
$fields = array (
  "delete_id"           => array ("get",  "integer", ""),
  "delete_affected_id"  => array ("get",  "integer", ""),
  "id"                  => array ("post", "integer", 0),
  "ipsub"               => array ("post", "string", ""),
  "infos"               => array ("post", "string" ,""),
  "s_ipsub"             => array ("post", "integer", ""),
  "s_protocol"          => array ("post", "string", ""),

if (!empty($s_protocol)) {
  $fields = array( $val => Array('post','string', '') );

  if (! $authip->ip_affected_save($s_ipsub, $s_protocol, $$val) ) {
    $error="Error during ip_affected_save";

if (!empty($delete_affected_id)) {
  if (! $authip->ip_affected_delete($delete_affected_id)) {
    $error="Error during deletion";

if (!empty($delete_id)) {
  if (! $authip->ip_delete($delete_id)) {
    $error="Error during deletion";

if (!empty($ipsub)) {
  if (! $authip->ip_save($id, $ipsub, $infos)) {
    $error="Error during recording";

$list_ip = $authip->list_ip();
$ac  = $authip->get_auth_class();
$lac = $authip->list_affected();

<h3><?php __("Access security"); ?></h3>
<hr id="topbar"/>
<br />

<?php if (isset($error) && $error) { ?>
  <p class="alert alert-danger"><?php echo $error ; $error=''; ?></p>
<?php } ?>

<p><?php __("Here you can add rules to restrict access to AlternC's services, filtered by IP. First, add trusted IPs in the 'Known IP and networks' list. Then, add rules to grant access on services to the chosen IPs from this list.") ?></p>

<h3><?php __("Enabled rules"); ?></h3>

<table class="tlist">
  <th><?php __("Authorised IP address or network");?></th>
  <th><?php __("Access type");?></th>
  foreach ($lac as $ll) {
    echo "<tr class='lst' >";
    echo "<td><span title=\"{$list_ip[$ll['authorised_ip_id']]['ip_human']}\">".$list_ip[$ll['authorised_ip_id']]['infos'];
    //echo "<br/>".$list_ip[$ll['authorised_ip_id']]['ip_human'];
    echo "</span></td>";
    echo "<td>".@$ac[$ll['protocol']]['name'];
    if (isset($ac[$ll['protocol']]['values'][$ll['parameters']]) && $ac[$ll['protocol']]['values'][$ll['parameters']]) {
      echo " "._("for")." ".$ac[$ll['protocol']]['values'][$ll['parameters']];
    echo "</td>";
    echo '<td><div class="ina delete"><a href="ip_main.php?delete_affected_id='.urlencode($ll["id"]).'">'._("Delete").'</a></div></td>';
    echo "</tr>";

<h3><?php __("Add a new rule"); ?></h3>

<?php if (empty($list_ip)) { ?>
  <p><?php __("You need to have some 'Known IP and networks' defined below to define a new rule.") ?></p>
<?php } else { ?>
<form method="post" action="ip_main.php" name="main" id="main">
<table class="tlistb">
    <tr valign="top">
    <th><?php __("Access type"); ?></th>
    <td class="lst2">
      <?php foreach ($ac as $a) { ?>
        <input type="radio" name="s_protocol" id="s_protocol_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>" value="<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>" />
        <label for="s_protocol_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>"><?php echo htmlentities($a['name']); ?></label>

        <?php if ( sizeof($a['values']) > 1 ) { ?>
           <select name="s_affect_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>" id="s_affect_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>">
             <?php foreach ($a['values'] as $k => $v) { ?>
               <option value="<?php echo htmlentities($k); ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($v); ?></option>
             <?php  } ?>
        <?php } else { ?>
          <?php foreach ($a['values'] as $k => $v) { ?>
            <label><b><?php echo htmlentities($v); ?></b></label> 
            <input type=hidden name="s_affect_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>" id="s_affect_<?php echo htmlentities($a['protocol']);?>" value="<?php echo htmlentities($k); ?>" readonly />
          <?php  } ?>
        <?php } ?>
      <?php } ?>
    <th><?php __("Authorized IP address or network"); ?></th>
    <td valign="middle" class="lst2">
      <select name="s_ipsub">
        <?php foreach ($list_ip as $li) { ?>
          <option value="<?php echo $li['id']; ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($li['infos']); 
            //echo " - ".$li['ip'] ; if (!($li['subnet']==32 || $li['subnet'] == 128)) echo "/".$li['subnet'];
        <?php } ?>
    <td valign='middle' class="lst2">
      <input type="submit" class="inb ok" value="<?php __("Save")?>" onclick='return check_accesstype_selected();' />
<?php } // empty $list_ip ?>
<h3><?php __("Known IP and networks");?></h3>
<table class="tlist">
<tr><th><?php __("Name"); ?></th><th><?php __("IP or network"); ?></th><th><?php __("Type"); ?></th><th colspan='2'></th></tr>
foreach($list_ip as $i) {
  if (checkip($i['ip'])) {
    if ($i['subnet']==32) {
      $txt=_("Address IPv4");
    } else {
      $txt=_("Subnet IPv4");
  } elseif (checkipv6($i['ip'])) {
    if ($i['subnet']==128) {
      $txt=_("Address IPv6");
    } else {
      $txt=_("Subnet IPv6");
  } else {
    $txt=_("Error with this IP");
  echo "<tr class='lst' ><td>{$i['infos']}</td><td>{$i['ip_human']}</td><td>$txt</td>";
  <td><div class="ina edit"><a href="javascript:edit_ip(<?php echo "'".htmlentities($i['id'])."','".htmlentities($i['ip_human'])."','".htmlentities($i['infos'])."'"; ?>);"><?php __("Edit"); ?></a></div></td>
  <td><div class="ina delete"><a href="ip_main.php?delete_id=<?php echo urlencode($i["id"]) ?>"><?php __("Delete"); ?></a></div></td>

<?php } ?>
<h3><?php __("Add an IP or a networks");?></h3>

<p><a href="javascript:edit_ip('','<?php echo htmlentities(get_remote_ip())."','Home IP'";?>);" ><?php echo __("Add my current IP"); ?></a></p>
<span id="form_add_ip">
<form method="post" action="ip_main.php" name="main" >
  <p id="reset_edit_ip" style="display:none;"><a href="javascript:reset_edit_ip();"><?php __("Cancel edit")?></a></p>

  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="" id="edit_id" />
  <table class="tlistb">
  <tr><th><?php __("Name"); ?></th><th><?php __("IP or network. <i>IPv4, IPv6 and subnet allowed</i>"); ?></th><th></th></tr>
  <tr class="lst2">
    <td><input type="text" size='20' maxlength='39' name="ipsub" id="edit_ip" /></td>
    <td><input type="text" size='25' maxlength='200' name="infos" id="edit_infos" /></td>
    <td><input type="submit" class="inb ok" value="<?php __("Save")?>" /></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function reset_edit_ip() {

  function edit_ip(id, iph, infos) {
    if ( id != '' ) { 

function check_accesstype_selected() {
  if ( $('input[name=s_protocol]:radio:checked').val() ) {
    // there is a value
    return true;
  alert("<?php __("Please select an access type"); ?>");
  return false;

<?php include_once("foot.php"); ?>