#!/bin/ksh # # $Id: top_http_users 22 2005-04-11 17:21:15Z jerome $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AlternC - Web Hosting System # Copyright (C) 2003 by the AlternC Development Team. # http://alternc.org # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Based on: # Valentin Lacambre's web hosting softwares: http://altern.org/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LICENSE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original Author of file: Jerome Moinet # Purpose of file: Parse the apache logs to give the n most active users # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PATH="" PROG_NAME=top_http_users PROG_VERSION=0.1.0 ALTERNC_ROOT=/var/alternc ALTERNC_ETC=/etc/alternc ALTERNC_LIB=/usr/lib/alternc ALTERNC_CONF_FILE=$ALTERNC_ETC/local.sh LOG_DIR=/var/log/apache TMP_ROOT=$ALTERNC_ROOT/tmp RES_FILE=$TMP_ROOT/$PROG_NAME.res.$$ INTERMEDIATE_FILE=$TMP_ROOT/$PROG_NAME.int.$$ LOCK_FILE=/var/run/$PROG_NAME export TEXTDOMAIN=alternc-admintools YES=yes NO=no # Be sure to use the right programs # and be sure they are there awk=/usr/bin/awk grep=/bin/grep cat=/bin/cat zcat=/bin/zcat head=/usr/bin/head id=/usr/bin/id sort=/usr/bin/sort rm=/bin/rm mysql=/usr/bin/mysql sed=/bin/sed cut=/usr/bin/cut tail=/usr/bin/tail ls=/bin/ls gettext=/usr/bin/gettext printf=/usr/bin/printf lockfileremove=/usr/bin/lockfile-remove lockfilecreate=/usr/bin/lockfile-create lockfiletouch=/usr/bin/lockfile-touch # Must have gettext first to display error messages [ -x "$gettext" ] || { echo "Cannot execute $gettext"; exit 1 ; } for i in $awk $grep $cat $zcat $head $id $sort $rm $mysql $sed $cut $tail $ls $printf $lockfileremove $lockfilecreate $lockfiletouch do [ -x "$i" ] || { echo "$($gettext "Unable to execute") ${i}."; exit 1 ; } done #------------------------- set_messages #------------------------- { # Language-dependent messages # Uses gettext and mo files. # Don't change these messages, change the .po file instead. USAGE=$($gettext -e "Usage: top_http_users [ options ] number\n\ntop_http_users is a program that gives brief statistics\non apache usage by parsing the apache logs.\n\nOptions:\n -h, --help This help text.\n -v, --version Show version.\n -z, --use-gz-logs Parse gzipped and .1, ...n apache logs instead of just parsing the current log.\n -s, --ssl Parse the apache-ssl logs instead of parsing the non-ssl apache logs.\n -n, --number=NUMBER parse the NUMBER last lines of the current log.\n This option is not compatible with the --use-gz-logs option.\nSee the top_http_users(8) manual page for more information.") NOT_FOUND_MSG=$($gettext "does not exist.") NON_NUM_MSG=$($gettext "The \"number\" argument must be a number.") NON_COMPATIBLE_MSG=$($gettext "The -n and -z options are not compatible.") NON_NUM_MSG_FOR_N=$($gettext "The -n option requieres a number as argument.") LOCKFILE_CREATION_FAILED=`$printf "$($gettext "%s is allready beeing executed.")" $PROG_NAME` NON_ROOT_MSG=$($gettext "You have to be root (uid 0) to execute this program.") MISSING_PROG=$($gettext "Unable to execute") HIT_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by number of lines in log (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` SIZE_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by size (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` TIME_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by execution time in seconds (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` ACCOUNT_HIT_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by number of lines in logs (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` ACCOUNT_SIZE_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by size (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` ACCOUNT_TIME_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by execution time in seconds (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")` DEBUG_1_MSG=$($gettext "Parsing") DEBUG_2_MSG=$($gettext "Getting account for each domain") DEBUG_3_MSG=$($gettext "Printing results") MISSING_CONF_FILE=`$printf "$($gettext "Can't find %s. Are you sure AlterncC is properly installed?")" $ALTERNC_CONF_FILE` MYSQL_UNREACHABLE_DATABASE=`$printf "$($gettext "Cannot access accounts database. Please check either %s or Mysql state.")" $ALTERNC_CONF_FILE` SQL_ERROR_MSG=$($gettext -e "Sorry, an sql error appeared. The error message is:\n%s") UNKNOWN_OPTION=$($gettext "Unknown %s option.") } #------------------------- trap_EXIT #------------------------- { # Does some cleaning $rm -f $RES_FILE $rm -f $INTERMEDIATE_FILE $lockfileremove $LOCK_FILE exit } trap trap_EXIT INT KILL TERM QUIT ABRT STOP HUP #------------------------- # Main #------------------------- set_messages # Must be root [ "`$id -u`" -ne 0 ] && { echo $NON_ROOT_MSG ; exit 1 ; } # Parse args IS_N_PARAM=false USE_GZ_LOGS="$NO" N_PARAM="" COMMAND=$cat for ARG in "$@" ; do [ "$IS_N_PARAM" = "true" ] && { shift ; IS_N_PARAM=false ; continue ; } [ "`$printf "$ARG\n" | $cut -c1`" != "-" ] && [ "$IS_N_PARAM" = "false" ] && break case $ARG in -h | --help ) echo $PROG_NAME version $PROG_VERSION ; $printf "$USAGE\n" ; exit ;; -v | --version ) echo $PROG_NAME version $PROG_VERSION ; exit ;; -s | --ssl ) LOG_DIR=/var/log/apache-ssl ;; -z | --use-gz-logs ) USE_GZ_LOGS="$YES" ;; -n | --number=* ) if [ "$ARG" != "-n" ] ; then N_PARAM=`echo $ARG | $cut -d"=" -f2` else N_PARAM=$2 IS_N_PARAM=true fi [ `echo "$N_PARAM" | $grep -c [^0-9]` != 0 ] && { echo "$NON_NUM_MSG_FOR_N" ; exit 1 ; } COMMAND="$tail -n $N_PARAM" ;; *) $printf "${UNKNOWN_OPTION}\n" $ARG ; exit 1 ;; esac shift done LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/access.log # -n and -z options are not compatible [ "$USE_GZ_LOGS" = "$YES" ] && ! [ -z "$N_PARAM" ] && { echo $NON_COMPATIBLE_MSG ; exit 1 ; } # Must have only 1 parameter [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && { $printf "$USAGE\n" ; exit 1 ; } # Argument "number" must be numeric [ `echo "$1" | $grep -c [^0-9]` != 0 ] && { echo "$NON_NUM_MSG" ; exit 1 ; } || NB_USERS=$1 # These dirs/files must exist [ -d "$LOG_DIR" ] || { echo "$LOG_DIR $NOT_FOUND_MSG" ; exit 1 ; } [ -d "$TMP_ROOT" ] || { echo "$TMP_ROOT $NOT_FOUND_MSG" ; exit 1 ; } [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ] || { echo "$LOG_FILE $NOT_FOUND_MSG" ; exit 1 ; } # Have to get AlternC conf file : [ -f "$ALTERNC_CONF_FILE" ] || { echo $MISSING_CONF_FILE ; exit 1 ; } && . $ALTERNC_CONF_FILE # Must have access to mysql to retreive accounts owning domains : mysql="$mysql --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf -B -N -e" $mysql "select count(*) from domaines_standby;" > /dev/null 2>&1 [ "$?" != 0 ] && { echo "$MYSQL_UNREACHABLE_DATABASE" ; exit 1 ; } # Prevents executing more than one shell at the same time $lockfilecreate --retry 1 $LOCK_FILE if [ $? != 0 ] then echo $LOCKFILE_CREATION_FAILED exit 1 fi $lockfiletouch $LOCK_FILE & BADGER="$!" # Does the stuff set_messages # Have to parse files one by one or else system wil go on knees [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "$DEBUG_1_MSG $LOG_FILE" ; $COMMAND $LOG_FILE | $awk '{z=NF-1 ; domaine[$NF]++ ; if ($10 != "-") size[$NF]+=$10 ; time[$NF]+=$z} END {for (item in domaine) print item" "domaine[item]" "size[item]" "time[item]}' > $RES_FILE for FILE in `$ls -1 $LOG_FILE.* | $grep -v "\.gz$"`; do [ "$USE_GZ_LOGS" = "$YES" ] && [ -f $FILE ] && { [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "$DEBUG_1_MSG $FILE" ; $cat $FILE | $awk '{z=NF-1 ; domaine[$NF]++ ; if ($10 != "-") size[$NF]+=$10 ; time[$NF]+=$z} END {for (item in domaine) print item" "domaine[item]" "size[item]" "time[item]}' >> $RES_FILE ; } done if [ "$USE_GZ_LOGS" = "$YES" ] then for GZLOG in $LOG_FILE.*.gz do [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "$DEBUG_1_MSG $GZLOG" $zcat $GZLOG | $awk '{z=NF-1 ; domaine[$NF]++ ; if ($10 != "-") size[$NF]+=$10 ; time[$NF]+=$z} END {for (item in domaine) print item" "domaine[item]" "size[item]" "time[item]}' >> $RES_FILE done fi # show results $cat $RES_FILE | $awk '{domaine[$1]+=$2 ; size[$1]+=$3 ; time[$1]+=$4} END {for (item in domaine) print item" "domaine[item]" "size[item]" "time[item]}' > $INTERMEDIATE_FILE [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo $DEBUG_2_MSG > $RES_FILE for i in `$cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $sed s/" "/"@@@@"/g` do TMP=`echo $i | $sed s/"@@@@"/" "/g` DOMAIN=`echo $TMP | $cut -d " " -f1 | $sed s/\"//g | $sed s/"\\\\\\\\"/""/g` [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo DOMAIN : $DOMAIN ACCOUNT=`$mysql "select a.login, a.mail from membres a, sub_domaines b where a.uid = b.compte and concat(if(sub=\"\", \"\", concat(sub, \".\")), domaine) = \"${DOMAIN}\";" 2>&1` [ "$?" != 0 ] && { $printf "$SQL_ERROR_MSG\n" " $ACCOUNT" ; kill "${BADGER}" ; trap_EXIT ; } ! [ -z "$ACCOUNT" ] && [ `echo $ACCOUNT | $grep -c "^ERROR"` = 0 ] && echo "$ACCOUNT $TMP" >> $RES_FILE done [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo $DEBUG_3_MSG echo $HIT_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s\n", $2, $1)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS echo "" echo $SIZE_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s\n", $3, $1)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS echo "" echo $TIME_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s\n", $4, $1)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS $cat $RES_FILE | $awk '{size[$1]+=$5 ; time[$1]+=$6 ; hit[$1]+=$4 ; mail[$1]=$2} END {for (item in size) print size[item]" "time[item]" "hit[item]" "item" "mail[item]}' > $INTERMEDIATE_FILE echo "" echo $ACCOUNT_HIT_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s (%s)\n", $3, $4, $5)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS echo "" echo $ACCOUNT_SIZE_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s (%s)\n", $1, $4, $5)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS echo "" echo $ACCOUNT_TIME_RES_MSG $cat $INTERMEDIATE_FILE | $awk {'printf ("%20.0f %s (%s)\n", $2, $4, $5)'} | $sort -gr | $head -n$NB_USERS # cleanly exit and remove temp files kill "${BADGER}" trap_EXIT