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AlternC - Web Hosting System
Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by the AlternC Development Team.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
Purpose of file: Manage Email accounts and aliases.
* This class handle emails (pop and/or aliases and even wrapper for internal
* classes) of hosted users.
* @copyright AlternC-Team 2012-09-01 http://alternc.com/
* This class is directly using the following alternc MySQL tables:
* address = any used email address will be defined here, mailbox = pop/imap mailboxes, recipient = redirection from an email to another
* and indirectly the domain class, to know domain names from their id in the DB.
* This class is also defining a few hooks, search ->invoke in the code.
class m_mail {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** domain list for this account
* @access private
var $domains;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** If an email has those chars, 'not nice in shell env' ;)
* we don't store the email in $mail/u/{user}_domain, but in $mail/_/{address_id}_domain
* @access private
var $specialchars=array('"',"'",'\\','/');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** If an email has those chars, we will ONLY allow RECIPIENTS, NOT POP/IMAP for DOVECOT !
* Since Dovecot doesn't allow those characters
* @access private
var $forbiddenchars=array('"',"'",'\\','/','?','!','*','$','|','#','+');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Number of results for a pager display
* @access public
var $total;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Quota list (hook for quota class)
function alternc_quota_names() {
return "mail";
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** get_quota (hook for quota class), returns the number of used
* service for a quota-bound service
* @param $name string the named quota we want
* @return the number of used service for the specified quota,
* or false if I'm not the one for the named quota
function alternc_get_quota($name) {
global $db,$err,$cuid;
if ($name=="mail") {
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM address WHERE domain_id in (select id from domaines where compte=$cuid);");
return $db->f("cnt");
return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Password policy kind used in this class (hook for admin class)
* @return array an array of policykey => "policy name (for humans)"
function alternc_password_policy() {
return array("pop"=>_("Email account password"));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Returns the list of mail-hosting domains for a user
* @return array indexed array of hosted domains
function enum_domains() {
global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("select d.id, d.domaine, count(a.id) as nb_mail FROM domaines d left join address a on a.domain_id=d.id where d.compte = $cuid group by d.id order by d.domaine asc;");
return $this->enum_domains;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* function used to list every mail address hosted on a domain.
* @param $dom_id integer the domain id.
* @param $search string search that string in recipients or address.
* @param $offset integer skip THAT much emails in the result.
* @param $count integer return no more than THAT much emails.
* @result an array of each mail hosted under the domain.
function enum_domain_mails($dom_id = null, $search="", $offset=0, $count=30){
global $db,$err,$cuid,$hooks;
if ($search) $where.=" AND (a.address LIKE '%".addslashes($search)."%' OR r.recipients LIKE '%".addslashes($search)."%')";
$db->query("SELECT count(a.id) AS total FROM address a LEFT JOIN recipient r ON r.address_id=a.id WHERE $where;");
$db->query("SELECT a.id, a.address, a.password, a.`enabled`, a.mail_action, d.domaine AS domain, m.quota, m.quota*1024*1024 AS quotabytes, m.bytes AS used, NOT ISNULL(m.id) AS islocal, a.type, r.recipients, m.lastlogin
FROM (address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON m.address_id=a.id) LEFT JOIN recipient r ON r.address_id=a.id, domaines d
WHERE $where AND d.id=a.domain_id
LIMIT $offset,$count;");
if (! $db->next_record()) {
$err->raise("mail",_("No mail found for this query"));
return false;
do {
// if necessary, fill the typedata with data from hooks ...
if ($details["type"]) {
$result=$hooks->invoke("mail_get_details",array($details["id"])); // Will fill typedata if necessary
$details["typedata"]=implode("<br />",$result);
} while ($db->next_record());
return $res;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Function used to insert a new mail into the db
* should be used by the web interface, not by third-party programs.
* This function calls the hook "hooks_mail_cancreate"
* which must return FALSE if the user can't create this email, and raise and error accordingly
* @param $dom_id integer A domain_id (owned by the user)
* (will be the part at the right of the @ in the email)
* @param $mail string the left part of the email to create (something@dom_id)
* @return an hashtable containing the database id of the newly created mail,
* or false if an error occured ($err is filled accordingly)
function create($dom_id, $mail){
global $err,$db,$cuid,$quota,$dom,$hooks;
// Validate the domain id
if (!($domain=$dom->get_domain_byid($dom_id))) {
return false;
// Validate the email syntax:
if (!filter_var($m,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$err->raise("mail",_("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"));
return false;
// Call other classes to check we can create it:
if (in_array(false,$cancreate,true)) {
return false;
// Check the quota:
if (!$quota->cancreate("mail")) {
$err->raise("mail",_("You cannot create email addresses: your quota is over."));
return false;
// Already exists?
$db->query("SELECT * FROM address WHERE domain_id=".$dom_id." AND address='".addslashes($mail)."';");
if ($db->next_record()) {
$err->raise("mail",_("This email address already exists"));
return false;
// Create it now
$db->query("INSERT INTO address (domain_id, address) VALUES ($dom_id, '".addslashes($mail)."');");
if (!($id=$db->lastid())) {
$err->raise("mail",_("An unexpected error occured when creating the email"));
return false;
return $id;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** function used to get every information we can on a mail
* @param $mail_id integer
* @return array a hashtable with all the informations for that email
function get_details($mail_id) {
global $db, $err, $cuid, $hooks;
// Validate that this email is owned by me...
if (!($mail=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) {
return false;
// We fetch all the informations for that email: these will fill the hastable :
$db->query("SELECT a.id, a.address, a.password, a.enabled, d.domaine AS domain, m.path, m.quota, m.quota*1024*1024 AS quotabytes, m.bytes AS used, NOT ISNULL(m.id) AS islocal, a.type, r.recipients, m.lastlogin, a.mail_action, m.mail_action AS mailbox_action FROM (address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON m.address_id=a.id) LEFT JOIN recipient r ON r.address_id=a.id, domaines d WHERE a.id=".$mail_id." AND d.id=a.domain_id;");
if (! $db->next_record()) return false;
// if necessary, fill the typedata with data from hooks ...
if ($details["type"]) {
$result=$hooks->invoke("mail_get_details",array($mail_id)); // Will fill typedata if necessary
$details["typedata"]=implode("<br />",$result);
return $details;
private $isitmy_cache=array();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Check if an email is mine ...
* @param $mail_id integer the number of the email to check
* @return string the complete email address if that's mine, false if not
* ($err is filled accordingly)
function is_it_my_mail($mail_id){
global $err,$db,$cuid;
// cache it (may be called more than one time in the same page).
if (isset($this->isitmy_cache[$mail_id])) return $this->isitmy_cache[$mail_id];
$db->query("SELECT concat(a.address,'@',d.domaine) AS email FROM address a, domaines d WHERE d.id=a.domain_id AND a.id=$mail_id AND d.compte=$cuid;");
if ($db->next_record()) {
return $this->isitmy_cache[$mail_id]=$db->f("email");
} else {
$err->raise("mail",_("This email is not yours, you can't change anything on it"));
return $this->isitmy_cache[$mail_id]=false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Function used to delete a mail from the db
* should be used by the web interface, not by third-party programs.
* @param $mail_id integer the number of the email to delete
* @return true if the email has been properly deleted
* or false if an error occured ($err is filled accordingly)
function delete($mail_id){
global $err,$db,$cuid,$quota,$dom,$hooks;
if (!$mail_id) {
$err->raise("mail",_("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"));
return false;
// Validate that this email is owned by me...
if (!($mail=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) {
return false;
// Search for that address:
$db->query("SELECT a.id, a.type, a.mail_action, m.mail_action AS mailbox_action, NOT ISNULL(m.id) AS islocal FROM address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON m.address_id=a.id WHERE a.id='$mail_id';");
if (!$db->next_record()) {
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s does not exist, it can't be deleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("type")!="") { // Technically special : mailman, sympa ...
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s is special, it can't be deleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("mail_action")!="OK" || ($db->f("islocal") && $db->f("mailbox_action")!="OK")) { // will be deleted soon ...
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s is already marked for deletion, it can't be deleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("islocal")) {
// If it's a pop/imap mailbox, mark it for deletion
$db->query("UPDATE address SET mail_action='DELETE', enabled=0 WHERE id='$mail_id';");
$db->query("UPDATE mailbox SET mail_action='DELETE' WHERE address_id='$mail_id';");
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s has been marked for deletion"),$mail);
} else {
// If it's only aliases, delete it NOW.
$db->query("DELETE FROM address WHERE id='$mail_id';");
$db->query("DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE address_id='$mail_id';");
$db->query("DELETE FROM recipient WHERE address_id='$mail_id';");
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s has been successfully deleted"),$mail);
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Function used to undelete a pending deletion mail from the db
* should be used by the web interface, not by third-party programs.
* @param $mail_id integer the email id
* @return true if the email has been properly undeleted
* or false if an error occured ($err is filled accordingly)
function undelete($mail_id){
global $err,$db,$cuid,$quota,$dom,$hooks;
if (!$mail_id) {
$err->raise("mail",_("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"));
return false;
// Validate that this email is owned by me...
if (!($mail=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) {
return false;
// Search for that address:
$db->query("SELECT a.id, a.type, a.mail_action, m.mail_action AS mailbox_action, NOT ISNULL(m.id) AS islocal FROM address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON m.address_id=a.id WHERE a.id='$mail_id';");
if (!$db->next_record()) {
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s does not exist, it can't be undeleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("type")!="") { // Technically special : mailman, sympa ...
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s is special, it can't be undeleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("mailbox_action")!="DELETE" || $db->f("mail_action")!="DELETE") { // will be deleted soon ...
$err->raise("mail",_("Sorry, deletion of email %s is already in progress, or not marked for deletion, it can't be undeleted"),$mail);
return false;
if ($db->f("islocal")) {
// If it's a pop/imap mailbox, mark it for deletion
$db->query("UPDATE address SET mail_action='OK', `enabled`=1 WHERE id='$mail_id';");
$db->query("UPDATE mailbox SET mail_action='OK' WHERE address_id='$mail_id';");
$err->raise("mail",_("The email %s has been undeleted"),$mail);
return true;
} else {
$err->raise("mail",_("-- Program Error -- The email %s can't be undeleted"),$mail);
return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** set the password of an email address.
* @param $mail_id integer email ID
* @param $pass string the new password.
* @return boolean true if the password has been set, false else, raise an error.
function set_passwd($mail_id,$pass){
global $db,$err,$admin;
if (!($email=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) return false;
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$email,$pass)) return false;
if (!$db->query("UPDATE address SET password='"._md5cr($pass)."' where id=$mail_id;")) return false;
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Enables an email address.
* @param $mail_id integer Email ID
* @return boolean true if the email has been enabled.
function enable($mail_id){
global $db,$err;
if (!($email=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) return false;
if (!$db->query("UPDATE address SET `enabled`=1 where id=$mail_id;")) return false;
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Disables an email address.
* @param $mail_id integer Email ID
* @return boolean true if the email has been enabled.
function disable($mail_id){
global $db,$err;
if (!($email=$this->is_it_my_mail($mail_id))) return false;
if (!$db->query("UPDATE address SET `enabled`=0 where id=$mail_id;")) return false;
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Function used to update an email settings
* should be used by the web interface, not by third-party programs.
* @param $mail_id integer the number of the email to delete
* @param $islocal boolean is it a POP/IMAP mailbox ?
* @param $quotamb integer if islocal=1, quota in MB
* @param $recipients string recipients, one mail per line.
* @return true if the email has been properly edited
* or false if an error occured ($err is filled accordingly)
function set_details($mail_id, $islocal, $quotamb, $recipients) {
global $err,$db,$cuid,$quota,$dom,$hooks;
if (!($me=$this->get_details($mail_id))) {
return false;
if ($me["islocal"] && !$islocal) {
// delete pop
$db->query("UPDATE mailbox SET mail_action='DELETE' WHERE address_id=".$mail_id.";");
if (!$me["islocal"] && $islocal) {
// create pop
foreach($this->forbiddenchars as $str) {
if (strpos($me["address"],$str)!==false) {
$err->raise("mail",_("There is forbidden characters in your mail name. You can't make it a POP/IMAP account, you can only use it as redirections to other emails."));
return false;
foreach($this->specialchars as $str) {
if (strpos($me["address"],$str)!==false) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO mailbox SET address_id=".$mail_id.", path='".addslashes($path)."';");
if ($me["islocal"] && $islocal && $me["mailbox_action"]=="DELETE") {
$db->query("UPDATE mailbox SET mail_action='OK' WHERE mail_action='DELETE' AND address_id=".$mail_id.";");
if ($islocal) {
$db->query("UPDATE mailbox SET quota=".intval($quotamb)." WHERE address_id=".$mail_id.";");
foreach($r as $m) {
if ($m && filter_var($m,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$db->query("DELETE FROM recipient WHERE address_id=".$mail_id.";");
if ($m) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO recipient SET address_id=".$mail_id.", recipients='".addslashes($red)."';");
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Export the mail information of an account
* @return: str, string containing the complete configuration
* of the email for the current acccount.
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err,$mail_localbox;
foreach ($domain as $d) {
$str.=" <domain>\n <name>".xml_entities($d["domain"])."</name>\n";
if (count($s)) {
while (list($key,$val)=each($s)){
$str.=" <address>\n";
$str.=" <name>".xml_entities($val["address"])."</name>\n";
$str.=" <enabled>".xml_entities($val["enabled"])."</enabled>\n";
$str.=" <islocal>1</islocal>\n";
$str.=" <quota>".$val["quota"]."</quota>\n";
$str.=" <path>".$val["path"]."</path>\n";
$str.=" <islocal>0</islocal>\n";
foreach($r as $recip){
$str.=" <recipients>".$recip."<recipients>\n";
$str.=" </address>\n";
$str.=" </domain>\n";
return $str;
} /* Class m_mail */