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!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = e || self).MicroModal = t() }(this, function () { "use strict"; return (() => { const e = ["a[href]", "area[href]", 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])', "select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "iframe", "object", "embed", "[contenteditable]", '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"])']; class t { constructor({ targetModal: e, triggers: t = [], onShow: o = (() => { }), onClose: i = (() => { }), openTrigger: n = "data-micromodal-trigger", closeTrigger: s = "data-micromodal-close", disableScroll: a = !1, disableFocus: l = !1, awaitCloseAnimation: d = !1, awaitOpenAnimation: r = !1, debugMode: c = !1 }) { this.modal = document.getElementById(e), this.config = { debugMode: c, disableScroll: a, openTrigger: n, closeTrigger: s, onShow: o, onClose: i, awaitCloseAnimation: d, awaitOpenAnimation: r, disableFocus: l }, t.length > 0 && this.registerTriggers(...t), this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this), this.onKeydown = this.onKeydown.bind(this) } registerTriggers(...e) { e.filter(Boolean).forEach(e => { e.addEventListener("click", e => this.showModal(e)) }) } showModal() { if (this.activeElement = document.activeElement, this.modal.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"), this.modal.classList.add("is-open"), this.scrollBehaviour("disable"), this.addEventListeners(), this.config.awaitOpenAnimation) { const e = () => { this.modal.removeEventListener("animationend", e, !1), this.setFocusToFirstNode() }; this.modal.addEventListener("animationend", e, !1) } else this.setFocusToFirstNode(); this.config.onShow(this.modal, this.activeElement) } closeModal() { const e = this.modal; this.modal.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.removeEventListeners(), this.scrollBehaviour("enable"), this.activeElement && this.activeElement.focus(), this.config.onClose(this.modal), this.config.awaitCloseAnimation ? this.modal.addEventListener("animationend", function t() { e.classList.remove("is-open"), e.removeEventListener("animationend", t, !1) }, !1) : e.classList.remove("is-open") } closeModalById(e) { this.modal = document.getElementById(e), this.modal && this.closeModal() } scrollBehaviour(e) { if (!this.config.disableScroll) return; const t = document.querySelector("body"); switch (e) { case "enable": Object.assign(t.style, { overflow: "", height: "" }); break; case "disable": Object.assign(t.style, { overflow: "hidden", height: "100vh" }) } } addEventListeners() { this.modal.addEventListener("touchstart", this.onClick), this.modal.addEventListener("click", this.onClick), document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown) } removeEventListeners() { this.modal.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.onClick), this.modal.removeEventListener("click", this.onClick), document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown) } onClick(e) { e.target.hasAttribute(this.config.closeTrigger) && (this.closeModal(), e.preventDefault()) } onKeydown(e) { 27 === e.keyCode && this.closeModal(e), 9 === e.keyCode && this.maintainFocus(e) } getFocusableNodes() { const t = this.modal.querySelectorAll(e); return Array(...t) } setFocusToFirstNode() { if (this.config.disableFocus) return; const e = this.getFocusableNodes(); e.length && e[0].focus() } maintainFocus(e) { const t = this.getFocusableNodes(); if (this.modal.contains(document.activeElement)) { const o = t.indexOf(document.activeElement); e.shiftKey && 0 === o && (t[t.length - 1].focus(), e.preventDefault()), e.shiftKey || o !== t.length - 1 || (t[0].focus(), e.preventDefault()) } else t[0].focus() } } let o = null; const i = e => { if (!document.getElementById(e)) return console.warn(`MicroModal: ❗Seems like you have missed %c'${e}'`, "background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;", "ID somewhere in your code. Refer example below to resolve it."), console.warn("%cExample:", "background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font