2020-02-27 01:23:04 +00:00
{{ $base := (findRE "/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/" .Site.BaseURL | default "/") }}
2020-02-27 13:29:54 +00:00
{{ if not (.Get "lazy") }}
2020-02-27 01:23:04 +00:00
< figure { { with . Get " class " } } class = "{{ . }}" { { end } } >
{{ with .Get "link"}}< a href = "{{ . }}" > {{ end }}
< img src = "{{ if eq $base " / " } } { { . Get " src " } } { { else } } { { delimit $ base " " } } { { substr ( . Get " src " ) 1 } } { { end } } " { { if or ( . Get " alt " ) ( . Get " caption " ) } } alt = "{{ with .Get " alt " } } { { . } } { { else } } { { . Get " caption " } } { { end } } " { { end } } style = "width:{{ .Get " width " } } ; height: { { . Get " height " } } ; " / >
{{ if .Get "link"}}< / a > {{ end }}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
< figcaption style = "text-align: {{ with .Get " position " } } { { . } } ; { { end } } " > {{ if isset .Params "title" }}
< strong > {{ .Get "title" }}< / strong > :{{ end }}
{{ if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr")}}
{{ .Get "caption" }}
{{ with .Get "attrlink"}}< a href = "{{ . }}" > {{ end }}
{{ .Get "attr" }}
{{ if .Get "attrlink"}}< / a > {{ end }}
{{ end }}
< / figcaption >
{{ end }}
< / figure >
2020-02-27 13:29:54 +00:00
{{ else }}
< figure { { with . Get " class " } } class = "{{ . }}" { { end } } >
{{ with .Get "link"}}< a href = "{{ . }}" > {{ end }}
< img data-src = "{{ if eq $base " / " } } { { . Get " src " } } { { else } } { { delimit $ base " " } } { { substr ( . Get " src " ) 1 } } { { end } } " { { if or ( . Get " alt " ) ( . Get " caption " ) } } alt = "{{ with .Get " alt " } } { { . } } { { else } } { { . Get " caption " } } { { end } } " { { end } } data-caption = "{{ .Get " caption " } } " src = "data:image/svg+xml,%0A%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='{{ if .Get " width " } } { { . Get " width " } } { { else } } { { end } } ' height = '{{ if .Get "height" }}{{ .Get "height" }}{{ else }}{{ end }}' viewBox = '0 0 24 24' % 3E % 3Cpath fill = 'none' d = 'M0 0h24v24H0V0z' / % 3E % 3Cpath fill = '%23aaa' d = 'M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-1 16H6c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h12c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v12c0 .55-.45 1-1 1zm-4.44-6.19l-2.35 3.02-1.56-1.88c-.2-.25-.58-.24-.78.01l-1.74 2.23c-.26.33-. 0 .65-.47.4-.8l-2.55-3.39c-.19-.26-.59-.26-.79 0z' / % 3E % 3C / svg % 3E " class = "lazyload" style = "width:{{ .Get " width " } } ; height: { { . Get " height " } } ; " / >
{{ if .Get "link"}}< / a > {{ end }}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
< figcaption style = "text-align: {{ with .Get " position " } } { { . } } ; { { end } } " > {{ if isset .Params "title" }}
< strong > {{ .Get "title" }}< / strong > :{{ end }}
{{ if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr")}}
{{ .Get "caption" }}
{{ with .Get "attrlink"}}< a href = "{{ . }}" > {{ end }}
{{ .Get "attr" }}
{{ if .Get "attrlink"}}< / a > {{ end }}
{{ end }}
< / figcaption >
{{ end }}
< / figure >
2020-02-27 01:23:04 +00:00
{{ end }}