#!/bin/bash # Rebuild the bind configuration's file # with the IP of the slave dns FLAGFILE="/var/run/alternc/refresh_slave"; TPL="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/slaveip.conf" TARGET="/var/alternc/bind/slaveip.conf" TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/slaveip.conf.XXXX) if [ ! -e "$FLAGFILE" ] ; then # Nothing to do exit 0 fi # Source some functions . /usr/lib/alternc/functions.sh # Get the slave IP. Remove the "newline" caracters val=$(mysql_query "SELECT concat(ip,'::',class,'; ') FROM slaveip;"|tr '\n' ' ') # Add the slaves to the templates, re-add the missing "/" separator of subnet cat "$TPL" | sed -e "s/\/\/AUTO-SLAVES\/\//$val/g" -e "s/::/\//g" > "$TMP" # Activate the new configuration mv "$TMP" "$TARGET" chown root:bind "$TARGET" chmod 640 "$TARGET" invoke-rc.d bind9 reload