2015-09-02 15:38:23 +00:00
require 'puppet_x/puppetlabs/strings/actions'
module PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::Util
MODULE_SOURCEFILES = ['manifests/**/*.pp', 'lib/**/*.rb']
def self.generate(args = [])
yardoc_actions = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::Actions.new(Puppet[:debug], Puppet[:trace])
# The last element of the argument array should be the options hash.
# We don't have any options yet, so for now just pop the hash off and
# toss it.
# NOTE: The Puppet Face will throw 'unrecognized option' errors if any
# YARD options are passed to it. The best way to approach this problem is
# by using the `.yardopts` file. YARD will autoload any options placed in
# that file.
2015-10-08 01:22:29 +00:00
options = args.pop
YARD::Config.options = YARD::Config.options.merge(options)
2015-09-02 15:38:23 +00:00
# For now, assume the remaining positional args are a list of manifest
# and ruby files to parse.
yard_args = (args.empty? ? MODULE_SOURCEFILES : args)
# This line monkeypatches yard's progress indicator so it doesn't write
# all over the terminal. This should definitely not be in real code, but
# it's very handy for debugging with pry
#class YARD::Logger; def progress(*args); end; end
2015-09-16 15:14:31 +00:00
2015-09-02 15:38:23 +00:00
def self.serve(args = [])
server_actions = PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Strings::Actions.new(Puppet[:debug], Puppet[:trace])
module_names = args
# FIXME: This is pretty inefficient as it forcibly re-generates the YARD
# indicies each time the server is started. However, it ensures things are
# generated properly.
module_list = server_actions.index_documentation_for_modules(module_names, MODULE_SOURCEFILES)
module_tuples = server_actions.generate_module_tuples(module_list)
module_tuples.map! do |mod|
[mod[:name], mod[:index_path]]
# The `-m` flag means a list of name/path pairs will follow. The name is
# used as the module name and the path indicates which `.yardoc` index to
# generate documentation from.
yard_args = %w[-m -q] + module_tuples.flatten