
48 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{{ if ($.Param "share") }}
{{ if gt (len ($.Param "share").options) 0 }}
<div class="donation">
<div class="donation__message">
{{ i18n "share-message" }}
<div class="donation__icons">
{{ $ctx := . }}
{{ $site := .Site }}
{{ range $.Param "share.options" }}
{{ if eq (lower .) "facebook" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}" title="{{ i18n "facebook" | default "Facebook" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
{{ partial "svgs/share/facebook.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "twitter" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Title }}&url={{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}{{ with $ctx.Params.tags }}&hashtags={{ delimit . "," }}{{ end }}{{ with $ }}&via={{ . }}{{ end }}" title="{{ i18n "twitter" | default "Twitter" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
{{ partial "svgs/share/twitter.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "reddit" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}&amp;title={{ $ctx.Title }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "reddit" | default "Reddit" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}" onclick="'' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL) + '&amp;title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title)); return false;" class="donation__item">
{{ partial "svgs/share/reddit.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "linkedin" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}&title={{ $ctx.Title }} &summary={{ $ctx.Description }}&source={{ $site.Params.Description }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "linkedin" | default "LinkedIn" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}" class="donation__item">
{{ partial "svgs/share/linkedin.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "tumblr" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}&data-title={{ $ctx.Title }}&data-content={{ $ctx.Description }}" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "tumblr" | default "Tumblr" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}">
{{ partial "svgs/share/tumblr.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "weibo" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="javascript:void(function(){var d=document,e=encodeURIComponent,s1=window.getSelection,s2=d.getSelection,s3=d.selection,s=s1?s1():s2?s2():s3?s3.createRange().text:'',r=''+e(d.location.href)+'&title='+e(d.title),x=function(){if(!,'weibo','toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,status=1,width=450,height=330'))location.href=r+'&r=1'};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)){setTimeout(x,0)}else{x()}})()" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "weibo" | default "Weibo" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}">
{{ partial "svgs/share/weibo.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "douban" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="javascript:void(function(){var d=document,e=encodeURIComponent,s1=window.getSelection,s2=d.getSelection,s3=d.selection,s=s1?s1():s2?s2():s3?s3.createRange().text:'',r=''+e(d.location.href)+'&title='+e(d.title)+'&sel='+e(s)+'&v=1',w=450,h=330,x=function(){if(!,'douban','toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,status=1,width='+w+',height='+h+',left='+(screen.width-w)/2+',top='+(screen.height-h)/2))location.href=r+'&r=1'};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)){setTimeout(x,0)}else{x()}})()" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "douban" | default "Douban" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}">
{{ partial "svgs/share/douban.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ else if eq (lower .) "line" }}
2020-01-23 19:44:09 +00:00
<a href="{{ $ctx.Permalink | absLangURL }}" class="donation__item" target="_blank" rel="noreferer" title="{{ i18n "line" | default "Line" }}" aria-label="{{ . }}">
{{ partial "svgs/share/line.svg" (dict "width" 35 "height" 35) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}