# Zzo theme for Hugo English | [한국어](https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo/blob/master/README.ko.md) I changed the search logic. So, please add this config params to your `config.toml` file. ```toml ... [outputs] page = ["HTML", "SearchIndex"] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"] section = ["HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"] taxonomyTerm = ["HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"] taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"] [outputFormats] [outputFormats.SearchIndex] mediaType = "application/json" baseName = "index" isPlainText = true notAlternative = true ``` Thank you for click me!. Zzo theme is a blog theme powered by Hugo with free(always), and many features. ## Documentation [https://zzodocs.netlify.com/docs/](https://zzodocs.netlify.com/docs/) ## Table of contents * [Features](#features) * [Minimum Hugo version](#minimum-hugo-version) * [Installation](#installation) * [Updating](#updating) * [Run example site](#run-example-site) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Gallery](#gallery) * [Contact Page](#contact-page) * [Talks Page](#talks-page) * [Showcase Page](#showcase-page) * [Multi Language](#multi-language) * [Author](#author) * [Favicon](#favicon) * [Customizing](#customizing) * [External libraries](#external-library) * [Shortcodes](#shortcodes) ## Features * Multiple Skins(dark, light, solarized, ...) * A mobile menu * CSS grid and flex for layout * HTML5 * Hugo Pipes for js and sass * Simple blog * Search Engine Optimization(SEO) * Multilingual (i18n) * Responsive design * RSS * Search * Gallery * Fast code highlighting * Talks page * Showcase page ## Minimum Hugo version Hugo version 0.60.0 or higher is required. ## Installation First of all, You need to add config files. Follow the [Configuration](#configuration) step. Then, You can download and unpack the theme manually from Github but it's easier to use git to clone the repo. From the root of your site: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo.git themes/zzo ``` If you use git to version control your site, highly recommended, it's best to add the zzo theme as a submodule. From the root of your site: ```bash git submodule add https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo.git themes/zzo ``` ## Updating From the root of your site: ```bash git submodule update --remote --merge ``` ## Run example site From the root of themes/zzo/exampleSite: ```bash hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Configuration 0. From the root of your site: delete config.toml file and add the files below 1. config folder structure. Keep in mind the underscore on the `_default` folder ```bash root ├── config │ ├── _default │ │ ├── config.toml │ │ ├── languages.toml │ │ ├── menus.en.toml │ │ ├── params.toml ``` 2. config.toml ```bash baseURL = "http://example.org/" # The URL of your site. title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" # Title of your site theme = "zzo" # Name of Zzo theme folder in `themes/`. defaultContentLanguage = "en" # Default language to use (if you setup multilingual) defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true # baseURL/en/, baseURL/kr/ ... hasCJKLanguage = true # Set `true` for Chinese/Japanese/Korean languages. summaryLength = 70 # The length of a post description on a list page. buildFuture = true # if true, we can use future date for talks page copyright = "©{year}, All Rights Reserved" # copyright symbol: $copy; current year: {year} timeout = 10000 enableEmoji = true paginate = 13 # Number of items per page in paginated lists. rssLimit = 100 enableGitInfo = false # When true, the modified date will appear on a summary and single page. Since GitHub info needs to be fetched, this feature will slow down to build depending on a page number you have googleAnalytics = "" [markup] [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] hardWraps = true unsafe = true xHTML = true [markup.highlight] codeFences = true lineNos = true lineNumbersInTable = true noClasses = false [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 3 ordered = false startLevel = 2 [outputs] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"] [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" series = "series" ``` 3. languages.toml ```bash [en] title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" languageName = "English" weight = 1 [ko] title = "Hugo Zzo Theme" languageName = "한국어" weight = 2 ``` 4. menus.en.toml You shoud make your own menu. ```bash [[main]] identifier = "about" name = "about" url = "about" weight = 1 [[main]] identifier = "archive" name = "archive" url = "archive" weight = 2 [[main]] identifier = "gallery" name = "gallery" url = "gallery" weight = 3 [[main]] parent = "gallery" name = "cartoon" url = "gallery/cartoon" [[main]] parent = "gallery" name = "photo" url = "gallery/photo" [[main]] identifier = "posts" name = "posts" url = "posts" weight = 4 [[main]] identifier = "notes" name = "notes" url = "notes" weight = 5 ... ``` 5. params.toml ```bash logoText = "Zzo" # Logo text that appears in the site navigation bar. logoType = "short" # long, short -> short: squre shape includes logo text, long: rectangle shape not includes logo text logo = true # Logo that appears in the site navigation bar. description = "The Zzo theme for Hugo example site." # for SEO custom_css = [] # custom_css = ["scss/custom.scss"] and then make file at root/assets/scss/custom.scss custom_js = [] # custom_js = ["js/custom.js"] and then make file at root/assets/js/custom.js useFaviconGenerator = false # https://www.favicon-generator.org/ languagedir = "ltr" # ltr / rtl themeOptions = ["dark", "light", "hacker", "solarized", "kimbie"] # select options for site color theme notAllowedTypesInHome = ["contact", "talks", "about", "showcase"] # not allowed page types in home page. type can be set in front matter or default to folder name. notAllowedTypesInHomeSidebar = ["about", "archive", "showcase"] # not allowed page types in home page sidebar(recent post titles). notAllowedTypesInArchive = ["about", "talks", "showcase"] # not allowed page types in archive page notAllowedTypesInHomeFeed = ["about", "archive", "contact", "talks", "showcase", "publication", "presentation", "resume", "gallery"] # header homeHeaderType = "text" # text, img, slide # navbar enableThemeChange = true # site color theme # body enableBreadcrumb = true # breadcrumb for list, single page enableSearch = true # site search with Fuse enableSearchHighlight = true # when true, search keyword will be highlighted enableGoToTop = true # scroll to top enableWhoami = true # at the end of single page summaryShape = "classic" # card, classic, compact archiveGroupByDate = "2006" # "2006-01": group by month, "2006": group by year archivePaginate = 13 # items per page paginateWindow = 1 # setting it to 1 gives 7 buttons, 2 gives 9, etc. If set 1: [1 ... 4 5 6 ... 356] [1 2 3 4 5 ... 356] etc talksPaginate = 8 # items per page talksGroupByDate = "2006" # "2006-01": group by month, "2006": group by year # whoami: usage - home page sidebar, single page bottom of post. all values can be empty myname = "zzossig" email = "zzossig@gmail.com" whoami = "Web Developer" bioImageUrl = "" # image url like "http//..." or "images/anyfoldername/mybioimage.jpg" If not set, we find a avatar image in root/static/images/whoami/avatar.(png|jpg|svg) useGravatar = false # we use this option highest priority location = "Seoul, Korea" organization = "Hugo" link = "https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo" # sidebar enableBio = true # in home page sidebar enableBioImage = true # in home page sidebar enableSidebar = true # Set to false to create the full width of the content. enableSidebarTags = true # if you want to use tags. enableSidebarSeries = true enableSidebarCategories = true enableHomeSidebarTitles = true enableListSidebarTitles = true enableToc = true # single page table of contents, you can replace this param to toc(toc = true) hideToc = false # Hide or Show toc tocPosition = "inner" # inner, outer tocFolding = false enableTocSwitch = true # single page table of contents visibility switch itemsPerCategory = 5 # maximum number of posts shown in the sidebar. sidebarPosition = "right" # bio, profile component layout position tocLevels = ["h2", "h3", "h4"] # minimum h2, maximum h4 in your article enableSidebarPostsByOrder = false # another lists in the sidebar # footer showPoweredBy = true # show footer text: Powered by Hugo and Zzo theme showFeedLinks = true # RSS Feed showSocialLinks = true # email, facebook, twitter ... enableLangChange = true # show button at bottom left of footer. # service googleTagManager = "" # GTM-XXXXXX baiduAnalytics = "" # alternative of google analytics enableBusuanzi = false # if set true, total page view, total unique visitors show up in the footer. busuanziSiteUV = true # unique visitors (total number of visitors) busuanziSitePV = true # site total page view count busuanziPagePV = true # post view count # comment enableComment = true disqus_shortname = "" commento = false [gitment] # Gitment is a comment system based on GitHub issues. see https://github.com/imsun/gitment owner = "" # Your GitHub ID repo = "" # The repo to store comments clientId = "" # Your client ID clientSecret = "" # Your client secret [utterances] # https://utteranc.es/ owner = "" # Your GitHub ID repo = "" # The repo to store comments [gitalk] # Gitalk is a comment system based on GitHub issues. see https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk owner = "" # Your GitHub ID repo = "" # The repo to store comments clientId = "" # Your client ID clientSecret = "" # Your client secret # Valine. # You can get your appid and appkey from https://leancloud.cn # more info please open https://valine.js.org [valine] enable = false appId = '你的appId' appKey = '你的appKey' notify = false # mail notifier , https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki verify = false # Verification code avatar = 'mm' placeholder = '说点什么吧...' visitor = false [changyan] changyanAppid = "" # Changyan app id # 畅言 changyanAppkey = "" # Changyan app key [livere] livereUID = "" # LiveRe UID # 来必力 # Isso: https://posativ.org/isso/ [isso] enable = false scriptSrc = "" # "https://isso.example.com/js/embed.min.js" dataAttrs = "" # "data-isso='https://isso.example.com' data-isso-require-author='true'" [socialOptions] # if set, social icons will show up. email = "mailto:your@email.com" phone = "" facebook = "http://example.org/" twitter = "http://example.org/" github = "https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo" stack-overflow = "" instagram = "" google-plus = "" youtube = "" medium = "" tumblr = "" linkedin = "" pinterest = "" stack-exchange = "" telegram = "" steam = "" weibo = "" douban = "" csdn = "" gitlab = "" mastodon = "" jianshu = "" zhihu = "" signal = "" whatsapp = "" matrix = "" xmpp = "" dev-to = "" gitea = "" [donationOptions] enable = false # if set, the donation button will show up on the single page. alipay = "" # Alipay QR Code image (example path: images/donation/alipay-qrcode.png) and put your file at root/static/images/donation/ wechat = "" # Wechat pay QR Code image (example path: same as above) paypal = "" # Paypal URL patreon = "" # Patreon URL bitcoin = "" # example path: images/donation/bitcoin-code-image.png [copyrightOptions] enableCopyrightLink = false # if set, you can add copyright link copyrightLink = "" copyrightLinkImage = "" copyrightLinkText = "" # possible share name: "facebook","twitter", "reddit", "linkedin", "tumblr", "weibo", "douban", "line", "whatsapp", "telegram" [[share]] name = "facebook" [[share]] name = "twitter" username = "" [[footerLinks]] name = "" link = "" [[footerLinks]] name = "" link = "" ``` ## Gallery There are two ways to make gallery. You can specify **mode** at front-matter. ```bash content/gallery/anygalleryname/index.md --- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date: {{ .Date }} description: type: gallery mode: one-by-one # at-once or one-by-one tags: - series: - categories: - images: # when mode is one-by-one, images front-matter variable works - image: image1.jpg # image path: static/gallery/anygalleryname/image1.jpg caption: caption1 - image: image2.jpg # image path: static/gallery/anygalleryname/image2.jpg caption: caption2 ... --- ``` If you set the mode to one-by-one, the list.html page will use images front-matter variable you set above. If you set the mode to at-once, list.html page will not use front-matter images variable and just read all files under the static/gallery/anygalleryname folder. 1. Make a gallery folder under the content folder ```bash root ├── content │ ├── gallery ``` 2. Make a sub folder under the gallery folder ```bash root ├── content │ ├── gallery │ │ ├── anygalleryname ``` 3. Make a index.md file under the sub folder using this command ```bash hugo new --kind gallery gallery/anygalleryname/index.md ``` 4. Put your images in static folder ```bash root ├── static │ ├── gallery │ │ ├── anygalleryname │ │ │ ├── ...your images here ``` ## Contact Page Currently available service: [formspree]. Open an issue if you need another service vendor. If you want just a blank page and use a markdown, set the service param empty. 1. Make a file at root/content/contact/index.md ```yaml --- title: "Contact" date: 2019-12-17T23:58:33+09:00 description: Contact page type: contact service: formspree formId: "your@email.com" --- This is contact page. ``` 2. Add contact menu at root/config/_default/menus.en.toml. ```toml ... [[main]] identifier = "contact" name = "contact" url = "contact" weight = 6 ``` ## Talks Page Talks page is a listing page of links(video, ppt, event, ...). UI is similar to the archive page. Follow the below steps to make it. 1. Make a file at root/content/talks/_index.md. ```yaml --- title: "Talks" date: 2019-12-30T11:14:14+09:00 description: Talks Page titleWrap: wrap # wrap, nowrap --- ``` 2. Next, make some files under the `talks` folder you have created in step 1. If you want to make other link post, then make another file under the `talks` folder. root/content/talks/myLinks.md ```yaml --- title: "My Awesome links" date: 2019-12-31T00:04:50+09:00 publishDate: 2019-12-31 description: tags: - series: - categories: - --- ``` 3. Finally, make a menu at your root/config/_default/menus.en.toml file ```toml [[main]] identifier = "talks" name = "talks" url = "talks" weight = 6 ``` And we are good to go. 4. Additionally, if you want to use a future date for the talks page, you need more things to do. - add config variable named `buildFuture` at root/config/_default/config.toml ```toml ... buildFuture = true ... ``` - add publishDate front matter to your md file at root/content/talks/myLinks.md ```yaml --- title: date: publishDate: 2020-02-20 ... --- ... ``` ## Showcase Page Showcase page is a listing page of project showcase. Follow the below steps to make it. 1. Make a file at `root/content/showcase/_index.md`. ```yaml --- title: "Showcase overview" # For SEO date: 2020-01-19T15:43:38+09:00 description: My portfolio, repos, works overview page # For SEO enableBio: true # Set to false if you want to hide the bio component. --- ``` 2. Make a category folder and a file at `root/content/showcase/hugo/_index.md`. (In my case, hugo is a category) ```yaml --- title: "Hugo" # category name date: 2020-01-19T21:04:11+09:00 description: Hugo theme collection # For SEO category: theme # meta info appeared on a card bottom side. category in category enableBio: true --- ``` 3. Make a file per project. `root/content/showcase/hugo/my-awesome-project.md`. ```yaml --- title: "My Awesome Project" # apperared on a card component date: 2020-01-19T21:13:42+09:00 description: Hello world! This is my awesome project! # apperared on a card component weight: 1 # card ordering link: https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo repo: https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zzo pinned: true # appreared on a overview page. thumb: feature3/css3.png # relative path in static/images --- ``` 4. Finally, make a menu at your root/config/_default/menus.en.toml file ```toml [[main]] identifier = "showcase" name = "Showcase" url = "showcase" weight = 7 ``` ## Multi Language The default language of this theme is English. If you want to use another language, follow these steps 1. Make a menu file. ```bash root ├── config │ ├── _default │ │ ├── ... │ │ ├── menus.ko.toml ``` ```bash config/_default/menus.ko.toml [[main]] identifier = "about" name = "about" url = "/about/" weight = 1 [[main]] identifier = "archive" name = "archive" url = "/archive/" weight = 2 ... ``` 2. Make a content file. Add your language code before the md extension. ```bash hugo new about/index.ko.md hugo new posts/markdown-syntax.ko.md ... ``` 3. Make an i18n file. ```bash i18n/ko.toml [search-placeholder] other = "검색..." [summary-dateformat] other = "2006년 01월 02일" [tags] other = "태그" ... ``` 4. Edit config.toml file. ```bash defaultContentLanguage = "ko" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true hasCJKLanguage = true ``` ## Customizing It's a better idea not to modify the Zzo theme's folder if you want future support and upgrade. (You can modify if it doesn't matter) If you want more customizing options, open a new issue. ### custom css 1. Add this line of code to your params.toml file. ```bash config/_default/params.toml ... custom_css = ["css/custom.css", "scss/custom.scss", ...] ... ``` 2. Add your file to assets folder. Filename must match with config params you set above. ```bash assets/scss/custom.scss assets/css/custom.css ``` 3. If you want to modify the Zzo theme's default color, you should override the theme style. For example, if you're going to change the body background-color because I set the background-color in #body selector, not in the body tag selector, you should override body background-color there. Body tag selector won't work. And make sure to set !important. After setting the values, restart Hugo. ```css assets/scss/custom.scss or assets/css/custom.css ... #body { background-color: red !important; } ... ``` ### custom js 1. Add this line of code to your params.toml file. ```bash config/_default/params.toml ... custom_js = ["js/custom.js", ...] ... ``` 2. Add your file to assets folder. Filename must match with config params you set above. ```bash assets/js/custom.js ``` ### custom syntax highlighting 1. Make a skin.toml file at root/data folder. Set the theme_dark_chroma, theme_light_chroma, ... params value as you want. Refer this [link](https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/all.html). If theme_[xxxx]_chroma value include - or _ like special character, just delete it. For example, if you want use solarized-dark256 style, set the param like this. ``` root/data/skin.toml theme_dark_chroma = "solarizeddark256" ``` 2. Add a custom style file if you want to change specific colors. [[custom-css](#custom-css)] Then, override chroma class. You can find this class at themes/zzo/assets/sass/syntax folder. Example code is like this. ``` root/assets/scss/custom.scss .chroma { background-color: #123456 !important; } ``` Make sure that !important is necessary. After you changed this param, restart hugo. ### custom header You may want to change home page header. There are 4 options which is slider, image, text, empty. 1. Set param at config/_default/params.toml(homeHeaderType) 2. Make _index.md file at root/content/_index.md and copy & paste below. ```yaml --- header: - type: text height: 200 paddingX: 50 paddingY: 0 align: center title: - HUGO subtitle: - The world’s fastest framework for building websites titleColor: # #123456, red titleShadow: false titleFontSize: 44 subtitleColor: # #123456, red subtitleCursive: false subtitleFontSize: 16 spaceBetweenTitleSubtitle: 20 - type: img imageSrc: images/header/background.jpg # your image file path: root/static/images/header/background.jpg imageSize: cover # auto|length|cover|contain|initial|inherit imageRepeat: no-repeat # repeat|repeat-x|repeat-y|no-repeat|initial|inherit imagePosition: center # x% y%| xpos ypos| left top| center bottom| ... height: 235 paddingX: 50 paddingY: 0 align: center title: - subtitle: - titleColor: titleShadow: false titleFontSize: 44 subtitleColor: subtitleCursive: false subtitleFontSize: 16 spaceBetweenTitleSubtitle: 20 - type: slide height: 235 options: startSlide: 0 auto: 5000 # auto slide delay 5000ms(5sec) draggable: true # slide draggable autoRestart: true # restart after drag finished continuous: true # last to first disableScroll: true stopPropagation: true slide: - paddingX: 50 paddingY: 0 align: left imageSrc: images/header/background.jpg imageSize: cover imageRepeat: no-repeat imagePosition: center title: - header title1 subtitle: - header subtitle1 titleFontSize: 44 subtitleFontSize: 16 spaceBetweenTitleSubtitle: 20 - paddingX: 50 paddingY: 0 align: center imageSrc: images/header/background.jpg imageSize: cover imageRepeat: no-repeat imagePosition: center title: - header title2 subtitle: - header subtitle2 titleFontSize: 44 subtitleFontSize: 16 spaceBetweenTitleSubtitle: 20 - paddingX: 50 paddingY: 0 align: right imageSrc: images/header/background.jpg imageSize: cover imageRepeat: no-repeat imagePosition: center title: - header title3 subtitle: - header subtitle3 titleFontSize: 44 subtitleFontSize: 16 spaceBetweenTitleSubtitle: 20 --- ``` 3. Edit params as you wish. ### custom grid 1. Make a grid.toml file in data folder. (data/grid.toml) 2. Copy the contents of themes/zzo/data/grid.toml file and paste it into the grid.toml file you created above. 3. Change the grid as you want. 4. Once you change the grid.toml file, restart hugo. ```toml data/grid.toml example grid_max_width = "960" grid_max_unit = "px" # "px", "\"%\"" Using% is limited to using full width. grid_main_main_width = "5" grid_main_main_unit = "fr" # "fr", "px" grid_main_side_width = "2" grid_main_side_unit = "fr" # "fr", "px" grid_column_gap_width = "32" grid_column_gap_unit = "px" # "px" grid_navbar_height = "50px" # "px" grid_row_gap = "0" ``` ### custom font 1. Add custom css file ```bash config/_default/params.toml ... custom_css = ["css/font.css"] ... ``` Set the above param and add file to assets/css/font.css 2. In your font.css file, add font-face something like this. ```css @font-face { font-family: 'Montserrat'; src: url('../fonts/montserrat-black.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/montserrat-black.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: 900; font-style: normal; } @font-face { font-family: 'Merriweather'; src: url('../fonts/merriweather-regular.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/merriweather-regular.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; } ``` 3. Add your fonts file at root/static/fonts/myfont.xxx (If your url in step2 is ('../fonts/myfont.xxx')). 4. Make a font.toml file at root/data/font.toml and make variables as below. ```toml title_font = "\"Montserrat\", sans-serif" content_font = "\"Merriweather\", serif" ``` 5. Another approach Make a file at root/layouts/partials/head/custom-head.html and then load font style. ```html <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans+KR:400,700&display=swap&subset=korean" rel="stylesheet"> ``` ### custom copyright If you want to add a link to the footer copyright, not just a text, you can customize it. 1. In your config.toml file, set the copyright param like this. ```toml ... copyright = This is my {} copyright text ... ``` The {} part will be your copyright link. 2. In your params.toml file, set the copyrightOptions params ```toml ... [copyrightOptions] enableCopyrightLink = false copyrightLink = "https://..." copyrightLinkImage = "https://..." copyrightLinkText = "copyright link text" ``` ### custom favicon Override the default favicon by adding your favicon at root/static folder ## Author We have some front matters for specifying the author. ```yaml --- title: ... author: # author name authorEmoji: 🤖 # emoji for subtitle, summary meta data authorImage: "/images/whoami/avatar.jpg" # image path in the static folder authorImageUrl: "" # your image url. We use `authorImageUrl` first. If not set, we use `authorImage`. authorDesc: # author description socialOptions: # override params.toml file socialOptions email: "" facebook: "" ... --- ``` ## Favicon Put your `favicon.ico` file under the static folder. The filename should be `favicon` and the extension should be `ico`. ### Using favicon-genarator If you want to support mobile favicon, use [favicon-generator](https://www.favicon-generator.org/). - Make favicons from favicon-generator site. - Make a folder at `root/static/favicon` - Unzip the generated favicon to that folder. - Set the config param `useFaviconGenerator` to `true` ## External Library If you want use external libraries, this theme currently supporting Katex, MathJax, Mermaid, Flowchart.js, chart.js, viz-graph, wavedrom, js-sequence-diagram. Just add some variable to a front-matter. ```bash --- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date: {{ .Date }} ... libraries: - katex - mathjax - chart - flowchartjs - msc - katex - mermaid - viz - wavedrom --- ``` You can add some config option parameters at data/flowchartjs.json ## Shortcodes ### alert ```bash {{< alert theme="warning" >}} # warning, success, info, danger **this** is a text {{< /alert >}} ``` ### expand ```bash {{< expand "Expand me" >}}Some Markdown Contents{{< /expand >}} ``` ### img ```bash // path: static/images/whoami/avatar.jpg {{< img src="/images/whoami/avatar.jpg" title="Image4" caption="Image description" alt="image alt" width="50px" height="50px">}} ``` ### notice ```bash {{< notice success >}} # success, info, warning, error success {{< /notice >}} ``` ### color ```bash {{< color "#0000ff" >}}*text*{{< /color >}} ``` ### box ```bash {{< box >}} Some contents {{< /box >}} ``` ### boxmd ```bash {{< boxmd >}} Some markdown contents {{< /boxmd >}} ``` ### code / codes => Tabbed code-block. indentation matters. ````` {{< codes java javascript >}} {{< code >}} ```java System.out.println('Hello World!'); ``` {{< /code >}} {{< code >}} ```javascript console.log('Hello World!'); ``` {{< /code >}} {{< /codes >}} ````` ### tab / tabs => Tabs make it easy to explore and switch between different views ⚠️Becareful that the content in the tab should be different from each other. The tab makes unique id hashes depending on the tab contents. So, If you just copy-paste the tabs with multiple times, since it has the same contents, the tab will not work. ````` {{< tabs Windows MacOS Ubuntu >}} {{< tab >}} ### Windows section ```javascript console.log('Hello World!'); ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab >}} ### MacOS section Hello world! {{< /tab >}} {{< tab >}} ### Ubuntu section Great! {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} `````