79 lines
4.3 KiB
79 lines
4.3 KiB
at alternc.install time
synchronize the required domain templates with the current install
(do they have php52, roundcube, squirrelmail, etc.?)
if ($argv[1] == "templates") {
// install ssl.conf
echo "[alternc-ssl] Installing ssl.conf template\n";
if ($argv[1] == "before-reload") {
// Bootstrap
echo "[alternc-ssl] Installing domaines-types\n";
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('vhost-ssl', 'Locally hosted forcing HTTPS', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'vhost,url,txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', 'ALL', 0, 0, 0);");
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('vhost-mixssl', 'Locally hosted HTTP and HTTPS', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'vhost,url,txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', 'ALL', 0, 0, 0);");
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('panel-ssl', 'AlternC panel access WITH SSL', 'NONE', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'ip,ipv6,cname,txt,mx,mx2,defmx,defmx2', 'ALL', 0, 0, 1);");
$db->query("SELECT * FROM domaines_type WHERE name='roundcube';");
if ($db->next_record()) {
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('roundcube-ssl', 'Roundcube Webmail access WITH SSL', 'NONE', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'mx,mx2,defmx,defmx2,txt', 'ALL', 0, 0, 1;");
} else {
$db->query("DELETE FROM domaines_type WHERE name='roundcube-ssl';");
$db->query("UPDATE sub_domaines SET web_action='DELETE' WHERE type='roundcube-ssl';");
$db->query("SELECT * FROM domaines_type WHERE name='squirrelmail';");
if ($db->next_record()) {
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('squirrelmail-ssl', 'Squirrelmail Webmail access WITH SSL', 'NONE', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'mx,mx2,defmx,defmx2,txt', 'ALL', 0, 0, 1);");
} else {
$db->query("DELETE FROM domaines_type WHERE name='squirrelmail-ssl';");
$db->query("UPDATE sub_domaines SET web_action='DELETE' WHERE type='squirrelmail-ssl';");
$db->query("SELECT * FROM domaines_type WHERE name='php52';");
if ($db->next_record()) {
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('php52-ssl', 'php52 forcing HTTPS', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'vhost,url,txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', 'ALL', 0, 0, 0);");
$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, enable, only_dns, need_dns, advanced ) VALUES
('php52-mixssl', 'php52 HTTP and HTTPS', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'vhost,url,txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', 'ALL', 0, 0, 0);");
} else {
$db->query("DELETE FROM domaines_type WHERE name='php52-ssl';");
$db->query("UPDATE sub_domaines SET web_action='DELETE' WHERE type='php52-ssl';");
$db->query("DELETE FROM domaines_type WHERE name='php52-mixssl';");
$db->query("UPDATE sub_domaines SET web_action='DELETE' WHERE type='php52-mixssl';");
// Enable name-based virtual hosts in Apache2 :
$f = fopen("/etc/apache2/ports.conf", "rb");
if (!$f) {
echo "FATAL: there is no /etc/apache2/ports.conf ! I can't configure name-based virtual hosts\n";
} else {
$found = false;
while ($s = fgets($f, 1024)) {
if (preg_match("#NameVirtualHost.*443#", $s)) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$f = fopen("/etc/apache2/ports.conf", "ab");
fputs($f, "\n<IfModule mod_ssl.c>\n NameVirtualHost *:443\n\n</IfModule>\n");
} // before-reload