Install the [puppet-strings]( gem. To ensure that Strings is installed in the right place, install the gem with Puppet as shown below.
Puppet Strings supports YARD options (on the command line, run `yard help doc` for a list of possible options. To set YARD options, specify a `yardopts` file in the same directory in which you run `puppet strings`.
Puppet Strings supports the Markdown format and automatically sets the YARD `markup` option to `markdown`.
## Generating documentation with Puppet Strings
The `puppet strings` command processes the `README` file, as well as all Puppet and Ruby source files under the `./manifests/`, `./functions/`, and `./lib/`
directories, and then creates HTML documentation under the `./doc/` directory.
### Set additional options for document generation
If you need to specify additional options when generating documentation, use the `puppet strings:generate` rake task. This command behaves exactly as `puppet strings generate`, but allows you to add the following parameters:
*`patterns`: the search patterns to use for finding files to document (defaults to `manifests/**/*.pp functions/**/*.pp types/**/*.pp lib/**/*.rb`).
*`debug`: enables debug output when set to `true`.
*`backtrace`: enables backtraces for errors when set to `true`.
*`markup`: the markup language to use (defaults to `markdown`).
*`yard_args`: additional arguments to pass to YARD.
For setup and usage details for the `puppet strings:generate` task, see [Rake tasks](#rake-tasks).
## Viewing generated documentation
Strings generates documentation as HTML in a `./doc/` directory within the module for which you are generating documentation. Strings can also serve the generated docs locally or output documentation in JSON.
### Serve documents locally
Strings can serve the generated HTML documentation with the `server` action. This action serves documentation for all modules in the [module path]( at `http://localhost:8808`.
Strings can produce documentation in JSON and then either generate a `.json` file or print JSON to stdout. This can be useful for handling or displaying the data with your own custom applications.
To generate documents and then make them available on [GitHub Pages](, use the Strings rake task `strings:gh_pages:update`. See [Rake tasks](#rake-tasks) for setup and usage details.
Strings relies on code comments and YARD docstrings to specify documentation comments. Comments can include free-form text that is treated as a high-level overview for the element being documented. You can also include any number of YARD tags that hold semantic metadata for various aspects of the code. These tags allow you to add this data to the code without worrying about presentation.
Puppet 4 is a typed language, so Puppet Strings automatically documents the parameter types from code. With Puppet 3, however, include the parameter type with the `@param` tag:
# @param [String] first The first parameter for this class.
# @param [Integer] second The second parameter for this class.
Note that if you document a parameter's type, and that parameter already has a Puppet type specifier, Strings emits a warning.
Defined types are documented in exactly the same way as classes:
To document resource types, pass descriptions for each parameter, property, and the resource type itself to the `desc` method. Each description can include other tags as well, including examples.
If your resource type includes dynamically created parameters and properties, you must also use the `#@!puppet.type.param` and `#@!` directives **before** the `newtype` call. This is necessary because Strings does not evaluate Ruby code, so it cannot detect dynamic attributes.
All provider method calls, including `confine`, `defaultfor`, and `commands`, are automatically parsed and documented by Strings. The `desc` method is used to generate the docstring, and can include tags such as `@example` if written as a heredoc.
**Note**: Puppet Strings automatically uses the parameter type information from the `dispatch` block to document the parameter types. Only document your parameter types when the Puppet 4.x function contains no `dispatch` calls.
If the Puppet 4 function contains multiple `dispatch` calls, Puppet Strings automatically creates `overload` tags to describe the function's overloads:
Because Puppet 3 is not typed in the way Puppet 4 is, specify the type for each parameter (for example, `@param [String]` for a string parameter). If a parameter type is omitted, a default of the `Any` Puppet type will be used.
You can spread tag descriptions across multiple lines, similar to multi-line examples, as long as subsequent lines are each uniformly indented by at least one space.
*`@example`: Shows an example snippet of code for an object. The first line is an optional title. See above for more about how to [include examples in documentation](#including-examples-in-documentation).
*`@!puppet.type.param`: Documents dynamic type parameters. See [Documenting resource types and providers](#documenting-resource-types-and-providers) above.
*`@!`: Documents dynamic type properties. See [Documenting resource types and providers](#documenting-resource-types-and-providers) above.
*`@return`: Describes the return value (and type or types) of a method. You can list multiple return tags for a method if the method has distinct return cases. In this case, begin each case with "if".
*`@see`: Adds "see also" references. Accepts URLs or other code objects with an optional description at the end. Note that the URL or object is automatically linked by YARD and does not need markup formatting.
You can use Puppet Strings rake tasks to generate documentation with additional options or to make your generated docs available on [GitHub Pages](
For example, the task below adds a search pattern, debugs output, backtraces errors, sets the markup language to `markdown`, and passes an additional YARD argument setting the readme file to ``:
If you'd like to contribute to puppet-strings, check out []( to get information on the contribution process.
Please log tickets and issues in our [JIRA tracker][JIRA]. A [mailing list](!forum/puppet-users) is available for asking questions and getting help from others.
Bug fixes and ongoing development will occur in minor releases for the current major version. Security fixes will be ported to a previous major version on a best-effort basis, until the previous major version is no longer maintained.