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<article class="summary-card" data-ani="{{ $.Site.Params.enableUiAnimation | default "true" }}">
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
2020-11-14 08:11:47 +00:00
<h5 class="title h5"><a href='{{ .Permalink }}'>{{- with .Params.pinned -}}{{ ($.Site.Params.pinIcon | safeHTML) | default "📌" }}&nbsp;{{- end -}}{{ .Title }}</a> </h5>
<h6 class="subtitle caption">
<time title="{{ i18n "tooltip-written" }}" dir="{{ if ne ($.Param "languagedir") "rtl" }}ltr{{ else }}rtl{{ end }}">{{ ($.Site.Params.writtenTimeIcon | safeHTML) | default "📅" }}{{ .Date.Format (i18n "summary-dateformat") }} </time>
{{ if ne (.Date.Format (i18n "summary-dateformat")) (.Lastmod.Format (i18n "summary-dateformat")) }}
<time title="{{ i18n "tooltip-modified" }}" dir="{{ if ne ($.Param "languagedir") "rtl" }}ltr{{ else }}rtl{{ end }}"> &middot; {{ ($.Site.Params.modifiedTimeIcon | safeHTML) | default "📝" }} {{ .Lastmod.Format (i18n "summary-dateformat") }} </time>
{{ end }}
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{{ with $.Param "author" }}
&middot; <span title="{{ i18n "single-writtenBy" }}" dir="{{ if ne ($.Param "languagedir") "rtl" }}ltr{{ else }}rtl{{ end }}">{{ if $.Param "AuthorEmoji" }}{{ $.Param "AuthorEmoji" }}{{ else }}{{ ($.Site.Params.authorIcon | safeHTML) | default "✍️" }}{{ end }}&nbsp;{{ . }}</span>
{{ end }}
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
<div class="summary-card__content">
<div class="summary-card__text p2">
2020-01-31 19:40:59 +00:00
{{ with .Params.description }}
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
{{ . }}
{{ else }}
{{ .Summary }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $.Param "featured_image" }}
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
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2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
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{{ with print ("videos/poster/" | relURL) ($.Param "featured_video_poster") }}
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
<div class="summary-card__video-wrapper">
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{{ with print ("videos/" | relURL) ($.Param "featured_video") }}
2019-12-11 02:18:44 +00:00
<source src="{{ . | relURL }}" type='video/mp4'>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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