# Zzo theme for Hugo Thank you for click me!. Zzo theme is a blog theme for Hugo with free(always), and many features. If you find any bugs, or wanna share your custom color skin, or have some good idea to share with me and others who use this theme, feel free to open [github](https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo/issues) issue or pull request so that I can make this theme better. ## Table of contents * [Features](#features) * [Reference](#reference) * [Dependency](#dependency) * [Minimum Hugo version](#minimum-hugo-version) * [Installation](#installation) * [Updating](#updating) * [Run example site](#run-example-site) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Layout](#layout) * [Gallery](#gallery) * [Multi Language](#multi-language) * [Customizing](#customizing) * [Shortcodes](#shortcodes) ## Features * Multiple sub themes(dark, light, solarized, hacker) * A mobile menu * CSS grid and flex for layout * HTML5 * Hugo Pipes for js and sass * jQuery * Simple blog * Minify css * Meta tags and JSON-LD * Multilingual (i18n) * Responsive design * RSS and JSON feeds with full content * Search with Lunr * Gallery with Masonry, Photoswipe * Prism.js for highlight code * Lazy image load with lazysizes ## Reference I have referenced: * [zen theme](https://github.com/frjo/hugo-theme-zen) * [docdock theme](https://github.com/vjeantet/hugo-theme-docdock) * [learn theme](https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn/) * [academic theme](https://sourcethemes.com/academic/) * [overreacted.io](https://github.com/gaearon/overreacted.io) ## Dependency Zzo theme is using this library. * jquery@3.4.1 * mark.js * clipboard.js * lazysizes * masonry * lunr * jquery.toc * photoswipe * prism * shave.js ## Minimum Hugo version Hugo version 0.58.0 or higher is required. ## Installation First of all, You need to add config files. Follow the [Configuration](#configuration) step. Then, You can download and unpack the theme manually from Github but it's easier to use git to clone the repo. From the root of your site: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo.git themes/zzo ``` If you use git to version control your site, highly recommended, it's best to add the zzo theme as a submodule. From the root of your site: ```bash git submodule add https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo.git themes/zzo ``` ## Updating From the root of your site: ```bash git submodule update --remote --merge ``` ## Run example site From the root of themes/zzo/exampleSite: ```bash hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Configuration 0. From the root of your site: delete config.toml file and add the files below 1. config folder structure ```bash root ├── config │ ├── _default │ │ ├── config.toml │ │ ├── languages.toml │ │ ├── menus.en.toml │ │ ├── params.toml ``` 2. config.toml ```bash baseURL = "http://example.org/" title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" theme = "zzo" defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true hasCJKLanguage = true summaryLength = 70 googleAnalytics = "" copyright = "©yourcopyright" timeout = 10000 enableEmoji = true paginate = 7 rssLimit = 100 [outputs] home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON" ] [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" series = "series" ``` 3. languages.toml ```bash [en] title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" languageName = "English" weight = 1 [ko] title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" languageName = "한국어" weight = 2 ``` 4. menus.en.toml You shoud make your own menu. ```bash [[main]] identifier = "about" name = "about" url = "about" weight = 1 [[main]] identifier = "archive" name = "archive" url = "archive" weight = 2 [[main]] identifier = "gallery" name = "gallery" url = "gallery" weight = 3 [[main]] parent = "gallery" name = "cartoon" url = "gallery/cartoon" [[main]] parent = "gallery" name = "photo" url = "gallery/photo" [[main]] identifier = "posts" name = "posts" url = "posts" weight = 4 [[main]] identifier = "notes" name = "notes" url = "notes" weight = 5 ... ``` 5. params.toml ```bash logoText = "Zzo" description = "The Zzo theme for Hugo example site." custom_css = ["css/custom.css", "css/custom.css"] custom_js = ["js/custom.js"] myname = "yourname" whoami = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet cursus massa. Vestibulum eu posuere est. Suspendisse erat purus, mollis in leo quis, hendrerit fringilla felis." # body enableBreadcrumb = true enablePhotoSwipe = true enableSearch = true enableMark = true enableGoToTop = true enableWhoami = true summaryShape = "card" # card, classic, compact archiveGroupByDate = "2006-01" # "2006-01": group by month, "2006": group by year # sidebar enableSidebar = true enableSidebarTags = true enableSidebarSeries = true enableSidebarCategories = true enableToc = true enableTocSwitch = true itemsPerCategory = 5 enableSideSubscribe = false # comment enableComment = false disqus_shortname = "" commento = false # footer showPoweredBy = true showFeedLinks = true showSocialLinks = true enableLangChange = true enableThemeChange = true themeOptions = ["dark", "light", "hacker", "solarized", "custom"] [socialOptions] email = "mailto:your@email.com" facebook = "http://example.org/" twitter = "http://example.org/" github = "http://example.org/" stack-overflow = "" instagram = "" google-plus = "" youtube = "" medium = "" tumblr = "" linkedin = "" pinterest = "" stack-exchange = "" ``` ## Layout ### CSS grid for layout Modern CSS grid is the easiest and cleanest way to layout your pages. The CSS grid layout are in `assets/sass/layout/_grid.scss`. A lot can be done by just reordering "grid-template-rows". ### grid structure | left | right | |--- |--- | | 1 | 2 | | 3 | 4 | | 5 | 6 | | 7 | 8 | * left, right column width ratio => 5 : 2 * 1 => .navbar-main * 2 => .navbar-side * 1 + 2 => .navbar * 3 => .header-main * 4 => .header-side * 3 + 4 => .header * 5 => .main-main * 6 => .main-side * 5 + 6 => .main * 7 => .footer-main * 8 => .footer-side * 7 + 8 => .footer ### grid structure example applied in home page ```html