improve img shortcode
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{{ $base := (findRE "/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/" .Site.BaseURL | default "/") }}
{{ if .Get "lazy" }}
<figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{ . }}" {{ end }}>
<figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{ . }}" {{ end }}>
{{ with .Get "link"}}<a href="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "link"}}<a href="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
{{ $base := (findRE "/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/" .Site.BaseURL | default "/") }}
<img data-src="{{ if eq $base "/" }}{{ .Get "src" }}{{ else }}{{ delimit $base "" }}{{ substr (.Get "src") 1 }}{{ end }}" {{ if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") }}alt="{{ with .Get "alt"}}{{.}}{{else}}{{ .Get "caption" }}{{ end }}"{{ end }} data-caption="{{ .Get "caption" }}" src="data:image/svg+xml,%0A%3Csvg xmlns='' width='{{ if .Get "width" }}{{ .Get "width" }}{{ else }}32px{{ end }}' height='{{ if .Get "height" }}{{ .Get "height" }}{{ else }}{{ end }}' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='none' d='M0 0h24v24H0V0z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23aaa' d='M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-1 16H6c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h12c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v12c0 .55-.45 1-1 1zm-4.44-6.19l-2.35 3.02-1.56-1.88c-.2-.25-.58-.24-.78.01l-1.74 2.23c-.26.33-. 0 .65-.47.4-.8l-2.55-3.39c-.19-.26-.59-.26-.79 0z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="lazyload" style="width:{{ .Get "width" }};height:{{ .Get "height" }};"/>
<img data-src="{{ if eq $base "/" }}{{ .Get "src" }}{{ else }}{{ delimit $base "" }}{{ substr (.Get "src") 1 }}{{ end }}" {{ if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") }}alt="{{ with .Get "alt"}}{{.}}{{else}}{{ .Get "caption" }}{{ end }}"{{ end }} data-caption="{{ .Get "caption" }}" src="data:image/svg+xml,%0A%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='none' d='M0 0h24v24H0V0z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23aaa' d='M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-1 16H6c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h12c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v12c0 .55-.45 1-1 1zm-4.44-6.19l-2.35 3.02-1.56-1.88c-.2-.25-.58-.24-.78.01l-1.74 2.23c-.26.33-. 0 .65-.47.4-.8l-2.55-3.39c-.19-.26-.59-.26-.79 0z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="lazyload" width="{{ .Get "width" }}" height="{{ .Get "height" }}"/>
{{ if .Get "link"}}</a>{{ end }}
{{ if .Get "link"}}</a>{{ end }}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
<figcaption style="text-align: {{ with .Get "position" }}{{ . }};{{ end }}">{{ if isset .Params "title" }}
<figcaption style="text-align: {{ with .Get "position" }}{{ . }};{{ end }}">{{ if isset .Params "title" }}
@ -15,3 +16,21 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{ . }}" {{ end }}>
{{ with .Get "link"}}<a href="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
<img src="{{ if eq $base "/" }}{{ .Get "src" }}{{ else }}{{ delimit $base "" }}{{ substr (.Get "src") 1 }}{{ end }}" {{ if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") }}alt="{{ with .Get "alt"}}{{.}}{{else}}{{ .Get "caption" }}{{ end }}"{{ end }} style="width:{{ .Get "width" }};height:{{ .Get "height" }};"/>
{{ if .Get "link"}}</a>{{ end }}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
<figcaption style="text-align: {{ with .Get "position" }}{{ . }};{{ end }}">{{ if isset .Params "title" }}
<strong>{{ .Get "title" }}</strong>:{{ end }}
{{ if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr")}}
{{ .Get "caption" }}
{{ with .Get "attrlink"}}<a href="{{ . }}"> {{ end }}
{{ .Get "attr" }}
{{ if .Get "attrlink"}}</a> {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Reference in New Issue