{{ $isPad := or (in (slice "archive" "posts" "page") .Type) }} {{ $isPad = or $isPad (and (eq .Kind "page") (not (in (slice "about" "contact" "publication") .Type))) }} {{ $isPad = or $isPad (and (eq .Kind "section") (eq .Type "publication")) }} {{ $isPad = or $isPad (and (eq .Type "tags") (ne .Kind "taxonomyTerm")) }} {{ if eq ($.Param "languagedir") "rtl" }} <div class="wrapper__left hide" data-pad="{{ $isPad }}" dir="rtl"> <script>document.querySelector('.wrapper__left').classList.remove('hide')</script> {{ if and (eq ($.Param "tocPosition") "outer") .IsPage }} {{ if and (ne .Type "about") (ne .Type "contact") (ne .Type "gallery") }} {{ if or ($.Param "enableToc") ($.Param "toc") }} <div class="toc__flexbox--outer" data-position="fixed" data-dir="rtl" data-ani="{{ $.Site.Params.enableUiAnimation | default "true" }}"> <h6 class="toc__title toc__title--outer" data-ani="{{ $.Site.Params.enableUiAnimation | default "true" }}">{{ i18n "toc-label" }}</h6> {{ if $.Param "enableTocSwitch" }} <label class="switch" data-ani="{{ $.Site.Params.enableUiAnimation | default "true" }}"> <input id="visible-toc" aria-label="Visible TOC" type="checkbox" {{ if $.Param "hideToc" }}{{ else }}checked{{ end }}> <span class="slider round"></span> </label> {{ end }} </div> <div class="toc toc__outer {{ if $.Param "hideToc" }}hide{{ end }}" data-dir="rtl" data-folding="{{ if $.Param "tocFolding" }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }}" data-ani="{{ $.Site.Params.enableUiAnimation | default "true" }}"> {{ .TableOfContents }} </div> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} </div> {{ else if and (eq ($.Param "languagedir") "ltr") ($.Param "enableSidebarMenu") }} <div class="wrapper__left" data-pad="{{ $isPad }}" dir="ltr"> <div class="sidebar__menu"> {{ partial "sidebar/sidebar-menu" . }} </div> </div> {{ end }}