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;;; multi-term.el --- Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs.
;; Author: Andy Stewart <lazycat.manatee@gmail.com>
;; Maintainer: ahei <ahei0802@gmail.com>
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, Andy Stewart, all rights reserved.
;; Copyright (C) 2010, ahei, all rights reserved.
;; Created: <2008-09-19 23:02:42>
;; Version: 0.8.9
;; Last-Updated: <2013-01-08 10:11:43 Tuesday by jpkotta>
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/multi-term.el
;; Keywords: term, terminal, multiple buffer
;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 23.2.1
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;; Features that might be required by this library:
;; `term' `cl' `advice'
;;; Commentary:
;; This package is for creating and managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs.
;; By default, term.el provides a great terminal emulator in Emacs.
;; But I have some troubles with term-mode:
;; 1. term.el just provides commands `term' or `ansi-term'
;; for creating a terminal buffer.
;; And there is no special command to create or switch
;; between multiple terminal buffers quickly.
;; 2. By default, the keystrokes of term.el conflict with global-mode keystrokes,
;; which makes it difficult for the user to integrate term.el with Emacs.
;; 3. By default, executing *NIX command “exit” from term-mode,
;; it will leave an unused buffer.
;; 4. term.el wont quit running sub-process when you kill terminal buffer forcibly.
;; 5. Havent a dedicated window for debug program.
;; And multi-term.el is enhanced with those features.
;;; Installation:
;; Copy multi-term.el to your load-path and add to your ~/.emacs
;; (require 'multi-term)
;; And setup program that `multi-term' will need:
;; (setq multi-term-program "/bin/bash")
;; or setup like me "/bin/zsh" ;)
;; Below are the commands you can use:
;; `multi-term' Create a new term buffer.
;; `multi-term-next' Switch to next term buffer.
;; `multi-term-prev' Switch to previous term buffer.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-open' Open dedicated term window.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-close' Close dedicated term window.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-toggle' Toggle dedicated term window.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-select' Select dedicated term window.
;; Tips:
;; You can type `C-u' before command `multi-term' or `multi-term-dedicated-open'
;; then will prompt you shell name for creating terminal buffer.
;;; Customize:
;; `multi-term-program' default is nil, so when creating new term buffer,
;; send environment variable of `SHELL' (`ESHELL', `/bin/sh') to `make-term'.
;; And you can set it to your liking, like me: ;-)
;; (setq multi-term-program "/bin/zsh")
;; `multi-term-default-dir' default is `~/', only use when current buffer
;; is not in a real directory.
;; `multi-term-buffer-name' is the name of term buffer.
;; `multi-term-scroll-show-maximum-output' controls how interpreter
;; output causes window to scroll.
;; `multi-term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output' controls whether interpreter
;; output causes window to scroll.
;; `multi-term-switch-after-close' try to switch other `multi-term' buffer
;; after close current one.
;; If you don't like this feature just set it with nil.
;; `term-unbind-key-list' is a key list to unbind some keystroke.
;; `term-bind-key-alist' is a key alist that binds some keystroke.
;; If you don't like default, modify it.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-window-height' the height of a dedicated term window.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-max-window-height' the max height limit that dedicated
;; window is allowed.
;; `multi-term-dedicated-skip-other-window-p' whether skip dedicated term
;; window when use command `other-window' to cycle windows order.
;; All of the above can be customize by:
;; M-x customize-group RET multi-term RET
;;; Change log:
;; 2013/01/08
;; * Fix customize group of `multi-term-try-create'.
;; * Add autoloads.
;; * Add new commands `term-send-quote' and `term-send-M-x'.
;; 2009/07/04
;; * Add new option `multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p'.
;; 2009/06/29
;; * Fix regexp bug.
;; 2009/04/21
;; * Fix a bug that bring at `2009/03/28':
;; It will kill sub-process in other multi-term buffer
;; when we kill current multi-term buffer.
;; 2009/03/29
;; * Add new command `term-send-reverse-search-history'.
;; 2009/03/28
;; * Add new option `multi-term-switch-after-close'.
;; 2009/02/18
;; * Fix bug between ECB and `multi-term-dedicated-close'.
;; 2009/02/05
;; * Prompt user shell name when type `C-u' before command
;; `multi-term' or `multi-term-dedicated-open'.
;; * Fix doc.
;; 2009/01/29
;; * Use `term-quit-subjob' instead `term-interrupt-subjob'.
;; * Fix doc.
;; 2009/01/13
;; * Rewrite advice for `pop-to-buffer' to avoid `pop-to-buffer' not effect
;; when have many dedicated window in current frame.
;; * Rewrite advice for `delete-other-windows' to avoid use common variable
;; `delete-protected-window-list' and use `window-dedicated-p' instead.
;; Remove variable `delete-protected-window-list' and function
;; `multi-term-dedicated-match-protected-window-p'.
;; 2009/01/06
;; * Improve document.
;; 2008/12/29
;; * Remove option `multi-term-current-window-height' and
;; function `multi-term-current-directory'.
;; * Add some functions to make get dedicated term buffer,
;; those functions is beginning with `multi-term-dedicated-'.
;; * Modified advice `delete-window', make command `delete-window'
;; and delete dedicated window, but will remember window height
;; before deleted.
;; * Don't remember dedicated window height if larger than max value.
;; * Fix some bug with `delete-other-windows' and window configuration.
;; And this bug exists with another extension `sr-speedbar'.
;; * Add new variable `delete-protected-window-list' for protected
;; special window that won't be deleted.
;; This variable is common for any extension that use dedicated
;; window.
;; * Fix doc.
;; 2008/12/21
;; * Default bind `C-m' with `term-send-input'.
;; 2008/12/10
;; * Improve customize interface.
;; * Setup customize automatically, don't need to user setup it up.
;; * Add option `multi-term-try-create'.
;; * Make function `multi-term-switch' accept offset argument.
;; * Fix doc.
;; 2008/10/22
;; * Add variable `multi-term-current-window-height'.
;; * Add variable `multi-term-buffer-name'.
;; * Add variable `term-unbind-key-list'.
;; * Add variable `term-rebind-key-alist'.
;; * Move key setup and some extension from `term-extension.el'.
;; * Create new function `multi-term-keystroke-setup'.
;; * Fix doc.
;; 2008/09/19
;; * First released.
;;; Acknowledgments:
;; Mark Triggs <mst@dishevelled.net>
;; For create multi-shell.el
;; Aaron S. Hawley <aaron.s.hawley@gmail.com>
;; For improve document.
;;; Bug
;;; TODO
;;; Require:
(require 'term)
(require 'cl)
(require 'advice)
;;; Code:
;;; Customize
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Customize ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defgroup multi-term nil
"Multi term manager."
:group 'term)
(defcustom multi-term-program nil
"The program of term.
If this is nil, setup to environment variable of `SHELL'."
:type 'string
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-program-switches nil
"The command-line switches to pass to the term program."
:type 'string
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-try-create t
"Try to create a new term buffer when switch.
When use `multi-term-next' or `multi-term-prev', switch term buffer,
and try to create a new term buffer if no term buffers exist."
:type 'boolean
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-default-dir "~/"
"The default directory for terms if current directory doesn't exist."
:type 'string
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-buffer-name "terminal"
"The buffer name of term buffer."
:type 'string
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-scroll-show-maximum-output nil
"*Controls how interpreter output causes window to scroll.
If non-nil, then show the maximum output when the window is scrolled.
See variable `multi-term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output nil
"*Controls whether interpreter output causes window to scroll.
If nil, then do not scroll. If t or `all', scroll all windows showing buffer.
If `this', scroll only the selected window.
If `others', scroll only those that are not the selected window.
The default is nil.
See variable `multi-term-scroll-show-maximum-output'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-switch-after-close 'NEXT
"Try to switch other `multi-term' buffer after close current one.
If this option is 'NEXT, switch to next `multi-term' buffer;
If this option is 'PREVIOUS, switch to previous `multi-term' buffer.
If this option is nil, don't switch other `multi-term' buffer."
:type 'symbol
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom term-unbind-key-list
'("C-z" "C-x" "C-c" "C-h" "C-y" "<ESC>")
"The key list that will need to be unbind."
:type 'list
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom term-bind-key-alist
("C-c C-c" . term-interrupt-subjob)
("C-p" . previous-line)
("C-n" . next-line)
("C-s" . isearch-forward)
("C-r" . isearch-backward)
("C-m" . term-send-raw)
("M-f" . term-send-forward-word)
("M-b" . term-send-backward-word)
("M-o" . term-send-backspace)
("M-p" . term-send-up)
("M-n" . term-send-down)
("M-M" . term-send-forward-kill-word)
("M-N" . term-send-backward-kill-word)
("M-r" . term-send-reverse-search-history)
("M-," . term-send-input)
("M-." . comint-dynamic-complete))
"The key alist that will need to be bind.
If you do not like default setup, modify it, with (KEY . COMMAND) format."
:type 'alist
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-dedicated-window-height 14
"The height of `multi-term' dedicated window."
:type 'integer
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-dedicated-max-window-height 30
"The max height limit of `multi-term' dedicated window.
Default, when hide `multi-term' dedicated window, will remember
window height before hide, except height is larger than this.`"
:type 'integer
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-dedicated-skip-other-window-p nil
"Default, can have `other-window' select window in cyclic ordering of windows.
In cases you don't want to select `multi-term' dedicated window, use `other-window'
and make `multi-term' dedicated window as a viewable sidebar.
So please turn on this option if you want to skip `multi-term' dedicated window with `other-window'.
Default is nil."
:type 'boolean
:set (lambda (symbol value)
(set symbol value)
(when (ad-advised-definition-p 'other-window)
(multi-term-dedicated-handle-other-window-advice value)))
:group 'multi-term)
(defcustom multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p nil
"Default, multi-term won't focus terminal window after you open dedicated window.
Please make this option with t if you want focus terminal window.
Default is nil."
:type 'boolean
:group 'multi-term)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Constant ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defconst multi-term-dedicated-buffer-name "MULTI-TERM-DEDICATED"
"The buffer name of dedicated `multi-term'.")
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Variable ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defvar multi-term-dedicated-window nil
"The dedicated `multi-term' window.")
(defvar multi-term-dedicated-buffer nil
"The dedicated `multi-term' buffer.")
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Interactive Functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun multi-term ()
"Create new term buffer.
Will prompt you shell name when you type `C-u' before this command."
(let (term-buffer)
;; Set buffer.
(setq term-buffer (multi-term-get-buffer current-prefix-arg))
(set-buffer term-buffer)
;; Internal handle for `multi-term' buffer.
;; Switch buffer
(switch-to-buffer term-buffer)))
(defun multi-term-next (&optional offset)
"Go to the next term buffer.
If OFFSET is `non-nil', will goto next term buffer with OFFSET."
(interactive "P")
(multi-term-switch 'NEXT (or offset 1)))
(defun multi-term-prev (&optional offset)
"Go to the previous term buffer.
If OFFSET is `non-nil', will goto previous term buffer with OFFSET."
(interactive "P")
(multi-term-switch 'PREVIOUS (or offset 1)))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-open ()
"Open dedicated `multi-term' window.
Will prompt you shell name when you type `C-u' before this command."
(if (not (multi-term-dedicated-exist-p))
(let ((current-window (selected-window)))
(if (multi-term-buffer-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-buffer)
(unless (multi-term-window-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-window)
;; Set buffer.
(setq multi-term-dedicated-buffer (multi-term-get-buffer current-prefix-arg t))
(set-buffer (multi-term-dedicated-get-buffer-name))
;; Get dedicate window.
;; Whether skip `other-window'.
(multi-term-dedicated-handle-other-window-advice multi-term-dedicated-skip-other-window-p)
;; Internal handle for `multi-term' buffer.
(set-window-buffer multi-term-dedicated-window (get-buffer (multi-term-dedicated-get-buffer-name)))
(set-window-dedicated-p multi-term-dedicated-window t)
;; Select window.
(if multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p
;; Focus dedicated terminal window if option `multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p' is enable.
;; Otherwise focus current window.
(message "`multi-term' dedicated window has exist.")))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-close ()
"Close dedicated `multi-term' window."
(if (multi-term-dedicated-exist-p)
(let ((current-window (selected-window)))
;; Remember height.
;; Close window.
(if (and (require 'ecb nil t)
;; Toggle ECB window when ECB window activated.
;; Otherwise delete dedicated window.
(delete-window multi-term-dedicated-window)
(if (multi-term-window-exist-p current-window)
(select-window current-window))))
(message "`multi-term' window is not exist.")))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-remember-window-height ()
"Remember window height."
(let ((win-height (multi-term-current-window-take-height)))
(if (and (multi-term-dedicated-window-p) ;in `multi-term' window
(> win-height 1)
(<= win-height multi-term-dedicated-max-window-height))
(setq multi-term-dedicated-window-height win-height))))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-toggle ()
"Toggle dedicated `multi-term' window."
(if (multi-term-dedicated-exist-p)
(defun multi-term-dedicated-select ()
"Select the `multi-term' dedicated window."
(if (multi-term-dedicated-exist-p)
(select-window multi-term-dedicated-window)
(message "`multi-term' window is not exist.")))
(defun term-send-backward-kill-word ()
"Backward kill word in term mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\C-w"))
(defun term-send-forward-kill-word ()
"Kill word in term mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\ed"))
(defun term-send-backward-word ()
"Move backward word in term mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\eb"))
(defun term-send-forward-word ()
"Move forward word in term mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\ef"))
(defun term-send-reverse-search-history ()
"Search history reverse."
(term-send-raw-string "\C-r"))
(defun term-send-quote ()
"Quote the next character in term-mode.
Similar to how `quoted-insert' works in a regular buffer."
(term-send-raw-string "\C-v"))
(defun term-send-M-x ()
"Type M-x in term-mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\ex"))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Utilise Functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun multi-term-internal ()
"Internal handle for `multi-term' buffer."
;; Add customize keystroke with `term-mode-hook'
(remove-hook 'term-mode-hook 'multi-term-keystroke-setup)
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'multi-term-keystroke-setup)
;; Load term mode
;; Handle term buffer close
;; Handle `output' variable.
(setq term-scroll-show-maximum-output multi-term-scroll-show-maximum-output
term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output multi-term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output)
;; Add hook to be sure `term' quit subjob before buffer killed.
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'multi-term-kill-buffer-hook))
(defun multi-term-get-buffer (&optional special-shell dedicated-window)
"Get term buffer.
If option SPECIAL-SHELL is `non-nil', will use shell from user input.
If option DEDICATED-WINDOW is `non-nil' will create dedicated `multi-term' window ."
(let ((shell-name (or multi-term-program ;shell name
(getenv "SHELL")
(getenv "ESHELL")
term-list-length ;get length of term list
index ;setup new term index
term-name) ;term name
(if dedicated-window
(setq term-name multi-term-dedicated-buffer-name)
;; Compute index.
(setq term-list-length (length (multi-term-list)))
(setq index (if term-list-length (1+ term-list-length) 1))
;; switch to current local directory,
;; if in-existence, switch to `multi-term-default-dir'.
(cd (or default-directory (expand-file-name multi-term-default-dir)))
;; adjust value N when max index of term buffer is less than length of term list
(while (buffer-live-p (get-buffer (format "*%s<%s>*" multi-term-buffer-name index)))
(setq index (1+ index)))
(setq term-name (format "%s<%s>" multi-term-buffer-name index)))
;; Try get other shell name if `special-shell' is non-nil.
(if special-shell
(setq shell-name (read-from-minibuffer "Run program: " shell-name)))
;; Make term, details to see function `make-term' in `term.el'.
(if multi-term-program-switches
(make-term term-name shell-name nil multi-term-program-switches)
(make-term term-name shell-name)))))
(defun multi-term-handle-close ()
"Close current term buffer when `exit' from term buffer."
(when (ignore-errors (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
(set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
(lambda (proc change)
(when (string-match "\\(finished\\|exited\\)" change)
(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc)))))))
(defun multi-term-kill-buffer-hook ()
"Function that hook `kill-buffer-hook'."
(when (eq major-mode 'term-mode)
;; Quit the current subjob
;; when have alive process with current term buffer.
;; Must do this job BEFORE `multi-term-switch-after-close' action.
(when (term-check-proc (current-buffer))
;; Quit sub-process.
;; Remember dedicated window height.
;; Try to switch other multi-term buffer
;; when option `multi-term-switch-after-close' is non-nil.
(when multi-term-switch-after-close
(multi-term-switch-internal multi-term-switch-after-close 1))))
(defun multi-term-list ()
"List term buffers presently active."
;; Autload command `remove-if-not'.
(autoload 'remove-if-not "cl-seq")
(remove-if-not (lambda (b)
(setq case-fold-search t)
(format "^\\\*%s<[0-9]+>\\\*$" multi-term-buffer-name)
(buffer-name b)))
(lambda (a b)
(< (string-to-number
(cadr (split-string (buffer-name a) "[<>]")))
(cadr (split-string (buffer-name b) "[<>]")))))))
(defun multi-term-switch (direction offset)
"Switch `multi-term' buffers.
If DIRECTION is `NEXT', switch to the next term.
If DIRECTION `PREVIOUS', switch to the previous term.
Option OFFSET for skip OFFSET number term buffer."
(unless (multi-term-switch-internal direction offset)
(if multi-term-try-create
(message "Create a new `multi-term' buffer."))
(message "Haven't any `multi-term' buffer exist."))))
(defun multi-term-switch-internal (direction offset)
"Internal `multi-term' buffers switch function.
If DIRECTION is `NEXT', switch to the next term.
If DIRECTION `PREVIOUS', switch to the previous term.
Option OFFSET for skip OFFSET number term buffer."
(let (terms this-buffer)
(setq terms (multi-term-list))
(if (consp terms)
(setf (cdr (last terms)) terms)
(setq this-buffer (position (current-buffer) (multi-term-list)))
(if this-buffer
(if (eql direction 'NEXT)
(switch-to-buffer (nth (+ this-buffer offset) terms))
(switch-to-buffer (nth (+ (- (length (multi-term-list)) offset)
this-buffer) terms)))
(switch-to-buffer (car terms)))
(defun multi-term-keystroke-setup ()
"Keystroke setup of `term-char-mode'.
By default, the key bindings of `term-char-mode' conflict with user's keystroke.
So this function unbinds some keys with `term-raw-map',
and binds some keystroke with `term-raw-map'."
(let (bind-key bind-command)
;; Unbind base key that conflict with user's keys-tokes.
(dolist (unbind-key term-unbind-key-list)
((stringp unbind-key) (setq unbind-key (read-kbd-macro unbind-key)))
((vectorp unbind-key) nil)
(t (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'array unbind-key))))
(define-key term-raw-map unbind-key nil))
;; Add some i use keys.
;; If you don't like my keystroke,
;; just modified `term-bind-key-alist'
(dolist (element term-bind-key-alist)
(setq bind-key (car element))
(setq bind-command (cdr element))
((stringp bind-key) (setq bind-key (read-kbd-macro bind-key)))
((vectorp bind-key) nil)
(t (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'array bind-key))))
(define-key term-raw-map bind-key bind-command))))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-handle-other-window-advice (activate)
"Handle advice for function `other-window'.
If ACTIVATE is `non-nil', will enable advice
Otherwise, disable it."
(if activate
(ad-enable-advice 'other-window 'after 'multi-term-dedicated-other-window-advice)
(ad-disable-advice 'other-window 'after 'multi-term-dedicated-other-window-advice))
(ad-activate 'other-window))
(defun multi-term-current-window-take-height (&optional window)
"Return the height the `window' takes up.
Not the value of `window-height', it returns usable rows available for WINDOW.
If `window' is nil, get current window."
(let ((edges (window-edges window)))
(- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-get-window ()
"Get `multi-term' dedicated window."
(setq multi-term-dedicated-window
(- (multi-term-current-window-take-height) multi-term-dedicated-window-height))))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-get-buffer-name ()
"Get the buffer name of `multi-term' dedicated window."
(format "*%s*" multi-term-dedicated-buffer-name))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-exist-p ()
"Return `non-nil' if `multi-term' dedicated window exist."
(and (multi-term-buffer-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-buffer)
(multi-term-window-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-window)))
(defun multi-term-window-exist-p (window)
"Return `non-nil' if WINDOW exist.
Otherwise return nil."
(and window (window-live-p window)))
(defun multi-term-buffer-exist-p (buffer)
"Return `non-nil' if `BUFFER' exist.
Otherwise return nil."
(and buffer (buffer-live-p buffer)))
(defun multi-term-dedicated-window-p ()
"Return `non-nil' if current window is `multi-term' dedicated window.
Otherwise return nil."
(equal (multi-term-dedicated-get-buffer-name) (buffer-name (window-buffer))))
(defun multi-term-window-dedicated-only-one-p ()
"Only have one non-dedicated window."
(let ((window-number 0)
(dedicated-window-number 0))
(lambda (w)
(with-selected-window w
(incf window-number)
(if (window-dedicated-p w)
(incf dedicated-window-number)))))
(if (and (> dedicated-window-number 0)
(= (- window-number dedicated-window-number) 1))
t nil)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Advice ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defadvice delete-other-windows (around multi-term-delete-other-window-advice activate)
"This is advice to make `multi-term' avoid dedicated window deleted.
Dedicated window can't deleted by command `delete-other-windows'."
(let ((multi-term-dedicated-active-p (multi-term-window-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-window)))
(if multi-term-dedicated-active-p
(let ((current-window (selected-window)))
(dolist (win (window-list))
(when (and (window-live-p win)
(not (eq current-window win))
(not (window-dedicated-p win)))
(delete-window win))))
(defadvice delete-window (before multi-term-delete-window-advice activate)
"Use `delete-window' delete `multi-term' dedicated window.
Have same effect as command `multi-term-dedicated-close'.
This advice to remember `multi-term' dedicated window height before deleting."
;; Remember window height before deleted.
(defadvice pop-to-buffer (before multi-term-pop-to-buffer-advice activate)
"This advice fix the problem between `pop-to-buffer' and dedicated window.
By default, function `display-buffer' can't display buffer in selected window
if current window is `dedicated'.
So function `display-buffer' conflicts with `sr-speedbar' window, because
`sr-speedbar' window is a `dedicated' window.
That is to say, when current frame just have one `non-dedicated' window,
any functions that uses `display-buffer' can't split windows
to display buffer, even when the option `pop-up-windows' is enabled.
And the example function that can induce the problem is `pop-to-buffer'.
This advice will fix this problem when current frame just have one `non-dedicated' window."
(when (and pop-up-windows ;`pop-up-windows' is enable
(multi-term-window-dedicated-only-one-p) ;just have one `non-dedicated' window.
(multi-term-window-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-window)
(not (multi-term-dedicated-window-p))) ;not in `sr-speedbar' window
(defadvice other-window (after multi-term-dedicated-other-window-advice)
"Default, can use `other-window' select window in cyclic ordering of windows.
But sometimes we don't want to select `sr-speedbar' window,
but use `other-window' and just make `multi-term' dedicated
window as a viewable sidebar.
This advice can make `other-window' skip `multi-term' dedicated window."
(let ((count (or (ad-get-arg 0) 1)))
(when (and (multi-term-window-exist-p multi-term-dedicated-window)
(eq multi-term-dedicated-window (selected-window)))
(other-window count))))
(provide 'multi-term)
;; Local Variables:
;; time-stamp-line-limit: 10
;; time-stamp-start: "Last-Updated: <"
;; time-stamp-end: ">"
;; End:
;;; multi-term.el ends here
;;; LocalWords: multi el dir sr Hawley eb ef cd