const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() anyerror!void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); var gpa = &arena.allocator; var f = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input", .{}); var contents = try f.readToEndAlloc(gpa, std.math.maxInt(u32)); var it = std.mem.tokenize(contents, "\n"); var joltages = std.ArrayList(u32).init(gpa); defer joltages.deinit(); while ( |line| { try joltages.append(atoi(line)); } var chain = try JoltageChain.construct_chain(gpa, joltages.items[0..]); defer chain.deinit();"Product of one_diffs and three_diffs of joltage chain: {}", .{chain.part_one()}); var permutations = try chain.calculate_permutations();"{} permutations", .{permutations}); } const Tree = struct { children : std.ArrayList(*Tree), allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, value : u32 = 0, dirty : bool = true, perms : u64 = 0, fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, value: u32) !*Tree { var self = try allocator.create(Tree); errdefer allocator.destroy(self); self.allocator = allocator; self.value = value; self.children = std.ArrayList(*Tree).init(allocator); return self; } fn deinit(self: *Tree) void { self.children.deinit(); self.allocator.destroy(self); } fn add_child(self: *Tree, child: *Tree) !void { try self.children.append(child); self.dirty = true; } fn find_child_by_value(self: *Tree, value: u32) ?*Tree { if (self.value == value) { return self; } for (self.children.items) |c| { var t = c.find_child_by_value(value); if (t) |_t| { return _t; } } return null; } // caching the calculation of the perm count makes it possible to // finish reasonbly quickly when revisiting nodes that have already // been seen fn perm_count(self: *Tree) u64 { if (!self.dirty) { return self.perms; } var count : u64 = 0; if (self.children.items.len == 0) { count = 0; // No permutation, since have can only go one way } else if (self.children.items.len == 1) { // We only have ourself count = std.math.max(1, self.children.items[0].perm_count()); } else { for(self.children.items) |c| { count += std.math.max(1, c.perm_count()); } } self.perms = count; self.dirty = false; return count; } fn print_tree(self: *Tree) void { std.log.warn("{} children:\n", .{self.value}); for(self.children.items) |c| { c.print_tree(); } } }; const JoltageChain = struct { allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, joltages : std.ArrayList(u32), pub fn construct_chain(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, j: []u32) !*JoltageChain { var self = try allocator.create(JoltageChain); errdefer allocator.destroy(self); self.joltages = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator); self.allocator = allocator; // This has a side effect of modifying j... std.sort.insertionSort(u32, j[0..], {}, comptime std.sort.asc(u32)); try self.joltages.append(0); // Always start at zero var last_joltage : u32 = 0; for (j) |x| { if ((x-last_joltage)<4) { try self.joltages.append(x); last_joltage = x; } else { break; } } try self.joltages.append(last_joltage + 3); return self; } pub fn deinit(self: *JoltageChain) void { self.joltages.deinit(); self.allocator.destroy(self); } pub fn part_one(self: *JoltageChain) u32 { var one_diffs : u32 = 0; var three_diffs : u32 = 0; for (self.joltages.items) |v, k| { if (k == 0) { continue; } var delta : u32 = v - self.joltages.items[k-1]; if (delta == 1) { one_diffs += 1; } if (delta == 3) { three_diffs += 1; } } std.log.debug("Found {} one diffs, and {} three diffs", .{one_diffs, three_diffs}); return one_diffs * three_diffs; } // this is a garbage way of doing it and just crushes CPU/memory // it does work for small datasets though pub fn calculate_permutations(self: *JoltageChain) !u32 { var tree = try Tree.init(self.allocator, self.joltages.items[0]); var current_node : *Tree = undefined; var count : u32 = 0; // Finding in the tree seems v. slow, will use a hash map for lookup // it is also much easier to try and deinit var map = std.hash_map.AutoHashMap(u32, *Tree).init(self.allocator); try map.ensureCapacity(@intCast(u32, self.joltages.items.len)); map.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(self.joltages.items[0], tree); for (self.joltages.items) |v, k| { var _t = map.get(v); if (_t) |t| { current_node = t; } else { unreachable; } //std.log.warn("Current node: {}", .{current_node}); var n : usize = k+1; while (n < self.joltages.items.len) : (n += 1) { //std.log.warn("{}", .{n}); if ((self.joltages.items[n] - v) <= 3) { var value = self.joltages.items[n]; _t = map.get(value); if (_t) |t| { try current_node.add_child(t); //std.log.warn("Added existing child {} to {}", .{value, v}); } else { var t = try Tree.init(current_node.allocator, value); try current_node.add_child(t); map.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(value, t); //std.log.warn("Added new child {} to {}", .{value, v}); } } } } std.log.warn("tree count: {}", .{tree.perm_count()}); // Need to do some cleanup var it = map.iterator(); while ( |kv| { kv.value.deinit(); // don't remove from map, since it may modifying the underlying structure? (source?) // and we're about to deinit it anyway } map.deinit(); return count; } }; test "joltage_chain" { var joltages = [_]u32 { 16, 10, 15, 5, 1, 11, 7, 19, 6, 12, 4, }; var chain = try JoltageChain.construct_chain(std.testing.allocator, joltages[0..]); var diff = chain.part_one(); std.testing.expectEqual(diff, 7*5); var perm = chain.calculate_permutations(); chain.deinit(); } test "joltage_chain" { var joltages = [_]u32 { 28, 33, 18, 42, 31, 14, 46, 20, 48, 47, 24, 23, 49, 45, 19, 38, 39, 11, 1, 32, 25, 35, 8, 17, 7, 9, 4, 2, 34, 10, 3, }; var chain = try JoltageChain.construct_chain(std.testing.allocator, joltages[0..]); var diff = chain.part_one(); std.testing.expectEqual(diff, 220); var perm = chain.calculate_permutations(); chain.deinit(); } fn atoi(a: []const u8) u32 { var i : u32 = 0; var mul : u32 = 1; var start : usize = 0; if (a[0] == '-' or a[0] == '+') { start = 1; if (a[0] == '-') { //mul *= -1; unreachable; } } for(a[start..]) |v, k| { if (! std.ascii.isDigit(v)) { std.log.warn("Byte {x} is not a digit", .{v}); continue; } // 48 is '0' in ascii std.debug.assert(v >= 48 and v < 58); i += @as(u32, @as(u32, (v - 48)) * std.math.pow(u32, 10, @intCast(u32, a.len - k - 1 - start))); } //std.log.debug("0x{x} --> {}", .{a, i}); return i * mul; } test "atoi_regular" { var i = atoi("1234"); std.testing.expectEqual(i, 1234); } test "atoi_pos" { var i = atoi("+1234"); std.testing.expectEqual(i, 1234); }