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as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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* This class manage piwik statistics management through AlternC, using piwik's "API".
* @copyright AlternC-Team 2000-2017
class m_piwik {
var $piwik_server_uri;
var $piwik_admin_token;
var $alternc_users;
var $alternc_sites;
function hook_menu() {
global $quota;
if ( empty($this->piwik_server_uri) || empty($this->piwik_admin_token)) return false;
$obj = array(
'title' => _("Piwik statistics"),
'link' => 'toggle',
'pos' => 115,
'links' => array(
array( 'txt' => _("Piwik Users"), 'url' => 'piwik_userlist.php'),
array( 'txt' => _("Piwik Sites"), 'url' => 'piwik_sitelist.php'),
) ;
return $obj;
* Constructor
function m_piwik() {
$this->piwik_server_uri=variable_get('piwik_server_uri','','Remote Piwik server uri');
$this->piwik_admin_token=variable_get('piwik_admin_token','','Remote Piwik super-admin token');
* hook called when an AlternC account is deleted
function hook_admin_del_member() {
//FIXME : implement the hook_admin_del_member for piwik
return true;
* Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user.
* @param $name string name of the quota
* @return integer the number of service used or false if an error occured
* @access private
function hook_quota_get() {
global $db, $cuid;
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb FROM piwik_sites WHERE uid= ? ;", array($cuid));
$q=Array("name"=>"piwik", "description"=>_("Statistics through Piwik accounts"), "used"=>0);
if ($db->next_record()) {
return $q;
function url() {
return $this->piwik_server_uri;
/* User-related tasks */
function user_add($user_login, $user_mail) {
global $db, $mem, $cuid, $msg;
if (empty($user_login) || is_null($user_login) || empty($user_mail) || is_null($user_mail)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("All fields are mandatory"));
return false;
// Validate the email syntax:
if (!filter_var($user_mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"));
return false;
$user_login = $this->clean_user_name($user_login);
$user_pass = create_pass();
$user_alias = $user_login;
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.addUser', array('userLogin' => $user_login, 'password' => $user_pass, 'email' => $user_mail, 'alias' => $user_alias), 'JSON');
if ($api_data) {
if ($api_data->result === 'success') {
$user = $this->get_user($user_login);
$user_creation_date = $user->date_registered;
$ret_value = $db->query("INSERT INTO piwik_users (uid, passwd, login, created_date) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?);", array($cuid, md5($user_pass), $user_login, $user_creation_date));
return $ret_value;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", $api_data->message);
return FALSE;
} else { // api_data = false -> error is already filled
return FALSE;
* Change a user @TODO: code this
function user_edit() {
return true;
function get_site_access($user_login) {
return $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getSitesAccessFromUser', array('userLogin' => $user_login));
function get_users_access_from_site($site_id) {
global $msg, $cuid;
if (!is_numeric($site_id)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'piwik', 'site_id must be numeric');
return FALSE;
if (!in_array($site_id, $this->alternc_sites)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'piwik', "you don't own this piwik website");
return FALSE;
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUsersAccessFromSite', array('idSite' => $site_id));
if ($api_data !== FALSE) {
$api_data = $api_data[0]; // Data is in the first column
foreach ($this->alternc_users AS $key=>$user) {
if (!array_key_exists($user, $api_data)) {
$api_data->$user = 'noaccess';
# Hide users who have access, but are not in AlternC
foreach (get_object_vars($api_data) as $user => $access) {
if (!in_array($user, $this->alternc_users)) {
return $api_data;
else return FALSE;
* @param string $user_login
function get_user($user_login) {
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUser', array('userLogin' => $user_login));
if ($api_data)
return $api_data[0];
return FALSE;
function get_alternc_sites($force=false) {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
if (!count($this->alternc_sites) || $force) {
$db->query("SELECT piwik_id AS site_id FROM piwik_sites WHERE uid= ? ;", array($cuid));
while ($db->next_record())
return $this->alternc_sites;
function get_alternc_users() {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
if (!count($this->alternc_users)) {
$db->query("SELECT login FROM piwik_users WHERE uid= ?;", array($cuid));
while ($db->next_record())
return $this->alternc_users;
function get_users_url_infos() {
global $db,$cuid, $msg;
$infos_user = array();
$api_calls = array();
$db->query("SELECT login, passwd, s.piwik_id as id FROM piwik_users as u INNER JOIN piwik_sites as s on u.uid = s.uid WHERE u.uid = $cuid");
while ($db->next_record()) {
$id = $db->f('id');
$login = $db->f('login');
if (!isset($infos_user[$id]))
$infos_user[$id] = array();
if (!isset($api_calls[$id]))
$api_calls[$id] = $this->get_users_access_from_site($id);
foreach ($api_calls[$id] as $l => $cred) {
if ($l == $login)
$infos_user[$id][] = array('login' => $login, 'password' => $db->f('passwd'), 'cred' => $cred);
return $infos_user;
* does this user has piwik websites configured in AlternC ?
function user_has_sites() {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
$db->query("SELECT id FROM piwik_users WHERE uid='$cuid'");
if ($db->num_rows() <= 1) {
$db->query("SELECT id FROM piwik_sites WHERE uid='$cuid'");
if ($db->num_rows() > 0)
return true;
return false;
* Delete a piwik user
* don't delete it locally unless it has been remotely deleted.
function user_delete($piwik_user_login) {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
$db->query("SELECT created_date, COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM piwik_users WHERE uid= ? AND login= ? ", array($cuid, $piwik_user_login));
if ($db->f('cnt') == 1) {
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.deleteUser', array('userLogin' => $piwik_user_login));
if ($api_data->result == 'success') {
return $db->query("DELETE FROM piwik_users WHERE uid= ? AND login= ? ;", array($cuid, $piwik_user_login));
else {
return FALSE;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website"));
return FALSE;
function users_list() {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
$db->query("SELECT login FROM piwik_users WHERE uid = ?;", array($cuid));
if ($db->num_rows() == 0)
return array();
$users = '';
while ($db->next_record())
$users .= ($users !== '') ? ',' . $db->f('login') : $db->f('login');
return $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUsers', array('userLogins' => $users));
// Verifie que l'utilisateur existe bien dans piwik
function user_checkremote($puser_id) {
return true;
// Récupére un token pour le SSO avec piwik pour l'user
function user_remoteauth() {
return true;
// Montre la liste des site pour lesques un user à accés
function user_access() {
return true;
/* Site-related tasks */
function site_list() {
global $msg;
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.getAllSites',
array('filter_limit' => -1));
$data = array();
if($api_data) {
foreach ($api_data AS $site) {
if (!in_array($site->idsite, $this->alternc_sites))
$item = new stdClass();
$item->id = $site->idsite;
$item->name = $site->name;
$item->main_url = $site->main_url;
$user_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUsersAccessFromSite', array('idSite' => $site->idsite));
//if (is_array($user_data)) {
// printvar($user_data);
//} else if(is_object($user_data)) {
$item->rights = $user_data[0];
$data[] = $item;
return $data;
} else
return FALSE;
function site_js_tag($site_id) {
return $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.getJavascriptTag', array('idSite' => $site_id, 'piwikUrl' => $this->piwik_server_uri))->value;
function get_site_list()
return $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.getAllSites',
array('filter_limit' => -1));
// Ajoute un site à Piwik
// can't figure out how to pass multiple url through the API
function site_add($siteName, $urls, $ecommerce = FALSE) {
global $db, $cuid, $piwik, $msg;
$urls = is_array($urls) ? implode(',', $urls) : $urls;
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.addSite', array('siteName' => $siteName, 'urls' => $urls));
if ($api_data->value) {
$id_site = $api_data->value;
// Ajout de donner auto les droits de lecture à ce nouvel utilisateur pour le site qu'il a ajouté
$userslist = $piwik->users_list();
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.setUserAccess', array('userLogin' => $userslist[0]->login, 'idSites' => $id_site, 'access' => 'view'));
if ($api_data->result == 'success') {
// On enregistre le site dans alternC
$db->query("INSERT INTO piwik_sites set uid= ? , piwik_id= ? ", array($cuid, $id_site));
// Permet de prendre en compte le site qu'on vient de créer dans la page quis'affiche
$this->alternc_sites = $this->get_alternc_sites(true);
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;
//SitesManager.deleteSite (idSite)
// Supprime un site de Piwik
function site_delete($site_id) {
global $db, $cuid, $msg;
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM piwik_sites WHERE uid= ? AND piwik_id= ? ;", array($cuid, $site_id));
if ($db->f('cnt') == 1) {
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.deleteSite', array('idSite' => $site_id));
if ($api_data->result == 'success') {
return $db->query("DELETE FROM piwik_sites where uid= ? AND piwik_id= ? LIMIT 1", array($cuid, $site_id));
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website"));
return FALSE;
return true;
function site_set_user_right($site_id, $login, $right)
global $msg;
if (!in_array($right, array('noaccess', 'view', 'admin')))
return FALSE;
$api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.setUserAccess', array('userLogin' => $login, 'access' => $right, 'idSites' => $site_id));
if ($api_data->result == 'success') {
return TRUE;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'piwik', $api_data->messsage);
return FALSE;
// Ajoute un alias sur un site existant
function site_alias_add() {
return true;
* return a clean username with a unique prefix per account
function clean_user_name($username) {
global $admin, $cuid, $db;
$escaped_name=preg_replace("/^'(.*)'/", "\\1", $escaped_name);
return 'alternc_' . $admin->get_login_by_uid($cuid) . '_' . $escaped_name;
function dev() {
// $this->call_page('module', 'method', array('user' => 'fser', 'pass' => 'toto'));
// return $this->users_list();
* @param string $module
* @param string $method
function call_page($module, $method, $arguments=array(), $output = 'JSON') {
global $msg;
$url = sprintf('%s/?module=%s&method=%s&format=%s', $this->piwik_server_uri, $module, $method, $output);
foreach ($arguments AS $k=>$v)
$url .= sprintf('&%s=%s', urlencode($k), $v); // urlencode($v));
$page_content = file_get_contents($url);
if ($page_content === FALSE) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("Unable to reach the API"));
return FALSE;
if ($output == 'JSON') {
$api_data = json_decode($page_content);
if ($api_data === FALSE) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("Error while decoding response from the API"));
return FALSE;
return $api_data;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("Other format than JSON is not implemented yet"));
return FALSE;
* @param string $module
* @param string $method
function call_privileged_page($module, $method, $arguments=array(), $output = 'JSON') {
global $msg;
$arguments['token_auth'] = $this->piwik_admin_token;
return $this->call_page($module, $method, $arguments, $output);
} /* Class piwik */