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66 lines
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# Installs a hostmaster on a debian system using the available repos.
# This module should be called from a profile where the other major software
# eg, webserver and db server are decided on.
class aegir::hostmaster (
# A hash with 'user', 'host', 'password'. Currently only mysql is supported by
# aegir.
$frontend_url = $::fqdn,
$version = 3,
$user = 'aegir', # Unused
$home = '/var/aegir', # Unused
# The webserver, apache2 or nginx.
$server = 'apache2',
# Commonly available releases: stable, unstable.
$release = 'stable',
$makefile = '',
$email = '',
$working_copy = false,
$drush_version = ''
) {
include apt
include stdlib
apt::source { 'aegir':
location => 'http://debian.aegirproject.org',
release => $release,
key => {
id => '12782E2257B468806EF36D165ADF93A03376CCF9',
source => 'http://debian.aegirproject.org/key.asc',
repos => 'main'
$package_name = "aegir${version}"
$debconf_settings = [
"${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/site string ${frontend_url}",
"${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/db_password string ${database['password']}",
"${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/db_host string ${database['host']}",
"${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/db_user string ${database['user']}"
if $email {
concat($debconf_settings, ["${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/email string ${email}"])
if $makefile {
concat($debconf_settings, ["${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/makefile string ${makefile}"])
if $working_copy {
concat($debconf_settings, ["${package_name}-hostmaster aegir/working-copy boolean true"])
if $drush_version {
concat($debconf_settings, ["aegir${version}-provision aegir/drush_version string ${drush_version}"])
file { '/etc/dpkg/aegir.response':
ensure => 'file',
content => join($debconf_settings, "\n")
package { 'aegir':
ensure => 'installed',
name => $package_name,
responsefile => '/etc/dpkg/aegir.response',
require => [