875 lines
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875 lines
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* bind9 file management class
* @copyright AlternC-Team 2000-2017 https://alternc.com/
class system_bind {
var $ZONE_TEMPLATE ="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/zone.template";
var $NAMED_TEMPLATE ="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/named.template";
var $NAMED_CONF ="/var/lib/alternc/bind/automatic.conf";
var $RNDC ="/usr/sbin/rndc";
var $dkim_trusted_host_file = "/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts";
var $dkim_keytable_file = "/etc/opendkim/KeyTable";
var $dkim_signingtable_file = "/etc/opendkim/SigningTable";
var $cache_conf_db = array();
var $cache_get_persistent = array();
var $cache_zone_file = array();
var $cache_domain_summary = array();
// @Note: The trailing slash is required on this variable since other code
// assumes it is present when generating file paths.
var $zone_file_directory = '/var/lib/alternc/bind/zones/';
static public $DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR = "/var/lib/alternc/bind/keys";
static public $DNSSEC_SETFILE_BASEDIR = "/var/lib/alternc/bind/setfiles";
static public $dnssec_key_limits = array(
'KSK/ZSK' => array(
// RSAMD5 should never be used, though it could be valid for dnssec-keygen.
// RSASHA1 should never be used, thought it could be valid.
'NSEC3RSASHA1' => array(
'min' => 512,
'max' => 2048,
'NSEC3DSA' => array(
'min' => 512,
'max' => 1024,
'other' => '%64', // Exact multiple of 64.
'RSASHA256' => array(
'min' => 512,
'max' => 2048,
'RSASHA512' => array(
'min' => 512,
'max' => 2048,
'ECDSAP256SHA256' => array(
// Keysize parameter is ignored.
'min' => 0,
'max' => 10000,
'ECDSAP384SHA384' => array(
// Keysize parameter is ignored.
'min' => 0,
'max' => 10000,
'TSIG/TKEY' => array(
// No supported algorithms presently.
* Return the part of the conf we got from the database
* @global m_mysql $db
* @param string $domain
* @return array $this->cache_conf_db
function conf_from_db($domain=false) {
global $db;
// Use cache, fill cache if empty
if (empty($this->cache_conf_db)) {
replace(replace(dt.entry,'%TARGET%',sd.valeur), '%SUB%', if(length(sd.sub)>0,sd.sub,'@')) as entry
sub_domaines sd,
domaines_type dt
and sd.enable in ('ENABLE', 'ENABLED')
order by entry ;");
while ($db->next_record()) {
$t[$db->f('domaine')][] = $db->f('entry');
$this->cache_conf_db = $t;
if ($domain) {
if (isset($this->cache_conf_db[$domain])) {
return $this->cache_conf_db[$domain];
} else {
return array();
} // if domain
return $this->cache_conf_db;
* Return full path of the zone configuration file
* @param string $domain
* @param boolean $signed
* Whether to return the signed or unsigned zone file path. Ignored
* if force is FALSE.
* @param boolean $force
* If FALSE, the zone file path returned will be in accordance with the
* configuration for the domain in the database. If forced, the domain
* configuratoin will be ignored and the path returned according to the
* signed parameter.
* @return string
function get_zone_file_uri($domain, $signed = FALSE, $force = FALSE) {
if (!$force) {
$d = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
$signed = $d['dnssec'];
if (!$signed) {
return $this->zone_file_directory.$domain;
else {
return "{$this->zone_file_directory}{$domain}.signed";
* @param string $domain
* @return string zone file path
function get_zone_file($domain) {
// Use cache, fill cache if empty
if (!isset($this->cache_zone_file[$domain]) ) {
if (file_exists($this->get_zone_file_uri($domain))) {
$this->cache_zone_file[$domain] = @file_get_contents($this->get_zone_file_uri($domain));
} else {
$this->cache_zone_file[$domain] = false;
return $this->cache_zone_file[$domain] ;
* @param string $domain
* @return string
function get_serial($domain) {
// Return the next serial the domain must have.
// Choose between a generated and an incremented.
// Calculated :
$calc = date('Ymd').'00'."\n";
// Old one :
$old=$calc; // default value
$file = $this->get_zone_file($domain);
preg_match_all("/\s*(\d{10})\s+\;\sserial\s?/", $file, $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
$old = $output_array[1][0];
// Return max between newly calculated, and old one incremented
return max(array($calc,$old)) + 1 ;
* Return lines that are after ;;; END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION
* @param string $domain
* @return string
function get_persistent($domain) {
if ( ! isset($this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] )) {
preg_match_all('/\;\s*END\sALTERNC\sAUTOGENERATE\sCONFIGURATION(.*)/s', $this->get_zone_file($domain), $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
$this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] = $output_array[1][0];
} else {
$this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] = false;
} // isset
return $this->cache_get_persistent[$domain];
* @return string
function get_zone_header() {
return file_get_contents($this->ZONE_TEMPLATE);
* @global m_dom $dom
* @param string $domain
* @return array Retourne un tableau
function get_domain_summary($domain=false) {
global $dom;
// Use cache if is filled, if not, fill it
if (empty($this->cache_domain_summary)) {
$this->cache_domain_summary = $dom->get_domain_all_summary();
if ($domain) return $this->cache_domain_summary[$domain];
else return $this->cache_domain_summary;
* @param string $domain
* @return boolean
function dkim_delete($domain) {
$target_dir = "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain";
if (file_exists($target_dir)) {
return true;
* Generate the domain DKIM key
* @param string $domain
* @return null|boolean
function dkim_generate_key($domain) {
// Stop here if we do not manage the mail
$domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
if ( ! $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) return;
$target_dir = "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain";
if (file_exists($target_dir.'/alternc.txt')) return; // Do not generate if exist
if (! is_dir($target_dir)) mkdir($target_dir); // create dir
// Generate the key
exec('opendkim-genkey -r -d '.escapeshellarg($domain).' -s "alternc" ');
// opendkim must be owner of the key
chown("$target_dir/alternc.private", 'opendkim');
chgrp("$target_dir/alternc.private", 'opendkim');
return true; // FIXME handle error
* Refresh DKIM configuration: be sure to list the domain having a private key (and only them)
function dkim_refresh_list() {
// so ugly... but there is only 1 pass, not 3. Still ugly.
$trusted_host_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n";
$keytable_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n";
$signingtable_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n";
# Generate automatic entry
foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) {
// Skip if delete in progress, or if we do not manage dns or mail
if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] || ! $ds['gesmx'] || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) continue;
// Skip if there is no key generated
if (! file_exists("/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.txt")) continue;
// Modif the files.
$keytable_new .="alternc._domainkey.$domain $domain:alternc:/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.private\n";
$signingtable_new.="$domain alternc._domainkey.$domain\n";
# Get old files
$keytable_old =@file_get_contents($this->dkim_keytable_file);
# Keep manuel entry
preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $trusted_host_old, $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $keytable_old, $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $signingtable_old, $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
// Save if there are some diff
if ( $trusted_host_new != $trusted_host_old ) {
file_put_contents($this->dkim_trusted_host_file, $trusted_host_new);
if ( $keytable_new != $keytable_old ) {
file_put_contents($this->dkim_keytable_file, $keytable_new);
if ( $signingtable_new != $signingtable_old ) {
file_put_contents($this->dkim_signingtable_file, $signingtable_new);
* Outputs the include statements for a zone's DnsSec keys if enabled.
* @param string $domain
* @returns string
* Include statements for all the keys found or an empty ztring.
function dnssec_entry($domain) {
$includes = '';
$key_directory = system_bind::$DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR . "/{$domain}";
$dnssec_enabled = $this->dnssec_is_enabled($domain);
if ($dnssec_enabled && is_dir($key_directory)) {
foreach (glob("{$key_directory}/K{$domain}*.key") as $f) {
if (!is_file($f)) {
$includes .= "\$INCLUDE {$f}\n";
return $includes;
* Checks if dnssec is enabled for a domain.
* @param $domain
* A string for which domain to check.
* @returns boolean
* True/False if DnsSec is enabled for the domain.
function dnssec_is_enabled(String $domain) {
$d = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
$enabled = false;
if ($d && $d['dnssec']) {
$enabled = true;
return $enabled;
* Signs a zone.
function dnssec_sign_zone(String $domain) {
global $msg;
if (!$domain) {
// Keys should already exist.
$key_dir = system_bind::$DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR . "/{$domain}";
$setfile_dir = system_bind::$DNSSEC_SETFILE_BASEDIR . "/{$domain}";
if (!is_dir($setfile_dir)) {
mkdir($setfile_dir, '0750', TRUE);
$return_code = -1;
$output = array();
$salt = _salt16hex();
if (!$salt) {
$salt = '-';
// The unsigned_zone_file should be an absolute path to the zone file.
// The $INCLUDE statements in the the zone file _MUST_ use absolute
// paths, otherwise, the CWD of the dnssec-signzone command must be
// changed.
$unsigned_zone_file = $this->get_zone_file_uri($domain, FALSE, TRUE);
// @TODO Should '-Q' and '-R' be used to allow for key roll overs?
$command = sprintf('/usr/sbin/dnssec-signzone -u -d %s -K %s -3 %s -A -N INCREMENT -o %s %s',
escapeshellarg($setfile_dir), escapeshellarg($key_dir),
escapeshellarg($salt), escapeshellarg($domain),
$last_line = exec(escapeshellcmd($command), $output, $return_code);
$msg->log('system_bind', 'dnssec_sign_zone',
sprintf('Signed zone %s using command "%s". Return code %d; Last line of output: %s',
$domain, $command, $return_code, $last_line)
return $return_code;
* @param string $domain
* @return string
function dkim_entry($domain) {
$domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
if (! file_exists($keyfile) && $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) {
return @file_get_contents($keyfile);
* Conditionnal generation autoconfig entry for outlook / thunderbird
* If entry with the same name allready exist, skip it.
* @param string $domain
* @return string
function mail_autoconfig_entry($domain) {
$zone= implode("\n",$this->conf_from_db($domain))."\n".$this->get_persistent($domain);
$domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
if ( $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) {
// If we manage the mail
// Check if there is no the same entry (defined or manual)
// can be toto IN A or toto.fqdn.tld. IN A
if (! preg_match("/autoconfig(\s|\.".str_replace('.','\.',$domain)."\.)/", $zone )) {
$entry.="autoconfig IN CNAME %%fqdn%%.\n";
if (! preg_match("/autodiscover(\s|\.".str_replace('.','\.',$domain)."\.)/", $zone )) {
$entry.="autodiscover IN CNAME %%fqdn%%.\n";
} // if gesmx
return $entry;
* Return a fully generated zone
* @global string $L_FQDN
* @global string $L_NS1_HOSTNAME
* @global string $L_NS2_HOSTNAME
* @global string $L_DEFAULT_MX
* @global string $L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX
* @global string $L_PUBLIC_IP
* @param string $domain
* @return string
function get_zone($domain) {
$zone =$this->get_zone_header();
$zone.="\n;;;HOOKED ENTRY\n";
$zone.= $this->dkim_entry($domain);
$zone.= $this->mail_autoconfig_entry($domain);
$zone .= $this->dnssec_entry($domain);
$domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
// FIXME check those vars
$zone = strtr($zone, array(
"@@ZONETTL@@"=> $domainInfo['zonettl'],
return $zone;
* @param string $domain
function reload_zone($domain) {
exec($this->RNDC." reload ".escapeshellarg($domain), $output, $return_value);
if ($return_value != 0 ) {
echo "ERROR: Reload zone failed for zone $domain\n";
* return true if zone is locked
* @param string $domain
* @return boolean
function is_locked($domain) {
preg_match_all("/(\;\s*LOCKED:YES)/i", $this->get_zone_file($domain), $output_array);
if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) {
return true;
return false;
* @global m_mysql $db
* @global m_dom $dom
* @param string $domain
* @return boolean
function save_zone($domain) {
global $db, $dom;
// Do not save if the zone is LOCKED
if ( $this->is_locked($domain)) {
$dom->set_dns_result($domain, "The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator."); // If edit, change dummy_for_translation
$dom->set_dns_action($domain, 'OK');
return false;
// Save file, and apply chmod/chown
// Always want to save the unsigned version.
$file=$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain, FALSE, TRUE);
file_put_contents($file, $this->get_zone($domain));
chown($file, 'bind');
chmod($file, 0640);
$d = $this->get_domain_summary($domain);
if ($d['dnssec']) {
// @TODO: What should happen if zone signing fails?
$dom->set_dns_action($domain, 'OK');
return true; // fixme add tests
* Delete the zone configuration file
* @param string $domain
* @return boolean
function delete_zone($domain) {
// get_zone_file_uri() is used since it's result won't be cached.
$files = array(
$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain, FALSE, TRUE),
$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain, TRUE, TRUE),
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
$dnssec_directories = array(
system_bind::$DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR . "/{$domain}",
system_bind::$DNSSEC_SETFILE_BASEDIR . "/{$domain}",
foreach ($dnssec_directories as $dir) {
if ($domain && is_dir($dir)) {
return true;
* @global m_hooks $hooks
* @return boolean
function reload_named() {
global $hooks;
// Generate the new conf file
$new_named_conf="// DO NOT EDIT\n// This file is generated by Alternc.\n// Every changes you'll make will be overwrited.\n";
foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) {
if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) continue;
$new_named_conf.=strtr($tpl, array("@@DOMAINE@@"=>$domain, "@@ZONE_FILE@@"=>$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain)));
// Get the actual conf file
$old_named_conf = @file_get_contents($this->NAMED_CONF);
// Apply new configuration only if there are some differences
if ($old_named_conf != $new_named_conf ) {
chown($this->NAMED_CONF, 'bind');
chmod($this->NAMED_CONF, 0640);
exec($this->RNDC." reconfig");
$hooks->invoke_scripts("/usr/lib/alternc/reload.d", array('dns_reconfig') );
return true;
* Regenerate bind configuration and load it
* @global m_hooks $hooks
* @param boolean $all
* @return boolean
function regenerate_conf($all=false) {
global $hooks;
foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) {
if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] && strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'OK' ) continue; // Skip if we do not manage DNS and is up-to-date for this domain
if ( (strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) ||
(strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'UPDATE' && $ds['gesdns']==false ) // in case we update the zone to disable DNS management
) {
if ( ( $all || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'UPDATE' ) && $ds['gesdns'] ) {
$hooks->invoke_scripts("/usr/lib/alternc/reload.d", array('dns_reload_zone', $domain) );
} // end foreach domain
return true;
private function dummy_for_translation() {
_("The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator.");
* Returns the current default configuration for dnssec.
* @returqns array
* An array with two indexes 'ksk' (keysigning key), 'zsk' (zonesigning key).
* Each key type is also an array with the properities 'algorithm', and 'size'.
* Algorithm should match the named parameters for dnssec-keygen, and size should
* be an integer.
public static function default_dnssec_configuration() {
$data = array(
'ksk' => array(
'algorithm' => variable_get('ksk_algorithm', 'RSASHA512', ''),
'keysize' => variable_get('ksk_keysize', 2048, ''),
'zsk' => array(
'algorithm' => variable_get('zsk_algorithm', 'RSASHA512', ''),
'keysize' => variable_get('zsk_keysize', 2048, ''),
return $data;
* Returns the DS entries for a domain.
* @returns string
* The output of dnssec-dsfromkey.
public static function dnssec_ds_entries($domain) {
return shell_exec("/usr/sbin/dnssec-dsfromkey -A -f {$this->zone_file_directory}/{$domain}");
* Creates new key for a domain.
* @param $domain string
* The domain to create the key for.
* @param $key_type string
* One of 'ksk' or 'zsk' for key-sigining keys or zone-sigining keys.
* @param $algorithm string
* The name of algorithm as recognized by dnssec-genkey.
* @param $length int
* The length of the key in bytes. Note: for elliptic curve keys this
* parameter is ignored.
* @returns string|bool
* Returns the full path to the keyfile created on success, otherwise FALSE
* is returned on a failure.
public static function dnssec_create_key($domain, $key_type, $algorithm, $length) {
global $msg;
$valid = system_bind::validate_key_parameters($key_type, $algorithm, $length);
if (!$valid) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'system_bind', _("Key generation parameters for {$domain} are invalid. Please check the domain and server default configuration. Type: {$key_type}; Algorithm: {$algorithm}; Key size: {$length}"));
return FALSE;
$ksk = '';
if ($key_type == 'ksk') {
$ksk = ' -f KSK ';
$output = array();
$return_code = -1;
$key_dir = system_bind::$DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR . '/' . $domain;
// @TODO: This fails because the keys directory is owned and only readable by root.
// @TODO: Furthermore, this should probably be called during update, when the scripts
// aren't running as the alterncpanel user.
// @TODO: Similar problems probably exist for the set files.
if (!is_dir($key_dir)) {
if (!mkdir($key_dir, 0750, TRUE)) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'system_bind', _('Unable to create key storage directory'));
$msg->log('system_bind', 'dnssec_create_key', "Unable to create directory '{$key_dir}'");
return FALSE;
$command = sprintf("/usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen -q{$ksk} -a %s -b %s -n ZONE -K %s %s",
escapeshellarg($algorithm), escapeshellarg($length),
escapeshellarg($key_dir), escapeshellarg($domain));
$file_name = exec(escapeshellcmd($command), $output, $return_code);
$msg->log('system_bind', 'dnssec_create_key',
sprintf('Executed command "%s". Return code %d ; Last line of output: %s',
$command, $return_code, $file_name)
if ($return_code == 0) {
return "{$key_dir}/{$file_name}.key";
else {
$output = implode("\n", $output);
$msg->log('system_bind', 'dnssec_create_key', "Full output: {$output}");
return FALSE;
public static function validate_key_parameters($key_type, $algorithm, $length) {
global $msg;
if (in_array($key_type, array('ksk', 'zsk'))) {
if (!in_array($algorithm,array_keys(system_bind::$dnssec_key_limits['KSK/ZSK']))) {
// Unsupported algorithm.
$msg->debug('system_bind', 'validate_key_parameters',
"Key validation failed: unknown algorithm for ksk/zsk {$algorithm}");
return FALSE;
$min = system_bind::$dnssec_key_limits['KSK/ZSK'][$algorithm]['min'];
$max = system_bind::$dnssec_key_limits['KSK/ZSK'][$algorithm]['max'];
if ($length >= $min && $length <= $max) {
if (isset(system_bind::$dnssec_key_limits['KSK/ZSK'][$algorithm]['other'])) {
// Only have one "other" check for the moment. Could do more
// flexible parsing here.
$other = system_bind::$dnssec_key_limits['KSK/ZSK'][$algorithm]['other'];
if ($other == '%64') {
return $length % 64 == 0;
$msg->debug('system_bind', 'validate_key_parameters',
"Key validation failed: unknown other condition '{$other}'");
else {
return TRUE;
else {
$msg->debug('system_bind', 'validate_key_parameters',
"Key validation failed: keysize ({$length} outside of bounds {$min} and {$max}");
else {
$msg->debug('system_bind', 'validate_key_parameters',
"Key validation failed: unknown key type '{$key_type}'");
return FALSE;
* Lists all the existing keys for a given domain.
* @param $domain
* The domain name
* @returns array
* An array, possibly empty, of all existing keys for the domain.
* The array elements are full paths to the keys.
public static function list_keys($domain) {
$r = array();
if (!$domain) {
return $r;
$key_dir = system_bind::$DNSSEC_KEY_BASEDIR . '/' . $domain;
if (!is_dir($key_dir)) {
return $r;
$r = glob("{$key_dir}/K{$domain}*.key");
return $r;
* Gets the timing metadata for a given key.
* @param $key_file
* Full path to the key file.
* @returns array
* An array the metadata properties indexed by name: Created, Publish
* Activate, Revoke, Inactive, Delete with the data being NULL (for unset)
* or a time in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
public static function get_key_metadata($key_file) {
global $msg;
$data = array();
if (!is_file($key_file)) {
return $data;
$output = shell_exec(escapeshellcmd("LANG=C /usr/sbin/dnssec-settime -u -p all {$key_file}"));
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$r = explode(": ", $line);
if ($r && length($r) == 2) {
$data[$r[0]] = $r[1];
else {
$msg->log('system_bind', 'get_key_metadata', "Warning: output line for dnssec-settime for key {$key_file} does not have expected form: \"{$line}\"");
return $data;
} /* Class system_bind */