[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=1] [ext_resource path="res://ui/help.tex" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://help_widget.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://ui/help/help_1.tex" type="Texture" id=3] [node name="icon" type="TextureButton"] hint/tooltip = "Learn how to play the game" focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 0.0 margin/right = 0.0 margin/bottom = 0.0 toggle_mode = false enabled_focus_mode = 0 shortcut = null textures/normal = ExtResource( 1 ) params/resize_mode = 0 params/stretch_mode = 0 script/script = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="Container" type="Container" parent="."] visibility/visible = false focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = -173.0 margin/top = 13.0 margin/right = -133.0 margin/bottom = 53.0 [node name="TextureFrame" type="TextureFrame" parent="Container"] focus/ignore_mouse = true focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 94.0 margin/top = 25.0 margin/right = 944.0 margin/bottom = 525.0 texture = ExtResource( 3 ) stretch_mode = 0 [node name="Previous" type="Button" parent="Container"] focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 95.0 margin/top = 533.0 margin/right = 264.0 margin/bottom = 587.0 toggle_mode = false enabled_focus_mode = 2 shortcut = null text = "Previous Page" flat = false [node name="Next" type="Button" parent="Container"] focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 788.0 margin/top = 532.0 margin/right = 947.0 margin/bottom = 587.0 toggle_mode = false enabled_focus_mode = 2 shortcut = null text = "Next Page" flat = false [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="Container"] focus/ignore_mouse = true focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 0 margin/left = 387.0 margin/top = 541.0 margin/right = 628.0 margin/bottom = 575.0 text = "Page 1 / 1" align = 1 valign = 1 percent_visible = 1.0 lines_skipped = 0 max_lines_visible = -1 [connection signal="pressed" from="." to="." method="_on_icon_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Container/Previous" to="." method="_on_Previous_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Container/Next" to="." method="_on_Next_pressed"]