#!/bin/bash # First check that we have a username as $1. If not, ask for the username if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] then echo -n "Please enter the login : " read LOGIN else LOGIN="$1" fi # Check that the login exists : MYSQL="mysql --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf --skip-column-name alternc -B -e " USERID="`$MYSQL "SELECT uid FROM membres WHERE login='${LOGIN}'"`" if [ ! "$USERID" ] then echo "Login '$LOGIN' not found" if [ "$LOGIN" = "admin" ] then echo "You may try 'root' instead (old alternc)" fi if [ "$LOGIN" = "root" ] then echo "You may try 'admin' instead (new alternc)" fi exit -1 fi echo -n "Please enter the new password : " read -s PASS echo echo -n "Please confirm the new password : " read -s PASS2 echo if [ "$PASS" != "$PASS2" ] then echo "Passwords are differents, aborting" exit -2 fi RND="`echo -n $RANDOM $RANDOM $RANDOM`" $MYSQL "UPDATE membres SET pass=ENCRYPT('$PASS',CONCAT('\$1\$',MD5('$RND'))) WHERE uid='$USERID'" if [ "$?" ] then echo "Password changed successfully" fi