Remi 06a3e2537e specify nxdomain ttl in the comment of the zone template accordingly to RFC 2308
see section 4 "SOA minimum Field"
By default we use the default TTL
2016-03-02 16:55:36 +01:00
functions_hosting Ajout des hooks pour la gestion du mass virtual hosting 2011-02-01 22:44:18 +00:00
templates specify nxdomain ttl in the comment of the zone template accordingly to RFC 2308 2016-03-02 16:55:36 +01:00
alternc.ini On passe sur les sessions "normale" de Debian pour AlternC 2013-02-18 18:43:42 +00:00
apache2-ssl.conf [fix] set a proper SSLCipherSuite, removes SSLv3 (poodle protection) 2014-11-27 15:04:40 +01:00