
/* TODO: implements logger !

 * Service API used by server to export API methods
 * this class can be used to implement an API service / endpoint
 * a REST and POST api is provided as an example
class Alternc_Api_Service {

    public $db; // PDO object
    private $loggerList; // List of loggers
    private $allowedAuth; // list of allowed authenticators
    public $token; // Token (useful for called classes)

    const ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 111801;
    const ERR_METHOD_DENIED = 111802;
    const ERR_INVALID_ANSWER = 111803;
    const ERR_SETUID_FORBIDDEN = 111804;
    const ERR_SETUID_USER_NOT_FOUND = 111805;
    const ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 111806;
    const ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND = 111807;
    const ERR_INVALID_TOKEN = 111808;

     * Constructor of the Api Service Wrapper
     * @param $options an hash with 
     * databaseAdapter: an already initialized PDO object
     *   see http://php.net/PDO
     * loginAdapterList: (not mandatory) list of allowed authentication adapters (their codename)
     *   see Alternc/Api/Auth/*
     * loggerAdapter: (not mandatory), a PSR3-Interface-compliant class or a list of it.
     *   see https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md for more information
     * @return create the object
    function __construct($options) {

        // What DB shall we connect to?
        // Note: it MUST be in this mode : $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        if (isset($options["databaseAdapter"]) && $options["databaseAdapter"] instanceof PDO) {
            $this->db = $options["databaseAdapter"];
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("Missing required parameter databaseAdapter", self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);

        // Which login is allowed?
        $this->allowedAuth = array();
        if (isset($options["loginAdapterList"]) && is_array($options["loginAdapterList"])) {
            foreach ($options["loginAdapterList"] as $lal) {
                $this->allowedAuth[] = (string) $lal;

        // To which logger(s) shall we log to?
        if (isset($options["loggerAdapter"])) {
            if (!is_array($options["loggerAdapter"]))
                $options["loggerAdapter"] = array($options["loggerAdapter"]);
            foreach ($options["loggerAdapter"] as $la) {
                if ($la instanceof Psr\Log\LoggerInterface)
                    $this->loggerList[] = $la;

     * Authenticate into an AlternC server
     * @param $auth hash with 
     *  method: string describing the authentication name (in Alternc_Api_Auth_xxx)
     *  options: array list of parameters for the corresponding auth. 
     *    if 'uid' is set in the option hash, the account MUST be an administrator one
     *    and as a result, the returned Api_Token will be set to this UID and not the admin one.
     * @return Alternc_Api_Token an API Token
    function auth($auth) {
        if (!isset($auth["method"]) || !is_string($auth["method"])) {
            throw new \Exception("Missing required parameter method", self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        if (!isset($auth["options"]) || !is_array($auth["options"])) {
            throw new \Exception("Missing required parameter options", self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);

        if (count($this->allowedAuth) && !in_array($auth["method"], $this->allowedAuth)) {
            throw new \Exception("Method not allowed", self::ERR_METHOD_DENIED);
        if (isset($auth["options"]["uid"]) && !intval($auth["options"]["uid"])) {
            throw new \Exception("Invalid UID", self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);

        $adapterName = "Alternc_Api_Auth_" . ucfirst(strtolower($auth["method"]));

        $authAdapter = new $adapterName($this);

        $token = $authAdapter->auth($auth["options"]);

        // something went wrong user-side
        if ($token instanceof Alternc_Api_Response)
            return $token;
        // something went *really* wrong (bad type): 
        if (!$token instanceof Alternc_Api_Token)
            throw new \Exception("Invalid answer from Api_Auth_Interface", self::ERR_INVALID_ANSWER);

        if (isset($auth["options"]["uid"])) {
            if (!$token->isAdmin) {
                // Non-admin are not allowed to setuid
                return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_SETUID_FORBIDDEN, "message" => "This user is not allowed to set his uid"));
            // Search for the requested user. We allow using *disabled* account here since we are admin 
            foreach ($this->db->query("SELECT uid FROM membres WHERE uid=" . intval($auth["options"]["uid"])) as $setuid) {
                $token->uid = intval($setuid['uid']);
                $stmt = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE token SET data=? WHERE token=?");
                $stmt->execute(array($token->toJson(), $token->token));
                return $token;
            return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_SETUID_USER_NOT_FOUND, "message" => "Can't find the user you want to setuid to"));
        return $token;

     * Manage an API Call
     * @param Alternc_Api_Request $request The API call
     *   the request must have "object" and "action" elements, and a "token" to authenticate
     *   "options" are sent as it is to the Api Call. 
     * @return Alternc_Api_Response an API response
    function call($request) {
        if (!$request instanceof Alternc_Api_Request)
            throw new \Exception("request must be an Alternc_Api_Request object", self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);

        // we set the token in the Service object, so that other classes can use it :) 
        $this->token = Alternc_Api_Token::tokenGet($request->token_hash, $this->db);
        if ($this->token instanceof Alternc_Api_Response)  // bad token
            return $this->token;

        $className = "Alternc_Api_Object_" . ucfirst(strtolower($request->object));
        if (!class_exists($className))
            return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "message" => "Object not found in this AlternC's instance"));

        $object = new $className($this);

        $action = $request->action;

        if (strpos($action, "-") !== false) {
            // replace - by an uppercase letter:
            $action = lcfirst(str_replace(" ", "", implode("", array_map("ucfirst", explode("-", $action)))));
        if (!method_exists($object, $action))
            return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND, "message" => "Action not found for this object in this AlternC's instance"));

        $request->token = $this->token; // we receive $request->token_hash as a STRING, but we transmit its object as an Alternc_Api_Token.
        // TODO: log this Api Call
        return $object->$action($request->options);

     * Return documentation of the API, either general (no parameters) 
     * or for a specific action or auth class
     * @param string $element the name of the object for which documentation is requested
     * @return array a documentation hash (key/value)
    function doc($element) {
        if (substr($element, 0, 5) == "auth/") {
            $adapterName = "Alternc_Api_Auth_" . ucfirst(strtolower(substr($element, 5)));
            if (!class_exists($adapterName))
                return false;
            $authAdapter = new $adapterName($this);
            return $authAdapter->documentation();
        } else {
            list($class, $action) = explode("/", $element);
            $className = "Alternc_Api_Object_" . ucfirst(strtolower($class));
            if (!class_exists($className))
                return false;
            $object = new $className($this);
            if (!$action) {
                return $authAdapter->documentation();
            } else {
                return $authAdapter->documentation($action);

     * Return documentation of the API, either general (no parameters) 
     * or for a specific action or auth class
     * @param string $element the name of the object for which documentation is requested
     * @return array a documentation hash (key/value)
    function doc($element) {
        if (substr($element, 0, 5) == "auth/") {
            $adapterName = "Alternc_Api_Auth_" . ucfirst(strtolower(substr($element, 5)));
            if (!class_exists($adapterName))
                return false;
            $authAdapter = new $adapterName($this);
            return $authAdapter->documentation();
        } else {
            list($class, $action) = explode("/", $element);
            $className = "Alternc_Api_Object_" . ucfirst(strtolower($class));
            if (!class_exists($className))
                return false;
            $object = new $className($this);
            if (!$action) {
                return $authAdapter->documentation();
            } else {
                return $authAdapter->documentation($action);

     * Getter for the databaseAdapter 
     * (used by authAdapter)
    function getDb() {
        return $this->db;


// class Alternc_Api_Service