
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

 * Listing of piwik site, and manage associated credentials
 * @copyright AlternC-Team 2000-2017 https://alternc.com/


$fields = array (
        "site_id"             => array ("request", "integer", -1),  // alternc ID of the piwik site
	"right"               => array ("request",    "array", FALSE), // array of rights associated foreach user of $site_id

/* Get once alternc users and sites */
$piwik_alternc_users = $piwik->get_alternc_users();
$piwik_alternc_sites = $piwik->get_alternc_sites();

/* Does current user still has quota ? */
if ($quota->cancreate("piwik")) {

  /* If quota are still available, display form to let user add a new site */
  if ($quotapiwik['t']>0) {
<h3><?php __("Add a new website");?></h3>
echo $msg->msg_html_all(true, true);
<form method="post" action="piwik_addsites.php" id="main" name="addsites" >
 <?php csrf_get(); ?>
	<input type="text" class="int" name="site_urls" size="50" id="site_name" maxlength="255" value="" placeholder="<?php __("URL of the website")?>"/>
	<input type="submit" name="submit" class="inb" value="<?php __("Create"); ?>" />

  } // quotapiwik > 0
} else {
  $msg->raise("INFO", "piwik", _("You cannot add any new Piwik sites, your quota is over."));
} // cancreate piwik

/* In that part, we'll manage the rights associated to a selected piwik site. */
/* The output is the following: */ 
/*   [ site [v]] */
/*     - user1  no access ()   view ()     admin () */
/*     - user2  no access ()   view ()     admin () */
/*   [ submit ] */


<h3><?php __("Existing Piwik monitored websites"); ?></h3>
/* Get the list of piwik sites for current user */
$sitelist = $piwik->site_list();
$infos_urls = $piwik->get_users_url_infos();

/* Form was submitted, need to deal with work to do. */
if ($right !== FALSE) {
  // Should this stay here, or in the API?
  if (!in_array($site_id, $piwik_alternc_sites))
    $msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _("You don't own this piwik site!"));
  else {
    foreach ($sitelist as $site) {
      if ($site->id == $site_id)
	$domain = $site->name;

    /* Foreach row of right, extract user, and selected credential */
    foreach ($right AS $user => $cred) {
      /* Ensures that the user is legitimate for that user */
      /* If not, we just break the loop, and set error message */
      if (!in_array($user, $piwik_alternc_users)) {
	$msg->raise("ERROR", "piwik", _('You dont own user'), $user);

      foreach ($infos_urls[$site_id] as $v) {
	if ($v['login'] == $user && $v['cred'] != $cred) {
          /* Ok, current user has right to manage this piwik user. Update rights. */
          if (!$piwik->site_set_user_right($site_id, $user, $cred)) {
          } else {
	    $msg->raise("INFO", "piwik", _("Account '%s' has been given '%s' rights on '%s'"), array($user, $cred, $domain));

    $infos_urls = $piwik->get_users_url_infos();

echo $msg->msg_html_all();

/* If user didn't add a website, just do nothing but display there's no site */
if (empty($sitelist)){
	__("No existing Piwik websites");
} else {
/* Otherwize, display the html form, [ sitename, url, javascript code ] */

<table class="tlist">
    <tr><th/><th><?php __("Site name");?></th><th align=center><?php __("Site url"); ?></th><th>Javascript Code</th><th>Interface</th></tr>

foreach ($sitelist as $site ){

	$list_users="<select name='list_users_".$site->id."' id='list_users_".$site->id."' onChange='change_url(".$site->id.", this);'>";
	foreach ($infos_urls[$site->id] as $v) {
	  if ($v['cred'] != 'noaccess') {
	    $list_users .= "<option value='".$piwik->url()."?module=Login&action=logme&login=".$v['login']."&idSite=".$site->id."&password=".$v['password']."'>".$v['login']."</option>";
	    if ($no_user)
	      $first_url = $piwik->url()."?module=Login&action=logme&login=".$v['login']."&idSite=".$site->id."&password=".$v['password'];

	$list_users .= "</select>";

	<tr class="lst_clic<?php echo $col; ?>">
	  <td><div class="ina"><a href="/piwik_site_dodel.php?siteid=<?php echo $site->id; ?>"><img src="images/delete.png" alt="<?php __("Delete"); ?>" /><?php __("Delete"); ?></a></div></td>
  	  <td><?php echo $site->name ?></td>
          <td><?php echo $site->main_url ?></td>
	  <td><textarea><?php echo $piwik->site_js_tag($site->id); ?></textarea></td>
	    <div class="ina">
              if (! $no_user) {
                <a id="connect_<?php echo $site->id; ?>" href="<?php echo $first_url; ?>" target="_blank"><?php __('Connect as'); ?></a>
	        echo $list_users;
              } else {
              <img src="images/warning.png" onmouseover='$("#alert_div_msg").show();' onmouseout='$("#alert_div_msg").hide();'>
              <?php } ?>
} // foreach sitelist

/* We'll now manage credentials for piwik sites */
/* We first create a select item to choose the piwik site to administrate */
/* Then we display a list of users, and associated rights. */
/* To achieve this, we select all piwik users available for current alternc user */
/* If a piwik user has no rights on that site, its rights are set to "noaccess" */

<h3><?php __("Credentials management"); ?></h3>

<form method="get" action="piwik_sitelist.php">
<select name="site_id">

	foreach ($sitelist as $site)
		printf ('<option value="%d"%s>%s</option>', $site->id, ($site->id == $site_id) ? ' selected ' : '', $site->name);

<input type="submit" class="inb" value="ok" />	

	// If a site was selected
	if ($site_id != -1 && in_array($site_id, $piwik_alternc_sites)) {
		echo '<form method="post">';
		echo '<dl>';
		foreach ($piwik->get_users_access_from_site($site_id) AS $piwik_user => $cred) {
			printf("<dt>%s:</dt>\n\t<dd>%s</dd>\n", $piwik_user, piwik_right_widget('right', $piwik_user, $cred));
		echo '</dl>';
		echo '<input type="submit" name="valid" class="inb" value="' , _("submit"), '" />';
		echo '</form>';
} // empty userlist
<div class="ina" id="alert_div_msg" style="display:none;background-color:yellow;padding:5px;border:2px solid black;margin-top:3em;";>
  <?php __("No user may access this site") ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function change_url(id, elt) {
    document.getElementById("connect_" + id).href = elt.value;

<?php include_once("foot.php"); ?>