define alternc::bureau::account ( String $mail, String $password = '', String $ensure = 'present', String $username = $name, Boolean $enabled = true, Boolean $su = false, String $account_type = 'default', $creator = 2000, # Usually an integer, but could be 'NULL' Integer $db_server_id = 1 ) { # @TODO: Values containing a single-quote should be escaped # @TODO: Maybe it's better to define complicated types in ruby? # @TODO: Convert password to sha512cr? $mysql_command = '/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf' $account_exists = "${mysql_command} -e \"select uid, login from membres where login = '${username}'\\G\" | grep -q 'login: ${username}'" $account_add = "${mysql_command} -e \"insert into membres (login, mail, enabled, su, type, creator, db_server_id) VALUES ('${username}', '${mail}', ${enabled}, ${su}, '${account_type}', ${creator}, ${db_server_id});\"" $account_set = "${mysql_command} -e \"update membres set login = '${username}', mail = '${mail}', enabled = ${enabled}, su = ${su}, type = '${account_type}', creator = ${creator}, db_server_id = ${db_server_id} where login = '${username}'\"" $account_remove = "${mysql_command} -e \"delete from membres where login = '${username}'\"" $account_is = "${mysql_command} -e \"select login from membres where login = '${username}' and mail = '${mail}' and enabled = ${enabled} and su = ${su} and type = '${account_type}' and db_server_id = ${db_server_id}\\G\" | grep -q 'login: ${username}'" $real_ensure = $ensure ? { 'absent' => 'absent', default => 'present', } if $real_ensure == 'present' { exec { "alternc_bureau_account_set_${name}": command => $account_set, unless => $account_is, require => Package['alternc'], notify => Exec["alternc_bureau_account_${name}_set_password"], } exec { "alternc_bureau_account_add_${name}": command => $account_add, unless => $account_exists, require => Package['alternc'], notify => Exec["alternc_bureau_account_${name}_set_password"], } exec { "alternc_bureau_account_${name}_set_password": # @see /usr/lib/alternc/alternc-password command => "${mysql_command} -e \"update membres set pass = ENCRYPT('${password}', CONCAT('\\\$1\\\$',MD5('\$RND'))) where login = '${username}'\"", refreshonly => true, } } else { exec { "alternc_bureau_account_remove_${name}": command => $account_remove, onlyif => $account_exists, require => Package['alternc'], } } }