<?php /* $Id: config_real.php,v 1.1 2004/05/19 14:23:06 benjamin Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AlternC - Web Hosting System Copyright (C) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team. http://alternc.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on: Valentin Lacambre's web hosting softwares: http://altern.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author of file: Benjamin Sonntag Purpose of file: General configuration file for AlternC Desktop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Toutes les pages du bureau passent ici. On utilise une s�maphore pour s'assurer que personne ne pourra acc�der � 2 pages du bureau en m�me temps. */ /* if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")!="") { echo "Le bureau AlternC est en vacances jusqu'a minuit pour maintenance.<br> Merci de revenir plus tard."; exit(); } */ // 1. Get a semaphore id for the alternc magic number (18577) $alternc_sem = sem_get ( 18577 ); // 2. Declare the shutdown function, that release the semaphore function alternc_shutdown() { global $alternc_sem; sem_release( $alternc_sem ); } // 3. Register the shutdown function register_shutdown_function("alternc_shutdown"); // 4. Acquire the semaphore : with that process, sem_acquire( $alternc_sem ); /* PHPLIB inclusions : */ $root=ALTERNC_PANEL."/"; /* Server Domain Name */ $host=getenv("HTTP_HOST"); /* Global variables (AlternC configuration) */ require_once($root."class/local.php"); require_once($root."class/db_mysql.php"); require_once($root."class/functions.php"); // Classe h�rit�e de la classe db de la phplib. class DB_system extends DB_Sql { var $Host,$Database,$User,$Password; function DB_system() { global $L_MYSQL_HOST,$L_MYSQL_DATABASE,$L_MYSQL_LOGIN,$L_MYSQL_PWD; $this->Host = $L_MYSQL_HOST; $this->Database = $L_MYSQL_DATABASE; $this->User = $L_MYSQL_LOGIN; $this->Password = $L_MYSQL_PWD; } } $db= new DB_system(); // Current User ID = the user whose commands are made on behalf of. $cuid=0; $classes=array(); /* CLASSES PHP : automatic include : */ $c=opendir($root."class/"); while ($di=readdir($c)) { if (preg_match("#^m_(.*)\\.php$#",$di,$match)) { // $ $name1="m_".$match[1]; $name2=$match[1]; $classes[]=$name2; require_once($root."class/".$name1.".php"); } } closedir($c); /* THE DEFAULT CLASSES ARE : dom, ftp, mail, quota, bro, admin, mem, mysql, err */ /* Language */ bindtextdomain("alternc", ALTERNC_LOCALES); if (!$do_not_set_lang_env) { // setlang is on the link at the login page if ($setlang) { $lang=$setlang; } // default language (can be changed here) $language="fr_FR"; if (!$lang) { // Use the browser first preferred language $lang=strtolower(substr(trim($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE),0,5)); } // treat special cases such as en_UK or fr_BF : if (substr($lang,0,2)=="en") { $language ='en_US'; } if (substr($lang,0,2)=="fr") { $language ='fr_FR'; } if (substr($lang,0,5)=="fr_LU") { $language ='fr_LU'; } if (substr($lang,0,2)=="es") { $language ='es_ES'; } if ($setlang && $language) { setcookie("lang",$lang); } /* Language*/ putenv("LC_MESSAGES=$language"); putenv("LANG=$language"); putenv("LANGUAGE=$language"); // this locale MUST be selected in "dpkg-reconfigure locales" setlocale(LC_ALL,$language); textdomain("alternc"); } $mem=new m_mem(); $err=new m_err(); /* Check the User identity (if required) */ if (!$nocheck) { if (!$mem->checkid()) { $error=$err->errstr(); include("index.php"); exit(); } } for($i=0;$i<count($classes);$i++) { if ($classes[$i]!="mem" && $classes[$i]!="err") { $name2=$classes[$i]; $name1="m_".$name2; $$name2= new $name1(); } } ?>