#!/usr/bin/php -q get_job()){ $c=$cc[0]; $params=unserialize($c["parameters"]); // We can resume these types of action, so we reset the job to process it later d("Previous job was the n°".$c["id"]." : '".$c["type"]."'"); if($c["type"] == "CREATE_FILE" && is_dir(dirname($params["file"])) || $c["type"] == "CREATE_DIR" || $c["type"] == "DELETE" || $c["type"] == "FIXDIR" || $c["type"] == "FIXFILE"){ d("Reset of the job! So it will be resumed..."); $action->reset_job($c["id"]); }else{ // We can't resume the others types, notify the fail and finish this action $error_raise.="Can't resume the job n°".$c["id"]." action '".$c["type"]."', finishing it with a fail status.\n"; if(!$action->finish($c["id"],"Fail: Previous script crashed while processing this action, cannot resume it.")){ $error_raise.="Cannot finish the action! Error while inserting the error value in the DB for action n°".$c["id"]." : action '".$c["type"]."'\n"; break; // Else we go into an infinite loop... AAAAHHHHHH } } } } }else{ // Lock with the current script's PID d("Lock the script..."); if (file_put_contents($LOCK_FILE,$MY_PID) === false){ $error_raise.="Cannot open/write $LOCK_FILE\n"; mail_it(); exit(1); } } //We get the next action to do while ($rr=$action->get_action()){ $r=$rr[0]; $return="OK"; // Do we have to do this action with a specific user? if($r["user"] != "root") $SU="su ".$r["user"]." 2>&1 ;"; else $SU=""; unset($output); // We lock the action d("-----------\nBeginning action n°".$r["id"]); $action->begin($r["id"]); // We process it $params=@unserialize($r["parameters"]); // We exec with the specified user d("Executing action '".$r["type"]."' with user '".$r["user"]."'"); switch ($r["type"]){ case "CREATE_FILE" : if(!file_exists($params["file"])) @exec("$SU touch ".$params["file"]." 2>&1 ; echo '".$params["content"]."' > '".$params["file"]."' 2>&1", $output); else $output=array("Fail: file already exists"); break; case "CREATE_DIR" : // Create the directory and make parent directories as needed @exec("$SU mkdir -p ".$params["dir"]." 2>&1",$output); break; case "DELETE" : // Delete file/directory and its contents recursively @exec("$SU rm -rf ".$params["dir"]." 2>&1", $output); break; case "MOVE" : // If destination dir does not exists, create it if(!is_dir($params["dst"])) @exec("$SU mkdir -p ".$params["dst"]." 2>&1",$output); if(!isset($output[0])) @exec("$SU mv -f ".$params["src"]." ".$params["dst"]." 2>&1", $output); break; case "FIXDIR" : @exec("$FIXPERM -d ".$params["dir"]." 2>&1", $trash, $code); if($code!=0) $output[0]="Fixperms.sh failed, returned error code : $code"; break; case "FIXFILE" : @exec("$FIXPERM -f ".$params["file"]." 2>&1", $trash, $code); if($code!=0) $output[0]="Fixperms.sh failed, returned error code : $code"; break; default : $output=array("Fail: Sorry dude, i do not know this type of action"); break; } // Get the error (if exists). if(isset($output[0])){ $return=$output[0]; $error_raise.="Action n°".$r["id"]." '".$r["type"]."' failed! With user: ".$r["user"]."\nHere is the complete output:\n".print_r($output); } // We finished the action, notify the DB. d("Finishing... return value is : $return\n"); if(!$action->finish($r["id"],addslashes($return))){ $error_raise.="Cannot finish the action! Error while inserting the error value in the DB for action n°".$c["id"]." : action '".$c["type"]."'\nReturn value: ".addslashes($return)."\n"; break; // Else we go into an infinite loop... AAAAHHHHHH } } // If something have failed, notify it to the admin if($error_raise !== '') mail_it(); // Unlock the script unlink($LOCK_FILE); // Exit this script exit(0); ?>