
392 lines
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$Id: m_mail.php,v 2.00 2012/03/12 06:26:16 anarcat Exp $
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Original Author of file: Benjamin Sonntag, Franck Missoum
Purpose of file: Manage Email accounts and aliases.
* This class handle emails (pop and/or aliases and even wrapper for internal
* classes) of hosted users.
* Copyleft {@link AlternC Team}
* @copyright AlternC-Team 2002-11-01
class m_mail {
/** domain list
* @access private
var $domains;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Constructor
function m_mail() {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Quota list (hook for quota class)
function alternc_quota_names() {
return "mail";
function alternc_get_quota($name) {
global $db,$err,$cuid;
if ($name=="mail") {
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM address WHERE domain_id in(select id from domaines where compte=$cuid);");
return $db->f("cnt");
* Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class)
function alternc_password_policy() {
return array("pop"=>"POP/IMAP account passwords");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Returns the list of mail-hosted domains for a user
* @return array indexed array of hosted domains
function enum_domains() {
global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("select, d.domaine, count( as nb_mail FROM domaines d left join address a on where d.compte = $cuid group by order by d.domaine asc;");
return $this->enum_domains;
/* function used to list every mail address hosted on a domain.
* @param : the technical domain id.
* @result : an array of each mail hosted under the domain.
function enum_domain_mails($dom_id = null){
global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("select * from address where domain_id=$dom_id order by address asc;");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
//TODO verifier numero erreur
return false;
return $this->enum_domain_mails;
function enum_doms_mails_letters($mail_id) {
global $err,$cuid,$db;
//$db->query("select distinct left(ad.address,1) as letter from address ad, domaines d where ad.domain_id = and d.compte='$cuid' order by letter;");
$db->query("select distinct left(ad.address,1) as letter from address ad,where = $mail_id ;");
while($db->next_record()) {
return $res;
* Function used to insert a new mail into de the db
* @param: a domain_id (linked to the user ) and the left part of mail waiting to be inserted
* @return: an hashtable containing the database id of the newly created mail, the state ( succes or failure ) of the operation,
* and an error message if necessary.
* TODO piensar a enlever la contrainte d'unicité sur le champs address et en rajouter une sur adrresse+dom_id.
function create($dom_id, $mail_arg){
global $mail,$err,$db,$cuid;
$return = array (
"state" => true,
"mail_id" => null,
"error" => "OK");
//FIXME checker uniformité des mails.
/*if(checkmail(mail_arg) != 0){
$return["error"]="erreur d'appel a cancreate";
return $return;
$return=$mail->cancreate($dom_id, $mail_arg);
//Si l'appel échoue
if(!$return ){
$return["error"]="erreur d'appel a cancreate";
return $return;
$return["error"]="erreur d'appel a cancreate";
return ($return);
// check appartenance domaine
$test=$db->query("select id from domaines where compte=$cuid and id=$dom_id;");
$return["state"]= false;
$return["error"]=" hophophop tu t'es prix pour un banquier ouquoi ?";
return $return;
//verifie quota ( une fois réparé ^^ )
//TODO quotacheck;
// a remplacer par un truc genre insert into address (domain_id, address) values (7, '4455') ; select id from address where address='4455';
$db->query("insert into address (domain_id, address) VALUES ($dom_id, '$mail_arg');");
$test=$db->query("select id from address where domain_id=$dom_id and address=\"$mail_arg\";");
return $return;
*Function used to check if a given mail address can be inserted a new mail into de the db
*@param: a domain_id (linked to the user ) and the left part of mail waiting to be inserted
*@return: an hashtable containing the database id of the newly created mail, the state ( succes or failure ) of the operation,
*and an error message if necessary.
function cancreate($dom_id,$mail_arg){
global $db,$err,$cuid,$hooks;
$return = array (
"state" => true,
"mail_id" => null,
"error" => "");
$return2 = array ();
$return2 = $hooks->invoke('hooks_mail_cancreate',array($dom_id,$mail_arg));
foreach($return2 as $tab => $v){
if($v["state"] != true){
$return["error"]="erreur lors du check de la classe $tab";
return $return;
return $return;
function form($mail_id) {
global $mail, $err;
* hooks called by the cancreate function
* @param: a domain_id (linked to the user ) and the left part of mail waiting to be inserted
* @return: an hashtable containing the database id of the newly created mail, the state ( succes or failure ) of the operation,
* and an error message if necessary.
function hooks_mail_cancreate($dom_id, $mail_arg) {
global $db,$err;
$return = array (
"state" => true,
"mail_id" => null,
"error" => "");
$db->query("select count(*) as cnt from address where domain_id=$dom_id and address=\"$mail_arg\";");
//if mail_arg not already in table "address"
if( $db->f("cnt") == "0") {
return $return;
$return["state"] = false;
$return["error"]="mail existe deja";
return $return;
$return["error"]="erreur de requête";
return $return;
* @param : mail_id
* fonction used to invoque the "hooks" corresponding to each mail relative classes
* the two foreach are used to format the array the way we want.
function list_properties($mail_id) {
global $err,$hooks;
$prop = $hooks->invoke("hooks_mail_properties_list",array($mail_id));
/* Ici on :
- trie/fait du ménage
- prend en premier les properties non avancées
- prend en second les properties avancées (donc en bas)
- on pense a avoir un trie par label, histoire d'avoir une cohérence d'affichage
foreach ($prop as $k => $v ) {
if ( empty($v) ) continue; // on continue si le tableau était vide
if ( isset($v['label'] ) ) { // si c'est directement le tableau qu'on souhaite
if ( isset($v['advanced']) && $v['advanced']) {
$f_adv[] = $v;
} else { // option simple
$f_simple[] = $v;
} else {
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2 ) { // sinon on joue avec les sous-tableau
if ( isset($v2['advanced']) && $v2['advanced']) {
$f_adv[] = $v2;
} else { // option simple
//FIXME sort pour avoir ceux qui sont ADVANCED a la fin, et trie par label pour etre "fixe"
return $final;
/* function used to get every information at our disposal concerning a mail.
* @param: $mail_id, $recur (used to stop the fonction correctly when called from list alias.
* @return: an hashtable of every usefull informations we can get about a mail.
function mail_get_details($mail_id, $recur=true){
global $db, $err, $mail_redirection,$mail_alias, $mail_localbox;
$details = array (
"address_id" => "",
"address" => "",
"domain" => "",
"address_full" => "",
"password" => "",
"enabled" => false,
"is_local" => Array(),
"recipients" => Array(),
"alias" => Array(),
//on recupere les info principales de toutes adresses
$db->query("select a.address,a.password,a.enabled, d.domaine from address a, domaines d where$mail_id and;");
// Return if no entry in the database
if (! $db->next_record()) return false;
$details["address_id"] =$mail_id;
$details["address"] =$db->f("address");
$details["password"] =$db->f("password");
$details["enabled"] =$db->f("enabled");
$details["domain"] =$db->f("domaine");
if ($recur) {
// Get some human-usefull informations
$details["recipients"] = $mail_redirection->list_recipients($mail_id);
$details["alias"] = $mail_alias->list_alias($details['address_full']);
return $details;
* activate a mail address.
* @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier
function enable($mail_id){
global $db,$err;
if( !$db->query("UPDATE address SET enabled=1 where id=$mail_id;"))return false;
* disable a mail address.
* @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier
function disable($mail_id){
global $db,$err;
if( !$db->query("UPDATE address SET enabled=0 where id=$mail_id;")) return false;
* setpasswd a mail address.
* @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier
function setpasswd($mail_id,$pass,$passwd_type){
global $db,$err,$admin;
if(!$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$mail_full,$pass)) return false;
if(!$db->query("UPDATE address SET password='"._md5cr($pass)."' where id=$mail_id;")) return false;
* mail_delete a mail address.
* @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier
TODO: mail del
function mail_delete($mail_id){
global $db,$err,$admin;
// $db->query("
/*supprimer de la table address
supprimer la mailbox si il yen a une.
supprimer alias et redirection.
supprimer les alias associé si il ne sont relié a aucunes autre addresses.
} /* Class m_mail */