-- add support for .it INSERT IGNORE INTO `tld` VALUES ('it', 1); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tld` VALUES ('ws', 1); -- remove the old "estelle" default mx in older tables ALTER TABLE `domaines` MODIFY `mx` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `domaines_standby` MODIFY `mx` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL; -- add the new variable table -- -- if comment is null, then the variable is internal and will not show -- up in the generic configuration panel CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `variable` ( `name` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '', `value` longtext NOT NULL, `comment` mediumtext NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; -- hosting_tld: only used, for now, in bureau/admin/adm_*add.php INSERT IGNORE INTO `variable` (`name`, `value`, `comment`) VALUES ('hosting_tld', 0, 'This is a FQDN that designates the main hostname of the service. For example, hosting_tld determines in what TLD the "free" user domain is created. If this is set to "example.com", a checkbox will appear in the user creation dialog requesting the creator if he wants to create the domain "username.example.com". If this is set to 0 or a "false" string, it will be ignored.'); -- Adding the sasl field that will receive the cleartext password for SASL smtp auth. ALTER TABLE `mail_users` ADD `sasl` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ; -- As of Mysql-server 4.0 on sarge, we should grant any right to the debian sys maint : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint' WITH GRANT OPTION; -- USE mysql; -- In AlternC 0.9.3, the GRANTS were created with the wrong Db -- pattern: the underscores were not escaped. -- this allowed the user to create extra tables not under alternc's -- quota controls since the underscore is a wildcard in MySQL. -- the database creation and deletion code has been update, so the -- grants themselves need to be modified otherwise the AlternC -- deletion code will fail and produce evil errors -- UPDATE `db` set `Db` = REPLACE(`Db`,'_','\_') WHERE `Db` REGEXP '[^\\]_'; -- make sure this has an effect at all. -- FLUSH PRIVILEGES;