Uncomitted attempts
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("day12", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
digraph D {
start [shape=box]
end [shape=box]
A [shape=box]
b [shape=box]
c [shape=box]
d [shape=box]
start -> {A, b}
end -> {A, b}
A -> {c, b, end}
A -> {start}
b -> {d, end}
b -> {start, A}
c -> {A}
d -> {b}
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
digraph D {
start [shape=box]
end [shape=box]
dc [shape=box]
HN [shape=box]
kj [shape=box]
LN [shape=box]
sa [shape=box]
start -> {kj}
start -> {HN, dc}
end -> {dc, HN}
dc -> {end, start, HN}
dc -> {LN, kj}
HN -> {start, end}
HN -> {dc, kj}
kj -> {sa, HN, dc}
kj -> {start}
LN -> {dc}
sa -> {kj}
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
digraph D {
start [shape=box]
end [shape=box]
fs [shape=box]
he [shape=box]
DX [shape=box]
pj [shape=box]
zg [shape=box]
sl [shape=box]
RW [shape=box]
WI [shape=box]
start -> {DX, pj, RW}
end -> {zg}
end -> {fs}
fs -> {end, he, DX}
fs -> {pj}
he -> {DX, WI}
he -> {fs, pj, RW, zg}
DX -> {he, start, pj, fs}
pj -> {DX, he, RW, fs}
pj -> {zg, start}
zg -> {sl, pj, RW, he}
zg -> {end}
sl -> {zg}
RW -> {he}
RW -> {pj, zg, start}
WI -> {he}
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
digraph D {
start [shape=box]
end [shape=box]
mj [shape=box]
TZ [shape=box]
LY [shape=box]
TX [shape=box]
ez [shape=box]
uw [shape=box]
TH [shape=box]
vn [shape=box]
sb [shape=box]
RR [shape=box]
mt [shape=box]
start -> {LY, TZ}
start -> {mj}
end -> {LY}
end -> {TH, sb}
mj -> {TZ, start, TH}
mj -> {LY}
TZ -> {sb}
TZ -> {mj, ez, start, uw}
LY -> {mj, ez}
LY -> {start, uw, end}
TX -> {ez, mt}
TX -> {sb}
ez -> {TZ, TH}
ez -> {TX, uw, LY}
uw -> {ez, LY, RR, vn, TZ}
uw -> {sb}
TH -> {vn, end}
TH -> {mj, ez}
vn -> {sb}
vn -> {TH, uw}
sb -> {uw, TX, end}
sb -> {TZ, vn}
RR -> {uw}
mt -> {TX}
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
const std = @import("std");
const example =
const example2 =
const example3 =
const input = @embedFile("../input");
const Graph = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
nodes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .{},
const Self = @This();
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
for (self.nodes.items) |n| {
pub fn build_graph(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, text: []const u8) !Self {
var self: Self = .{
.alloc = alloc,
var start = try alloc.create(Node);
errdefer alloc.destroy(start);
start.id = "start";
start.children = .{};
start.parents = .{};
var end = try alloc.create(Node);
errdefer alloc.destroy(end);
end.id = "end";
end.children = .{};
end.parents = .{};
// Our input text does not necessarrily contain the Nodes in an order
// that will just assemble into a graph. We temporarily hold an array
// of pointers to all the nodes we're making to facilitate building
// the graph.
try self.nodes.append(self.alloc, start);
try self.nodes.append(self.alloc, end);
var lit = std.mem.tokenize(u8, text, "\n");
while (lit.next()) |line| {
var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, "-");
var first: ?*Node = null;
var second: ?*Node = null;
while (it.next()) |id| {
var n = self.node_exists(id);
if (n == null) {
n = try alloc.create(Node);
errdefer alloc.destroy(n.?);
n.?.id = id;
var big = true;
for (id) |c| {
if (!std.ascii.isUpper(c)) {
big = false;
n.?.big = big;
n.?.children = .{};
n.?.parents = .{};
try self.nodes.append(self.alloc, n.?);
if (first == null) {
first = n;
else if (second == null) {
second = n;
// @LEAK When there is an error, the unmanaged array lists aren't properly freed
//std.log.debug("Adding '{s}' as parent of '{s}'", .{first.?.id, second.?.id});
try second.?.parents.append(self.alloc, first.?);
try first.?.children.append(self.alloc, second.?);
//std.debug.assert(start.parent == null);
//std.debug.assert(end.parent != null);
return self;
pub fn paths_part1(self: *Self) !Paths {
var paths = try self.node_exists("start").?.walk(alloc, null);
return paths;
pub fn node_exists(self: *Self, id: []const u8) ?*Node {
for (self.nodes.items) |n| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, n.id)) {
return n;
return null;
pub fn to_dot(self: *Self, f: std.fs.File) !void {
defer f.close();
_ = try f.writeAll("digraph D {\n");
for (self.nodes.items) |n| {
_ = try f.write(n.id);
_ = try f.write(" [shape=box]\n");
for(self.nodes.items) |n| {
if (n.children.items.len > 0) {
_ = try f.write(n.id);
_ = try f.write(" -> {");
for (n.children.items) |c, k| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, c.id, n.id)) {
_ = try f.write(c.id);
if (k != n.children.items.len - 1) {
_ = try f.write(", ");
_ = try f.write("}\n");
if (n.parents.items.len > 0) {
_ = try f.write(n.id);
_ = try f.write(" -> {");
for (n.parents.items) |c, k| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, c.id, n.id)) {
_ = try f.write(c.id);
if (k != n.parents.items.len - 1) {
_ = try f.write(", ");
_ = try f.write("}\n");
try f.writeAll("}\n");
const Path = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node);
const Paths = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
paths: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Path),
const Self = @This(),
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
return Self {
.alloc = alloc,
.paths = .{}
const Node = struct {
id: [] const u8,
big: bool = false,
parents: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .{},
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .{},
const Self = @This();
fn valid_child_part1(self: *Self, path: std.ArrayList(*Node)) bool {
if (self.big) {
return true;
for (path.items) |p| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, p.id, self.id)) {
return false;
return true;
pub fn walk(self: *Self, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, visited: ?Path) !Paths {
var paths = Path.init(alloc);
// Depth first
if (visited == null) {
var new_path = try alloc.create(Path);
errdefer alloc.destroy(new_path);
try new_path.append(self);
else {
try visited.append(alloc, self);
return paths;
// pub fn paths(self: *Self, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !std.ArrayList(*Path) {
// var ps = std.ArrayList(*Path).init(alloc);
// if (ps.items.len == 0) {
// var path = try alloc.create(Path);
// errdefer alloc.destroy(path);
// path.* = Path.init(alloc);
// try ps.append(path);
// }
// for (ps.items) |path| {
// try path.append(self);
// }
// if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.id, "end")) {
// return ps;
// }
// return ps;
// }
// pub fn paths_from(self: *Self, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, from: Path) !std.ArrayList(Path) {
// var ps = std.ArrayList(*Path).init(alloc);
// for (self.children.items) |c| {
// if (!c.valid_child_part1(from)) {
// continue;
// }
// var path = alloc.create(std.ArrayList(Path));
// path.* = std.ArrayList(Path).init(alloc);
// for (from.items) |f| {
// try path.append(f);
// }
// try path.append(c);
// try ps.append(path);
// }
// return ps;
// }
test "example 1" {
var graph = try Graph.build_graph(std.testing.allocator, example);
defer graph.deinit();
var end = graph.node_exists("end");
var end_paths = try end.?.paths(std.testing.allocator);
for (end_paths.items) |p, k| {
std.log.warn("Path number {}", .{k});
for (p.items) |n| {
std.log.warn("\t{s}", .{n.id});
// Cleanup
for (end_paths.items) |p| {
var paths = try graph.paths_part1();
for (paths.items) |p, k| {
std.log.warn("Path number {}", .{k});
for (p.items) |n| {
std.log.warn("\t{s}", .{n.id});
for (paths.items) |p| {
test "example 1 graph" {
var graph = try Graph.build_graph(std.testing.allocator, example);
defer graph.deinit();
var tmp = std.testing.tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
var file = try tmp.dir.createFile("example1.dot", .{});
// this closes the file descriptor.
try graph.to_dot(file);
var expected = @embedFile("../examples/1.dot");
var f = try tmp.dir.openFile("example1.dot", .{});
defer f.close();
const actual = try f.readToEndAlloc(std.testing.allocator, std.math.maxInt(u16));
defer std.testing.allocator.free(actual);
try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, expected, actual));
test "example 2 graph" {
var graph = try Graph.build_graph(std.testing.allocator, example2);
defer graph.deinit();
var tmp = std.testing.tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
var file = try tmp.dir.createFile("example2.dot", .{});
// this closes the file descriptor.
try graph.to_dot(file);
var expected = @embedFile("../examples/2.dot");
var f = try tmp.dir.openFile("example2.dot", .{});
defer f.close();
const actual = try f.readToEndAlloc(std.testing.allocator, std.math.maxInt(u16));
defer std.testing.allocator.free(actual);
try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, expected, actual));
test "example 3 graph" {
var graph = try Graph.build_graph(std.testing.allocator, example3);
defer graph.deinit();
var tmp = std.testing.tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
var file = try tmp.dir.createFile("example3.dot", .{});
// this closes the file descriptor.
try graph.to_dot(file);
var expected = @embedFile("../examples/3.dot");
var f = try tmp.dir.openFile("example3.dot", .{});
defer f.close();
const actual = try f.readToEndAlloc(std.testing.allocator, std.math.maxInt(u16));
defer std.testing.allocator.free(actual);
try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, expected, actual));
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const alloc = arena.allocator();
// Read our input
var graph = try Graph.build_graph(alloc, input);
defer graph.deinit();
var f = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("graph.dot", .{});
try graph.to_dot(f);
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("day14", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
HO -> B
KB -> O
PV -> B
BV -> C
HK -> N
FK -> H
NV -> C
PF -> K
FV -> B
NH -> P
CO -> N
HV -> P
OH -> H
BC -> H
SP -> C
OK -> F
KH -> N
HB -> V
FP -> N
KP -> O
FB -> O
FH -> F
CN -> K
BP -> P
SF -> O
CK -> K
KN -> O
VK -> C
HP -> N
KK -> V
KO -> C
OO -> P
BH -> B
OC -> O
HC -> V
HS -> O
SH -> V
SO -> C
FS -> N
CH -> O
PC -> O
FC -> S
VO -> H
NS -> H
PH -> C
SS -> F
BN -> B
BF -> F
NC -> F
CS -> F
NN -> O
FF -> P
OF -> H
NF -> O
SC -> F
KC -> F
CP -> H
CF -> K
BS -> S
HN -> K
CB -> P
PB -> V
VP -> C
OS -> C
FN -> B
NB -> V
BB -> C
BK -> V
VF -> V
VC -> O
NO -> K
KF -> P
FO -> C
OB -> K
ON -> S
BO -> V
KV -> H
CC -> O
HF -> N
VS -> S
PN -> P
SK -> F
PO -> V
HH -> F
VV -> N
VH -> N
SV -> S
CV -> B
KS -> K
PS -> V
OV -> S
SB -> V
NP -> K
SN -> C
NK -> O
PK -> F
VN -> P
PP -> K
VB -> C
OP -> P
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const alloc = &arena.allocator;
// Read our input
var f = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input", .{});
defer f.close();
var contents = try f.readToEndAlloc(alloc, std.math.maxInt(u32));
defer alloc.free(contents);
var it = std.mem.tokenize(contents, "\n");
var template: []const u8 = it.next().?;
var replacements = std.ArrayList(Replacement).init(alloc);
defer replacements.deinit();
while (it.next()) |line| {
var lit = std.mem.tokenize(line, " ");
var pair = lit.next().?;
_ = lit.next(); // skip
var insert = lit.next().?;
var r: Replacement = undefined;
r.pair[0] = pair[0];
r.pair[1] = pair[1];
r.insert = insert[0];
try replacements.append(r);
var compound = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc);
defer compound.deinit();
// Clone our template
for (template) |t| {
try compound.append(t);
var step: u8 = 0;
while (step < 10) : (step += 1) {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < (compound.items.len - 1)) : (index += 1) {
const Replacement = struct {
pair: [2]u8,
insert: u8,
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("day15", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const alloc = arena.allocator();
// Read our input
var f = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input", .{});
defer f.close();
var contents = try f.readToEndAlloc(alloc, std.math.maxInt(u32));
defer alloc.free(contents);
var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, contents, "\n");
var map = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc);
defer map.deinit();
var width: u8 = 0;
var height: u8 = 0;
while (it.next()) |line| {
height += 1;
if (@intCast(u8, line.len) > width) {
width = @intCast(u8, line.len);
for (line) |_, i| {
try map.append(try std.fmt.parseInt(u8, line[i..i+1], 10));
var path = try find_path(alloc, map.items, width, height);
defer path.deinit();
const Point = struct {
x: u8 = 0,
y: u8 = 0,
pub fn get_index(p: *Point, width: u8, height: u8) usize {
_ = width;
return @as(usize, height) * @as(usize, p.y) + @as(usize, p.x);
pub fn from_index(index: usize, width: u8, height: u8) Point {
return Point {
.x = @intCast(u8, index % width),
.y = @intCast(u8, index / height),
fn find_path(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, map: []u8, width: u8,
height: u8) !std.ArrayList(Point) {
var path = std.ArrayList(Point).init(alloc);
var open_set = std.AutoHashMap(Point, void).init(alloc);
defer open_set.deinit();
// Our starting point
try open_set.put(.{.x = width - 1, .y = height - 1}, undefined);
var came_from = std.AutoHashMap(Point, void).init(alloc);
defer came_from.deinit();
while (open_set.count() > 0) {
// Find lowest score in openset
var lowest: Point = undefined;
var score: u8 = std.math.maxInt(u8);
var oit = open_set.iterator();
while(oit.next()) |kv| {
var p = kv.key_ptr.*;
_ = kv.value_ptr.*;
// We might have to modify this, since our open_set may
// contain points that aren't directly adjacent?
if (map[p.get_index(width, height)] < score) {
lowest = p;
score = map[p.get_index(width, height)];
std.log.debug("Went to point {}, {}: score {}",
.{lowest.x, lowest.y, score});
try path.append(lowest);
try came_from.put(lowest, undefined);
if (lowest.x == 0 and lowest.y == 0) {
// We have arrived
return path;
_ = open_set.remove(lowest);
// Let's clear our open_set, but this might be an error
var adjacents = get_adjacent_points(lowest.get_index(width, height),
width, height);
for (adjacents) |adj| {
if (adj) |a| {
var p = Point.from_index(a, width, height);
if (came_from.contains(p)) {
try open_set.put(p, undefined);
// Failure to find path
fn get_adjacent_points(i: usize, width: usize, height: usize) [4]?usize {
var adjacents = [4] ?usize {
var ai: usize = 0;
var bottom = i < ((height - 1) * width);
var top = i >= width;
var left = (i % width) != 0;
var right = (i % width) != (width - 1);
if (top) {
adjacents[ai] = i - width;
ai += 1;
if (left) {
adjacents[ai] = i - 1;
ai += 1;
if (right) {
adjacents[ai] = i + 1;
ai += 1;
if (bottom) {
adjacents[ai] = i + width;
ai += 1;
return adjacents;
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("day16", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
const exe_tests = b.addTest("src/main.zig");
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
std.log.info("All your codebase are belong to us.", .{});
test "basic test" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(10, 3 + 7);
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("day8", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
gbdfcae ebcg cfg gc facegb fecab acfge cbfgda fedag caebfd | ecbg bfcagd faegc gcf
eacgf efcab fgc fedagc gdeaf cged aebfgd adcgfbe gc bdgcaf | fgbacd cfega ecdg cg
dfgae gcadef efb eb dcabf bgde edfba bcfaeg egcdfab fbgade | bged eafdb eb gfdea
aefdb cafdgeb egdfac egdcba fcbd efd eadcb caefbd df aegbf | cfadeg abfedgc fde bfcd
dc deafg ecd dbaefc adcfeg cfged ecbfg acdg cafdegb gfeadb | dcga edc adfebcg ecgfb
befdc bcfge befad degfab cde aecbfd gcedaf eafcgdb dc bcad | bdeafc cde ebdcafg daebgcf
cd egdacfb fdc fecgb gabdf fbcdg fcgdeb gdcfea debc ecfbga | gfecb fbgecd bcgef dc
fagcdbe gec gbdea ce bgedc aecd cgbeaf cfbdg gebcda dbfgae | cfbaged cgbeaf ceg gadfbe
gcbaf gfdb bdafc df adf adcbefg dcfeag cebad adfgcb faecgb | afd agfedc dcbfa gdfabc
fbae cef fecdbg afbcg cefbga fe acdfgb gadce fbdacge fcage | fe abef gfbac cef
cfdebg bg beg cabfeg fbgd acged ecgbd fdcbe cfbeda cebgadf | fbedc gadce gdaec bcfed
gba ab fgbcd gedaf bcadge afbdgc cdgfbe agdfcbe bcfa bdfga | gab gdbfc ba fgdbcae
fabdgce bfdgac cbaed dcb bgade fbaec fcde edbfac gfabec cd | dc cefd dc cd
afc dbecafg fagce fbega fbgc edgca agecbf bafged eacdfb cf | cf bfdcaeg gfbc gfbc
gedcb ebda cgbdfa fcaeg gab bfgdce ba agbce bdgecfa dgebca | bdgfce cebagd cbdgfae dcfbeg
egbacf acdfe gfecb egdfcb dfgaceb dfb dgcb fdbce db bdeafg | fdb db db bdf
cfeg eabcf gdefcab bef geabc bfcad egbadf cfgbae egcdba fe | fgec gaecfdb cagbef ef
bafde dbgeac feacgbd cbaef bed bfgaed gafecd bgdf bd eafgd | db cfgdae caegdfb fabed
afg bacg cdbgf gcdfab fdcae gafdeb dbgfce ga dcafg cedabfg | gaf bdafgc agbc ga
edgca bafdcg acbdg cbdeag dce fgcea gdcfeb aebd ed gfdabce | ebgcad daeb edcga ced
agecf abfegc dbefcga ad dafc fegdb adg afgde bdcega ecagdf | fadeg dfac dga da
ceagdb gedac acfdbg cda bgecafd adgeb dcefg ca beac abgfde | aegbd baegd bdcagf abcdeg
egaf bagdce dcgabf ea eab cgbfa cdfebga fbcae dfcbe fgbace | gdfaceb gfea dbcfe eba
cfbega bge eg cgdebaf gedbc adeg bceadg bfadcg agbcd cdefb | ge ge cfedb fbgadec
afc ca cabe gbefcd aebcgdf acedf gbafdc eagfd edcfab dfbce | gbfdcea fca aecbfd ceba
af bcdag agbfde fdbca ebdfc adf dbefcga abedfc aefc dbgcfe | af acfe adf adcfbe
badfe agebd gfaced gbdcafe aecfd fab dbfc geacbf adbcfe bf | fb ebagfc beadf dface
bfeda gabefd agbedc ec fcadeb dfbaecg cea fdec afceb agfcb | fbcae cfde eac fedc
ebcf eafgcb egdfba dfcag bacge faceg afe gdceab ef dgcbaef | fcbe febc bcaeg cbfe
dafbc afdebg egfc ce eagbcd ceafgbd fgeba cbefa eac fcgeba | afegb cdagbe cbdaf gfaeb
ecd dface cdgafe gcabfd edbgcfa gdacf fecg cdbaeg ec efbad | edbaf gcafd dcgbaf dafgceb
gd fagbec bdfg gde cfgbe cefdbg gbdeacf agdcef bdceg bcdea | dg gcfeba dg ebdcg
bg bgdeac abdg cgb fcbade gdbceaf fbdgce dbeca gaebc aegfc | cgb befgdc fedgcb gbc
gac cgeda egcbafd gfdbce fadec ag degbca agecbf dagb gebcd | cdegb degcbaf cedaf edafc
ecfab bfacdg bdga gb cfgba bfg gefdacb cegdfb fagdc cafedg | bfg cefba gb aedbcgf
dgfce aeg cfbdgae acfgeb ebcafd ag gafed gaebfd bdga dbfea | gae cfbdae abedfg bgfdae
cgbad cbaf fbgeda dfgcab fdcebg dbfcg decag cdagbfe bga ab | dfcabg cbfa fcedgab adfcbeg
cegbadf edfgba cafeg dc agdebc dbgfe cdbefg dec dbcf edfcg | bdfc facdegb adfegb egbfd
bedf cefadg ced ed bcegd gefabc agcdbfe cdgab gcfbe fgcdbe | ed cde bdgec dbecfg
egfcab debfa ecd bfgec cdgb cd bdcef dgebcf ecdabgf egcadf | becfd cbgd gcdb fcbed
bc dbfge gbecf caefdg gefabc abgdcf bfc baec efcag cebgafd | baec fegbc agfec cgbef
bacegfd fbdgca egbcf fabce bdaefc dcaef dagefc ba dbae cab | daeb cbefa cab ab
fgab cgdfae fcgebd gb bcg dbaegcf cabed gadcb gcafd gbfadc | gbc adcgf dgecbf cgb
gdaeb df cgaebdf dfbe cbdagf eabdcg gfd aecgf aefdgb agedf | dfg gfcea febd ebdag
ecbaf cagfdb aecgf gac ebga defagcb baedfc gfcde ag gfbeca | cadbfg gaecbf agbfec fecba
edbgaf fbd egdbfca dagf gabde bdfge fd bgcfe efbcda eacdbg | fbd ebcdaf dbgaefc gefbda
acdbg aefcdg cdg cegb acebfd abgdf cg fbegadc gcbdae eabdc | gc edafbcg gadbc cg
fgcd bgdafe bacge dg facgde acfde agdec gdefbca deg aebcfd | gd eagdc ged ged
egfa efdcba dfbgc cbfea ga abcfg edgcab bga fecgdab aebfcg | bga faegcbd bfeadc badcge
bfeda ceagdb bf ebfacd edacb acefbdg begcdf bafc agfde feb | fb fb fbac bcegad
bfdcea dcbgaf cbega dbage cea ce cbafg gefc bgacfed bfecag | abgfc ec cegf acdefb
adgfce cdag cd fgecab cfgae ced fdbae gebdfc agbcefd ecafd | dfcae dc fdcae ebafcg
dbeag begfad bfdegac dcb cb gcfda ecdgfb ceab gcabd dcebag | cbd cb cegbda bgcdef
cdfaeb fgebad ea dcbgfa gcaebdf cegbd bdcae fabcd cfae eba | caef bafdce afec gfdbea
bcfega gcbea bdfgeca gabcd bd gdcabe dafcg ecdb dba ebfadg | fceadbg fbaceg db bd
gadcbe dgb debcaf fabgcd bcgfe bdgcf acfedbg gd cafdb gdaf | eafdcb bcfade badceg bdacfg
gafce cabde cdf aefbdgc efacgd fgeacb ceafd df efgd badfgc | edfg acbegf dfc gedf
afgce gbdecf bae adebcgf bgedca abecg abcd baefgd ba gbdec | ab dfagcbe gbeca ab
de dcgaf gcfbed gdebfca acegb cde bcgafe abed gdacbe gecda | ed afgcedb deagc gcdaf
gcdef ebfadc da dabefg daf fbaeg gaefcb dfeag gbdfcea bgad | gadfbe bafgce dgba afd
bdfeg gecf fc egdfcb gcbedaf bfc dfcbe cbdfga baced abedfg | fcge fgdecb dcgfabe fgdeb
bdf acbdfg bdaefg aefgbc abcde dagebfc fd dfcg cabdf cgfab | bfadc cabfg gfcdab fbaegc
af cdfbega edbfac dfbgc fac adef adecb becagd acdfb efcbga | bcagfde bdfcae gfdecab eacbd
egfcad bdgeac fdac fed cdage fd gcbfed baegf gfedcab gedfa | adceg fd afebg egdca
fegba ecbafgd cfegba cgdab efbgad ec fadcge ecg bcef cegba | bgadc ce fecgdba baceg
bdfaeg abgedc efadg bafd gfeba fcdebga adg aecgbf da ecfdg | ad ad dfba befcgad
efadcg dacfb cfgab bfde eafdc decfbag decbfa bd bcd acebgd | debf cafde gcdafe fcgebad
agd cgadef gcdebfa gd facge bdfgea eagbfc dcgaf cafdb ecdg | cbgfae ebfcga agcef bfdeag
dfbge abefgd aefbcg dcfegb ba fgbad gedafbc bdea fba dcafg | agfdb fab fba fcbgde
fcdab agbecd eacgfb gc fgeabd gdabc dgbea cbfdeag cag dceg | fcadb fbcad degba gca
eag cbefg dfeagbc cdfbga egcba dcegba dace agedbf ae gadbc | cegba age agbdc dbcafg
cdbag gfb dgceba cbfa gfdbac faebcgd deafg dgbaf fbegcd bf | eagdf febgcd fbdag gdfbce
cdbgf afcebg acfdbe ed ced bdefagc dcgbea fbeac cbdfe adef | cfbde de dec ecd
dfc fbcde dfcbga ecbgd egbdca fd eabfc edbfgc efdg cdfegab | df dgef fgbaedc df
fcg egcbd gacefb dfgbc abfcgde bfdga cfed cf gdebac gbecdf | bfdcg fgc fbcdg agdbf
fcabg acfbedg bfcgde ecbad agef ecfgba ecf fe dafbgc baecf | aegfbc cfe dbace fec
edbagc cefbda bfdeg af agcf gfebdca fgdcab dgcba baf fabdg | bcadef dfgcab abdcfe gedfb
acegf efbgcd dgbefac cgd bedga cbad agcedb dc egadc feagdb | badcgef cd dcgbfae cd
bfc cdafeb bcega gdcf afgdbe egbfd caebfdg gcefb cf debcgf | gcebf bgedf dfbgea fc
dgfaceb gcdf dabcg fd dfgba aefcbd bdacge gfabe afd dcagbf | daecgfb gbecda dacbfe gdcba
fbgedc bfcda cfg dafbge fecdbag cagfd aecg agfde cg adgcfe | ecdfagb gfceda gaebdf gbfdea
afbe gfa gfdcb af febcadg faegcb bcgea aedcbg eagfcd afgcb | bagcf gfdeca abfe af
caefg efd fd abedc fcgd egdcaf egafbd gfcbea dafec abgedcf | gaebcf fcedga def egcafbd
dcfab gefdcb bda da baefc baedcfg gfda dbceag cbfagd fbgdc | cdebga efdgbc fbcgead beafc
bgfed fdaegcb bedagc da bdacfg gda eacfgb cadf dafgb cabgf | dgceab da dfbeg bcegad
cedab fc adbfec faegcb adbgf cfa ecdf ebagcfd dcbfa ecgabd | becdaf cefd abdfc efcd
cdgbea aeg agdec dafgbc gbed aegbcf ge aecfbgd cagbd cafde | ceafd bagcd gacdb cgbad
dgfeb bedag cgdefa df gfdaeb cbdega gfdceba gbfec dafb gfd | fabecdg bdfa bdaf dfba
gdfe acdbf ed bdegcf cegbfa cebfd deb badegfc fbcge bgaced | ebd efgcabd bfcda dfeg
abfcedg gec fcgdbe gaebc gebfac efbdca gfea acbfe gbdca ge | agfe cge cdbgfe bcfdea
fgbaed dacegb dacef egafd aecbgf adfcebg bdfg ged agfbe gd | agdfceb gd dg fbgd
egdb acgbef edfac bd fgecb gbadfec bcafgd bcd bedcf gdecbf | bdc bedg gdbe efbgc
cagbef acgbf fgcabde cgd gbda dg dbfgec ecafd dgfca dagbcf | agbcfe dcgfa dbagcf cgdafeb
cb efbgc cgfae cgb gceafd beca fbcgae gefdb cbgadf dcfabeg | bgeacf bacedfg cbdgfa dfgbe
cgbedf facgdb agfdc cga cafed gfcbd gcdbeaf degacb fbag ag | gbaf acfed gafcd cgfda
egbdfca cadf bdafgc cbgfea cbgde bdcfg gfc cf fdbag gebdfa | eacdgfb fcda dfac adefcgb
fdgea abcd ac cfabge cdbfeg gdebac acg gcdebaf gadce bcedg | gac abefgc ac gcaed
eafdc eafbc agbe begcadf ba gcefba fgcbda gdbfce cba ecbgf | ba ab abeg adcgbf
afg ga bdafe eadfg dagc gefcab edbcgf ceagfd ecgdf aedcbfg | agdc daefb debcafg fdaeb
baf cbdgf afbecd gdcabfe dcfabg fadeg gbac gbadf ab cedgbf | fcdeba cbga afbdg bgca
ebdfgca ebfdag gb bgf fdeagc gdbe cdfgba egfab abcef agdfe | gb gfbdea gdeb eafbg
agbcdf fe gebad fea becf ecfbga cgabf aegfb fedgca acgbedf | ebgda ebdgacf fcbe aef
gdbef bgfadec gfeab eab gdcfbe ab bfadeg fdab dcaebg acgfe | fgadbe fbedgc dgefb aeb
adcbf fbdg bcf dcbag fecad cgafbd fb acdefgb bgefac dgcabe | dfcab cfb bf cdeaf
dfgbca cdebagf cfe fcbga aefdg geafc bdecgf ce bgefac aceb | bace aebc gfbac efc
adfegcb gcbaf fa adgcb acf efgacb fgcbed eadfbc agef fbgce | aefg acf gafe cfa
fdegbc fcbad ec ebgaf gecfdba feacb caefgb degfba ecb geac | ecb ecb cfadb ebafc
fegabc ebcgafd gfacde ge fcgeb ceg bagcf dcfbe ebga bdcfga | cefabdg fdceb abgcf gfeadc
fdabcg bgafc fcbeag edbfg gadfceb ad adb dfca dcbgae dfabg | bdegf faedbcg da caegfbd
cgfae gdbeca decaf fd dfbc fad dabegf daebc bedafgc efbcda | decfa fgcbdae fcbead dbegcaf
dbeaf cb fabecdg bcfda gabfdc cbfg agdfce abc edgcba cgadf | bcdefag bcgf dafbc badcgf
gbdcfa becfdg fdbcgea fgc cg fecdg efdgb ecadf gceb gadefb | gcbe fgcebda daecgbf aebcfgd
cdega dgcaeb cbgea egdcaf gfacedb begfda cebfg cbda bag ba | ab egdac beafdcg faegcdb
gab cgfab cfage fbaedc bcdg gb gacfbd defcagb gdebaf fadbc | bg fbacde gfabc dceagbf
ge ebg cgdfb cedba bedgc ecag deagcb bfceda gdcfeab egdbfa | bge beg bafged cadbeg
eabd ebacf ecd fdcbg dbafegc ed ceagdf fgceab ecfbda cdbef | dec dfcabe dec befca
afbgdec cedb dc agdbf cegbf bfcedg cdg bdgfc baecgf ecfdag | cd dgefbc fdgcb cd
gebdaf dgfae afe gafcbed agcfd febd edabg gbfeca bcdega fe | ebdag fedb egafd aegcbf
gebdcf abefdcg deg bgdfc fcde gbfea gedabc edbgf ed bgfcda | efdbg fedacbg gbfacd fbdeg
bcgd edagc gaebd bcdaeg fabedc bgefa fcadge agbfcde db adb | cgbdfae bdagcef badegc dab
df fdb bfadceg bgeadf afbdce efdg dgbae dafbg cafbg abdgec | gdfe afcgb ebcgafd fbgacde
gabce gdfaeb bcad cebdgfa fgcbae efgcd dga da cgdea cdeabg | ad agd gda gfedc
fcabge edbfg fcaebd ea dcbagef gace gafcdb bafcg eaf fgbea | dcfbage aceg afbdceg ebcafd
bafe egfcda be bfgaec gbe egcfbad fcaeg bdcaeg bgecf cfbdg | fabgced bfea gbcef gcfeb
badfeg fgecb af cgaebd acfdbge gaf afcged gfaeb dfab egbad | fa fga abfd gabde
afceg bcdfge fcaebg baegdcf cfg eabcdg bgfa efcad gcabe fg | abfg gf fbgecd acebgd
acbedgf fb efgdc bgf gbcfd bgfdac dagcb fdbeag ebcdga fcab | bf gdebaf fb bf
aecf cgbdefa bacged efbcga fdgcab febag af agf dgfeb ecabg | bcgdaf af cadfbge efca
egfda fgceab acd bfcadeg dc dcega bfdcea gcdb cdbega eacbg | gabecd cd befgcad gdcb
gecda dfegacb cgfae cdbfag fcbeag afg gf fbge dafecb caebf | dfaebc cfeab gf agdfbc
gdafe cdgaeb egfdba da bfdgec gbfed eagcf egdbafc fbad dag | agfde dga dcgbfe abcdfeg
acgdb gadfce cbefdga becad bcegdf bacgdf afbg ga dag dbcgf | abdgc gdeacf acdfbg ecdab
gdfa eadbc gcafe dgc dg fcagde bcgfea decgfb egcda fbecagd | cegda cgdea gd dg
ga egdbcfa aegcb cag egbcd gadceb gbcefd decafg badg cabfe | bagd cagfed gacdfeb cbegd
cb deafc bcgd agfceb dbfega ecb deacb aebgd cbafdge ebdacg | dcgb adceb edgba ceb
edgfab acgb becfdag bgf cgbdf cgfad dacbfg bg ecdbf afegdc | gfb bg gcfade gfbdeac
caebg cgaf acgdfbe begcaf cf fdgeb agedcb ebgfc cfe fbcdea | dbfeagc cfe fbeagdc cf
ageb bg adcbfge fcgea cbgaef cbdfa gfb fedacg bfgca fdcgeb | fbg afdcb ecgbdfa cgfdbe
dgbfe aeg ea dcea dbeagfc fbacgd ecbdag gadbc bcafge adgbe | aedc ae gbdef daec
dbafcg dbgaefc adfc egdab fdg df agefbc bdgcfe fbacg gdfba | bedgacf gcbaef cdfgab cafd
eg fdgcabe gcadbe aebdc gced bagfde gea gbeac afbcg ecdbaf | agfbc fgdabe fcdgaeb feabcd
fedb gfe defabgc caedg cgadbf feagd bdagfe fgbda efagbc ef | fe fgcbea ef dbfe
bc agcb dfceg bafgdc gfabd fbdcg bcd ecgfbda ebadgf fbaedc | cbd fabcgd cgbfd bc
ebfgc dbeg ed gefdc cde gfbecd fgdca caedfb gdbafec gefcab | fgdecb dgfce fbecg cabgfe
ab ebda bfagdc becgd aecfg bag daecgb ebcag gbacdfe cfgbde | abedgc eafgc ebacg ab
ecdbag dagbfe badef fcaed adc cd efbagdc cafge cfaebd dfbc | dcfb dca acd gcdabe
cedbgaf ecbfg dagfec dgbea bdca gfdaeb ecgbd dbecga cd edc | ecbdga cde edbag dc
egbfcd gbcafe ed defga dbgfa bcgdeaf cdea def eacdgf gacfe | bgfad ecda gbfad gcdefb
dafge cea fdace agdc dbgfea ebdfgca dcbfe acedfg abecfg ca | defac gcad ac ca
ecdba fbac eabcdf beadgfc acd efacgd ac agedbf bfdea ecgbd | aecbd agbefd bdgec dgebc
bfegda bdage gdf gfdae bdfgace fgeb afdec fgdacb gf deagcb | fbaegcd fegb aedgb dfg
cdaf fd bcdfge agebf dcgfae gfead baedcg gdcea egdbacf dgf | efgab df eagfd afgbe
egfca egcb ceafdb fbc fbcaeg dgbfa cdfeagb fgcba agdcef cb | cb gcdfae eabgfc fgbca
gdbca fdecba gdecfb feagbd ceb adfbgec bdgec ec efgdb cfge | ec ecbgd dacefb abfged
edbcag cabd ecfdgb aegfd eagfcbd ac cga feagcb ebdgc dgeca | acfbdeg dfgea cga dgeca
ebgacf adcf bcgedfa gdcabe abedf aef edabc fa befgd bfdaec | aefdb af cebad fae
dageb de gde dgfbce cgdba gabefd afbge cgdebfa aefd ceafbg | efgbda agbdecf bfaegcd edg
ce dec becf efdgb edfgcb ecbdag gdaefb beafgdc dagfc fecgd | ce fdbage gcdfeba gbcadef
ecgfa ebadcf ed gcdfab cdefa gfdaeb dbec dbfgace cdbfa dfe | dceb cdfab ed ceagf
cadg efgcdb gbcfad feabc agfcb afcdgbe dgbfa gcb fagbde gc | gdecbf adfgbc fbcgade gafbc
gdcefa gefdb bcfeg eabc fagdbc ecagf bcf afcebg cb bfgaedc | fcgdba agbecf fcgeba fgdceab
afgbc be cbeaf gfeb ebcdfag cfdbag cdfae cfegba cbeagd abe | gdecbaf cagfb bfgaec cabfdge
eb egdb dcagb abe gcdabe agbce dgabcf fedbca fdcebag gfeca | gdbe agdcb gfcae cgadbf
dbagc bcaedfg gade cadeb efgabc cabedg gca fgdbc ecafdb ag | dage cagdb dgcaeb cdgab
gbecd eacdg cgb egacdbf gfdbec efbg bfced bg bdfcea bafgdc | acbfde bg gb gb
fgbadc fbdag dbecg fbae dacgef ega ae afcbged ebgfad bgaed | ae bacfgd bfea agdbef
dacfeg gecfd ad gadbfe gadbfec gda acde fcedgb acbfg fdcag | gefcd cdegf agd ad
caegbd cfdeba edbac cfbegad fe fbea fdagc cef acdef bedgcf | ef cdafgeb fce edfca
dgcae cedbfag facbdg fdc eacdbf bfegda dfcae fdbae cf cfeb | cf febgcda dfc cdf
edfag dbeacg dbecafg agc gcefa gc bcfea cdfg fbdgae gefadc | dfacge fagbecd feacbdg bfaged
abefdg fgdec ecadf efcdab ac dbeaf acdb acf cdegfab gecbfa | fca fdbega decaf cgafdeb
bceafd fegcad edcagbf dbcage decba bafd df fcd bcfge cbfed | ebgfc eacbdf gadebc df
egba cgdafbe begfc gacdfb dceaf cefbdg gfa ag gcebaf aecfg | acbgfd gabe fbgeac agfec
cdgeb fdecag agdbefc gefbac cdaf ade fegdab cgead ad caefg | ecbgdaf dgceb cfgae dea
cafbde fbgac edcg agdfeb eg dacgef fgcea aefdc dceagfb eag | afgec fbcga ceafgd bgceadf
cefbg ceabd gd edbacgf aedfbc gaedcb cdbeg abfdcg gdc gead | cgd dgea gd cebad
fadbg dagecf fea fbecga adce ae bedfcg egacbdf fdgec fdage | dcae caed dbefcg adgfb
acged aec efgdcb ac fagc abdge abfdegc fdeacg cfaedb gedfc | egbcafd gaefcdb cae cagdfe
fcbdage bafgec cab fcbae ac abdegf dbfec fbgae eagc cbfadg | acb dafegb acb bfeagdc
af egfda gebdf gebdfa aefcdbg fbecda fgba daf cdeag dgbcfe | eagdc cefbgda daf daf
dgebcf gcf agcbd fbecd fbcdg ebacgf aebfcd fdeg fegdabc fg | dacgb dfge fcdbe gedf
bfacdg gafcb gefbd cd dgcfb dagc bdfagec bceadf fagceb bdc | begfd gbdfe afgcdbe fbeacgd
bagf afe bdcaeg fdcbe af dafbe cbedgaf gfebad gdaeb aefcdg | baedcgf fa af cgadbef
acdgf becgfa acd cagbf agcdbe fdba da bdcfag gfdec dcgafeb | bagfc da dca fdbacg
cdabfe adbfc ecbaf cdae cdbfge dabgfc bfgae bec ce gadcbef | faecbd beadcfg dcae cgfedab
bceag agd aced gdbafce bcfgae agdeb ad fabdcg fdbge egcbad | gaceb agd bdagec da
cag dfgbeac ecdbgf ag gfabc ebag fabgec deafgc adcfb fcegb | dgaecf aebg bgea dcbfa
afdb degbc agedcf da aed beacfg dgfecba efcab bdface cbdea | fbeca aecbd gdecaf ade
cafebg afedcb gfeabcd fgcb cfa afdeg fc ecgab dacebg cfeag | bcgf bgcae gdfea bgcf
feg gfcaed cfabdge gf degafb fdegc edfcab edgbc agcf cfade | gf gf gacf egf
ceadf ecdgf eacbd cebagd dcabfge eaf fdceab fbad fgebca af | cefadb cefad bfad abedc
gefabd cabdfeg dgceab dagef bdfacg egfdc edgab af feba fda | geadcb dagfceb fda af
dfcea adgce dfebc gecfdba fadgbe dcefga cfga aebcdg efa fa | fa fae af gaedbf
agbfd acbgedf faecb cegbad dgabfe gbc fcdg cfagb gc afdbgc | cg cg dfgbae cdfg
efg bfacg feab efcagd fe bcagedf edgbc ebgcf afbegc bcfgda | dgecfa ef fgcba efba
aebfdc bcfage dgbacf gface gbaecfd dfgce geab acfbg ea eac | cabfg ea cfagb eagb
gba gdcea cdbfg acgdb gbecadf bfgecd dgcfab abfc ba fdeagb | ab febagdc dfgbac fdagcb
dfcb gcebd dfgaec efdgc eagcb dfaebg afedcbg gbd gbcfde bd | gadebfc db febdga bgd
eabd adcbg ceafg ecb be eacdbg acegb gbfcde adgcbf ecfdgba | cgfebad cbe ebacg dfgceb
cefbgd cgdfa bagfced dabe fgceab abfeg gdbaef gbfad db gdb | aefdgb bd abdfegc fgabed
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const alloc = &arena.allocator;
// Read our input
var f = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input", .{});
defer f.close();
var contents = try f.readToEndAlloc(alloc, std.math.maxInt(u32));
defer alloc.free(contents);
var digits_in_output: u16 = 0;
var it = std.mem.tokenize(contents, "\n");
while (it.next()) |line| {
var lit = std.mem.tokenize(line, "|");
_ = lit.next(); // skip output
var oit = std.mem.tokenize(lit.next().?, " ");
while (oit.next()) |digit| {
// 1: 2 segments
// 7: 3 segments
// 4: 4 segments
// 8: 7 segments
//std.log.debug("'{s}': {} digits", .{digit, digit.len});
if (digit.len <= 4 or digit.len == 7) {
digits_in_output += 1;
std.log.info("[Part 1] Output values contain {} digits that are 1, 4, 7 or 8",
it = std.mem.tokenize(contents, "\n");
var output: u32 = 0;
while (it.next()) |line| {
// Each line in 'input | output', and has a different mapping
var lit = std.mem.tokenize(line, "|");
var o: u32 = try find_output_value(alloc, lit.next().?, lit.next().?);
output += 0;
fn find_output_value(alloc: *std.mem.Allocator, inputs: []const u8, outputs: []const u8) !u32 {
// we use ips for storing both inputs and outputs to try and
// solve which letters correspond to which display segment index
var ips: [14][]const u8 = undefined;
var ops: [4][]const u8 = undefined;
// get pointers to our ips and ops
var it = std.mem.tokenize(inputs, " ");
var i: usize = 0;
while (it.next()) |ip| {
ips[i] = ip;
i += 1;
it = std.mem.tokenize(outputs, " ");
i = 0;
while (it.next()) |op| {
ops[i] = op;
ips[i+10] = op;
i += 1;
for (ips) |v, k| {
std.log.debug("Input {}: {s}", .{k, v});
for (ops) |v, k| {
std.log.debug("Output {}: {s}", .{k, v});
// segments indices:
// 0
// 1 2
// 3
// 4 5
// 6
// for each index, we can have some number of options
var segment_possibilities: [7]std.AutoHashMap(u8, void) = undefined;
i = 0;
while (i < 7) : (i += 1) {
segment_possibilities[i] = std.AutoHashMap(u8, void).init(alloc);
try segment_possibilities[i].ensureCapacity(7);
for (ips) |v| {
if (v.len == 2) {
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
if (v.len == 3) {
segment_possibilities[0].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[0].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[0].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
if (v.len == 4) {
segment_possibilities[1].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[1].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[1].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[1].putAssumeCapacity(v[3], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[2].putAssumeCapacity(v[3], undefined);
segment_possibilities[4].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[4].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[4].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[4].putAssumeCapacity(v[3], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[0], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[1], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[2], undefined);
segment_possibilities[5].putAssumeCapacity(v[3], undefined);
i = 0;
while (i < 7) : (i += 1) {
return 0;
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