#!/usr/bin/php $val){ $nb2=count($options[$opt]); } if ( $nb2 != 1 ){ usage(); exit(1); } #function taking a query used to select the mailbox(es) root and updating their quotas into the mailbox table function FixQuotaDovecot($conditions){ global $db; $db2=new DB_System(); $query="SELECT mailbox.id,concat(path, '/Maildir/') as dir FROM mailbox join address on address.id = mailbox.address_id join domaines on domaines.id = address.domain_id WHERE $conditions ;"; if(!$db->query($query)){ usage("failed"); // FIXME real error exit(1); } while ($db->next_record()) { $dir=$db->f("dir"); $id=$db->f("id"); $size = exec ( "/usr/bin/du -sb $dir|cut -f1" ); // FIXME check return value if(!$db2->query("UPDATE mailbox set bytes=".intval($size)." where id=".intval($id).";")){ echo "Fail updating quota for mailbox : $id\n"); } } } #We construct a sql query to get the mailbox root based on the option. switch($opt){ case "m": if (!filter_var($val,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { usage("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"); exit(1); } $cond = "concat(address.address,'@',domaines.domaine) ='".$val ; break; case "l": $login=strtolower($val); if (!preg_match("#^[a-z0-9]+$#",$login)) { //FIXME use an alternc function for that usage("the login you entered is syntaxically incorrect"); exit(1); } $cond = "membres.login = ".mysql_real_escape_string($login) ); break; case "d": if(checkfqdn($val) != 0){ usage("The domain you entered is syntaxically incorrect"); exit(1); } $cond = "domaines.domaine = ".mysql_real_escape_string($val) ; break; default: usage(); exit(1); } FixQuotaDovecot($cond); exit(0); ?>