1 First param.
# @param param2 Second param.
# @param param3 Third param.
# @return [Undef] Returns nothing.
function foo(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) {
notice 'hello world'
it 'should respect the type that was documented' do
expect{ subject }.to output('').to_stdout_from_any_process
expect(subject.size).to eq(1)
tags = subject.first.tags(:param)
expect(tags.size).to eq(3)
expect(tags[0].types).to eq(['Integer'])
describe 'parsing a function with a typed parameter that also has a @param tag type which does not match' do
let(:source) { <<-SOURCE
# A simple foo function.
# @param [Boolean] param1 First param.
@ -129,7 +151,7 @@ SOURCE
it 'should output a warning' do
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The @param tag for parameter 'param1' should not contain a type specification near \(stdin\):6: ignoring in favor of parameter type information\./).to_stdout_from_any_process
expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The type of the @param tag for parameter 'param1' does not match the parameter type specification near \(stdin\):6: ignoring in favor of parameter type information./).to_stdout_from_any_process