array("get","integer",null), "target_type" => array("post", "string", null), "target_mail" => array("post", "string", null), "target_domain" => array("post", "string", null), ); getFields($fields); if (is_null($domain_id)) { echo "

"; __("Problem with the domain"); echo"

"; include_once("foot.php"); exit(); } if (!is_null($target_type)) { switch ($target_type) { case "none": $error=( ($mail->catchall_del($domain_id))?_("Catchall successfully deleted"):$err->errstr() ); break; case "domain": $error=( ($mail->catchall_set($domain_id, $target_domain))?_("Catchall successfully updated"):$err->errstr() ); break; case "mail": $error=( ($mail->catchall_set($domain_id, $target_mail))?_("Catchall successfully updated"):$err->errstr() ); break; default: $error=_("Unknown target type"); } } $catch=$mail->catchall_getinfos($domain_id); ?>


"; } __("You can choose what to do with emails sent to unexisting address of this domain"); ?>


" />

    enum_domains() as $d) { if ($d==$catch['domain']) {continue;} echo "
  • $d
  • "; } ?>

" />

" /> " onclick="window.history.go(-1);"/>