415 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
415 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
# $Id: sqlbackup.sh,v 2.0 2006/10/17 17:32:05 mistur Exp $
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# AlternC - Web Hosting System
# Copyright (C) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team.
# http://alternc.org/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Based on:
# Valentin Lacambre's web hosting softwares: http://altern.org/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Original Author of file: Benjamin Sonntag - 2003-03-23
# Purpose of file: MySQL Database backup shell script for AlternC
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changed by Yoann Moulin : 2006-10-16
# * Adding an other possibilty for name of the backup files which
# avoid renaming old backup files (name rotation methode)
# this methode include the date of the backup day in the name of the
# file
# Usefull for person who use rsync, rsnapshot, etc... this methode
# avoid to sync old files which just has been rename but seem diff
# for sync script
set -e
# Get mysql user and password :
. /etc/alternc/local.sh
# get the date of the day
DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
# echo function, used for output wrapping when run in daemon
# mode.
# usage: print [option] <message>
# without option, print <message> in any case on the stdout
# options :
# error : print <message> in any case and indicate that an error message
# debug : print <message> if debug mode is active
# info : print <message> if verbose mode is active
# notes :
# if backup running in daemon mode, printing in log file if an otpion
# is gived to the function
print() {
# if a log level is given to the print function
# 'error', 'info' or 'debug'
if [ "$1" == "error" ] || [ "$1" == "info" ] || [ "$1" == "debug" ];
# read it and remove it for arg list
# if
# - No log level is specified
# - Log level equal to 'error'
# => print in any case on stdout
# => add to log file as well if $DAEMON set to 'ON'
# - Log level equal to 'debug' and $DEBUG is set to on
# - Log level equal to 'info' and $VERBOSE set to 'ON'
# => print on log file if $DAEMON set to 'ON', on stdout if not
if [ -z "$log_level" ] ||
[ "$log_level" == "error" ] ||
[ "$DEBUG" == "ON" -a "$log_level" == "debug" ] ||
[ "$log_level" == "info" -a "$VERBOSE" == "ON" ] ;
if [ "$DAEMON" == "ON" ] ; then
# function without option must be print on stdout in anycase
# even if print in the log file
if [ -z "$log_level" ] || [ "$log_level" == "error" ];
echo "$EXEC_CMD $log_level: $*"
logger -p local0.$log_level -t sqlbackup "$*"
if [ -z "$log_level" ];
echo "$*"
echo "$log_level: $*"
error() {
print "error" $*
info() {
print "info" $*
debug() {
print "debug" $*
function dobck() {
local ext
local i
local old_ifs
# mysql -B uses tab as a separator between fields, so we have to mess
# with IFS in order to get the correct behaviour
IFS=" "
# read parameter given by mysql
while read login pass db count compressed target_dir; do
debug "read $login \$pass $db $count $compressed $target_dir"
# restore $IFS after read parameter
# by default : DOBAKCUP set to yes
if [ "$compressed" -eq 1 ]; then
# if $SQLBACKUP_TYPE is set to "rotate" classical rotation files methode will be used
# use incrementale number in the name of files where the highest number indicate
# the oldest files
# if the rotate type is not set or set to date, the name of the export file will contain the date
# of the backup on won't be rotate by the classic rotate number
# usefull if you're using rsync or rsnapshop or everything base on rsync to avoir to copy
# rotate files which just change name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# the variable SQLBACKUP_TYPE must be set in /etc/alternc/local.sh #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
if [ $SQLBACKUP_TYPE == "rotate" ]; then
# rotate all backup
while [ $i -gt 1 ] ; do
next_i=$(($i - 1))
if [ -e "${target_dir}/${db}.sql.${next_i}${ext}" ]; then
mv -f "${target_dir}/${db}.sql.${next_i}${ext}" \
"${target_dir}/${db}.sql.${i}${ext}" 2>/dev/null
i=$next_i # loop should end here
# move most recently backup with a rotate file name
if [ -e "${target_dir}/${db}.sql${ext}" ]; then
mv -f "${target_dir}/${db}.sql${ext}" \
"${target_dir}/${db}.sql.${i}${ext}" 2>/dev/null
# ---------------
# default methode
# ---------------
# calcul the mtime parameter for find
# $count is the number of backup to keep
# daily : if we are keeping X backup, deleting the file which has the mtime at X + 1 days
# weekly : if we are keeping X backup, deleting the file which has the mtime at (X + 1) * 7 day
# echo "last2del=( $count + 1 ) * $coef "
last2del=$(( ( $count + 1 ) * $coef ))
# find the oldest backup file need to be delete
# find ${target_dir} : in the target_dir
# -name \"${db}.*sql.*\" : All files like <db_name>.*sql.*
# -maxdepth 0 : only in the target dir (on not in the subdirectory)
# -mtime $last2del : files with the exact mtime set to $last2del
# daily : ( number of backup to keep + 1 ) days
# weekly : ( number of backup to keep + 1 ) * 7 days
# -exec rm -f {} \; : remove all files found
debug "find ${target_dir} -name \"${db}.*sql${ext}\" -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$last2del -exec rm -f {} \; -ls"
find ${target_dir} -name "${db}.*sql${ext}" -maxdepth 1 -mtime +${last2del} -exec rm -f {} \; -ls
# set the name of the backup file with the date of the day
# if the backup exite and SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE is set to NO, cancel backup
if [ -f "${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}" ] && [ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "no" ] ; then
info "sqlbackup.sh: ${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}: already exist"
info " => no backup done as specify in allow-overwrite = $SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE"
# if the backup exite and SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE is set to RENAME, add
elif [ -f "${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}" ] && [ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "rename" ] ; then
info "sqlbackup.sh: ${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}: already exist"
info " => renaming the new file as specify in allow-overwrite = $SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE"
hours=`date +"%H%M"`
# if the backup exite and SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE is set OVERWRITE, add
elif [ -f "${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}" ] && [ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "overwrite" ] ; then
info "sqlbackup.sh: ${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}: already exist"
info " => overwrite file as specify in allow-overwrite = $SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE"
# mysqldump Option :
# --add-drop-table : Add a 'drop table' before each create.
# usefull if you want to override the database without delete table before
# this is need to used restore from the alternc interface
# --allow-keywords : Allow creation of column names that are keywords.
# --quote-names : Quote table and column names with `
# Usefull if you have space in table or column names
# --force : Continue even if we get an sql-error.
# To avoid end of script during backup script execution
# Allow script to backup other database if one of the have an error
# --quick : Don't buffer query, dump directly to stdout.
# optimisation option
# --all : Include all MySQL specific create options.
# Permit keep information like type or comment
# --extended-insert : Allows utilization of the new, much faster INSERT syntax.
# optimization option
# (--add-locks : Add locks around insert statements.)
# (--lock-tables : Lock all tables for read.)
# those 2 options avoid insert during dump which can create an unconsistent
# state of the database backup
# remove because lock is allow for alternc user
if [ "$compressed" -eq 1 ] && [ "$DO_BACKUP" == "YES" ]; then
debug "msqldump -h\"$MYSQL_HOST\" -u\"$login\" -p\"XXXX\" \"$db\" --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e \ "
debug " | gzip -c > \"${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}\""
mysqldump -h"$MYSQL_HOST" -u"$login" -p"$pass" "$db" \
--add-drop-table \
--allow-keywords \
--quote-names \
--force \
--quick \
--all \
--extended-insert \
| gzip -c > "${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql${ext}"
elif [ "$DO_BACKUP" == "YES" ] ; then
debug "mysqldump -h\"$MYSQL_HOST\" -u\"$login\" -p\"XXXX\" \"$db\" --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e \ "
debug " > \"${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql\""
mysqldump -h"$MYSQL_HOST" -u"$login" -p"$pass" "$db" \
--add-drop-table \
--allow-keywords \
--quote-names \
--force \
--quick \
--all \
--extended-insert \
> "${target_dir}/${name_backup_file}.sql"
IFS=" "
# read_parameters gets all command-line arguments and analyzes them
# return:
read_parameters() {
# for all parameter give to the script
while [ "$1" != "" ] ; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help) usage; exit ;;
-v|--verbose) VERBOSE="ON" ;;
-d|--debug) DEBUG="ON" ;;
-t|--type) shift; TYPE="$1";;
-n|--name-methode) shift; SQLBACKUP_TYPE="$1";;
-a|--allow-ovewrite) shift; SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE="$1" ;;
error "invalide option -- $1"
error "Try \`sqlbackup.sh --help' for more information."
exit ;;
# in case of no argument give to an option
# shift execute an exit if already empty
# add test to avoid this at least to print error message
[ "$1" != "" ] && shift
debug "TYPE = $TYPE"
# check options
if [ "$TYPE" == "daily" ]; then
# Daily :
elif [ "$TYPE" == "weekly" ] ; then
# Weekly:
elif [ -n "$TYPE" ] ; then
error "missing argument: type"
error "Try \`sqlbackup.sh --help' for more information."
error "invalide argument: type -- $TYPE"
error "Try \`sqlbackup.sh --help' for more information."
if ! ( [ -z "$SQLBACKUP_TYPE" ] ||
[ "$SQLBACKUP_TYPE" == "date" ] ||
[ "$SQLBACKUP_TYPE" == "rotate" ] ) ; then
error "invalide argument: name-methode -- $SQLBACKUP_TYPE"
error "Try \`sqlbackup.sh --help' for more information."
if ! ( [ -z "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" ] ||
[ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "no" ] ||
[ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "rename" ] ||
[ "$SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE" == "overwrite" ] ); then
error "invalide argument: allow-ovewrite -- $SQLBACKUP_OVERWRITE"
error "Try \`sqlbackup.sh --help' for more information."
# a quick intro to the software, displayed when no params found
usage() {
echo "Usage: sqlbackup.sh [OPTION] -t TYPE
sqlbackup.sh is a script used by alternc for sql backup
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-v, --verbose set verbose mode on
-d, --debug set debug mode on
-n, --name-method METHOD set the method type for files' name
-a, --allow-override OVERRIDE specify the behaviour if backup files already exist
-t, --type TYPE set backup type
-h, --help display this help and exit
the TYPE arguments specify type of backup. Here are the values:
daily Execute a daily backup on all databases set to daily backup
weekly Execute a daily backup on all databases set to weekly backup
the METHOD argument the type for files' name. Here are the values:
date insert in the backup file's name the date of the backup
(default value)
rotate rename file as file.<number><extension> where <number>
is incremented
the OVERRIDE argument the behaviour of the script if a backup file already exist.
Here are the values:
no if a backup file already exist, no backup done
rename if a backup file already exist, add an extension to the new
backup file
overwrite if a backup file already exist, overwrite it with the new
debug begin $@
# read all paramter before doing anything before
read_parameters $@
debug end
# select backup information from the alternc database in the db table
# all backup for the specify mode (daily or weekly)
# option :
# --batch : Print results with a tab as separator, each row on a new line.
# avoid seperator like "|" which are not usefull in a shell script
# need to set the IFS environment variable to "\t" (tabbulation) for
# the `read' command (indicate field separator by default `read'
# use space)
# tail -n '+2' permit to skip the first line (legende line)
# execut dobck on all database found by the sql request
# the "<< EOF" mean send data to the command until EOF (end of file)
debug /usr/bin/mysql -h"$MYSQL_HOST" -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"XXXX" "$MYSQL_DATABASE" -B
/usr/bin/mysql -h"$MYSQL_HOST" -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASS" \
"$MYSQL_DATABASE" --batch << EOF | tail -n '+2' | dobck
SELECT login, pass, db, bck_history, bck_gzip, bck_dir
WHERE bck_mode=$mode;
# vim: et sw=4