"POP/IMAP account passwords"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns the list of mail-hosted domains for a user * @return array indexed array of hosted domains */ function enum_domains() { global $db,$err,$cuid; $err->log("mail","enum_domains"); if (!is_array($this->domains)) { $db->query("select * from domaines where compte='$cuid' AND gesmx=1 order by domaine asc;"); $this->domains=array(); if ($db->num_rows()>0) { while ($db->next_record()) { $this->domains[]=$db->f("domaine"); } } } return $this->domains; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns the first letters used as email for a domain * @param string $dom Domain whose mail we want to search for * @return array An indexed array of letters or false if something bad happened */ function enum_doms_mails_letters($dom) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","enum_doms_mails_letters",$dom); $db->query("SELECT LEFT(mail,1) as letter FROM mail_domain where uid='$cuid' AND type=0 and mail like '%@".addslashes($dom)."' GROUP BY letter ORDER BY letter;"); $res=array(); while($db->next_record()) { $res[]=$db->f("letter"); } return $res; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Retourne la liste des mails du domaine $dom et si une lettre est * définie, cela retourne les mail qui commencent par celle ci * Retourne un tableau indexé de tableaux associatifs sous la forme : * $a["mail"]=Adresse email * $a["pop"]=1 ou 0 selon s'il s'agit d'un compte pop ou pas * $a["size"]=taille en octets de la boite s'il s'agit d'un compte pop. * @param string $dom Domaine dont on veut les mails * @param integer $sort Champs de tri (0 pour non trié (default), 1 pour email, 2 pour type) * @param string $letter Première lettre des mails à retourner, ou "" pour les retourner tous * @return array Tableau de mails comme indiqué ci-dessus ou FALSE si une erreur * s'est produite */ function enum_doms_mails($dom,$sort=0,$letter="") { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","enum_doms_mails",$dom); if($letter == "@") $letter = ""; else $letter .= "%"; $db->query("SELECT mail,pop,alias FROM mail_domain WHERE mail LIKE '".addslashes($letter)."@".addslashes($dom)."' AND uid='$cuid' AND type=0;"); $res=array(); $i=0; while ($db->next_record()) { if ($db->f("pop")) { $size=0; $r=mysql_query("SELECT size FROM size_mail WHERE alias='".str_replace("@","_",$db->f("mail"))."';"); list($size)=@mysql_fetch_array($r); $size=$size*1024; } else $size=0; if ($db->f("pop")) { $login=str_replace("@","_",$db->f("mail")); $account=str_replace($login,"",$db->f("alias")); } else { $account=$db->f("alias"); } $res[]=array("mail" => $db->f("mail"), "pop" => $db->f("pop"), "alias"=>$account,"size"=>$size); $i++; } if ($sort==1) { usort($res,array("m_mail","_cmp_mail")); } if ($sort==2) { usort($res,array("m_mail","_cmp_type")); } $res["count"]=$i; return $res; } function _cmp_mail($a, $b) { $al = strtolower($a["mail"]); $bl = strtolower($b["mail"]); if ($al == $bl) return 0; return ($al > $bl) ? +1 : -1; } function _cmp_type($a, $b) { $al = strtolower($a["pop"]); $bl = strtolower($b["pop"]); if ($al == $bl) { $al = strtolower($a["mail"]); $bl = strtolower($b["mail"]); if ($al == $bl) return 0; } return ($al > $bl) ? +1 : -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Retourne les détails d'un mail * Le mail $mail est retourné sous la forme d'un tableaau associatif comme suit : * $a["mail"]= Adresse email * $a["login"]= Login pop * $a["password"]= Mot de passe pop (crypté) * $a["alias"]= Alias destination, 1 par ligne * $a["pop"]= 1 ou 0 s'il s'agit d'un compte pop * @param string $mail Mail dont on veut retourner le détail * @return array Tableau associatif comme ci-dessus. */ function get_mail_details($mail) { global $err,$db,$cuid; $err->log("mail","get_mail_details",$mail); $db->query("SELECT mail,pop,alias FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail' AND uid='$cuid';"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",3,$mail); return false; } $pop=$db->f("pop"); if ($pop) { $login=str_replace("@","_",$db->f("mail")); $account=str_replace($login,"",$db->f("alias")); } else { $account=$db->f("alias"); } return array("mail" => $mail, "login" => $login, "alias" => $account, "pop" => $pop); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Tell if a mail is available or not * @param string $mail the email address (with its fqdn domain) * @return boolean true if this email is available, false if it is already defined. */ function available($mail) { global $err,$db,$cuid; $err->log("mail","available",$mail); $db->query("SELECT mail FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail';"); if ($db->next_record()) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Create a wrapper for $login@$domain email * @param string $login left part of the @ for the email creation * @param string $domain domain-part of the email * @param string $command The command we want to execute, without " nor | (raw command) * @param string $type now unused (was a ldap class name) * @return boolean TRUE if the wrapper has been created, false if an error occurred. */ function add_wrapper($login,$domain,$command,$type="") { global $err,$cuid,$db; if (!$this->available($login."@".$domain)) { $err->raise("mail",7,$login."@".$domain); return false; } $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_domain (mail,alias,uid,pop,type) VALUES ('".$login."@".$domain."','".$login."_".$domain."','$cuid',0,1);"); $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_alias (mail,alias) VALUES ('".$login."_".$domain."','\"| $command\"');"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Delete a wrapper email * @param string $login left part of the @ for the email creation * @param string $domain domain-part of the email * @return boolean TRUE if the wrapper has been deleted, FALSE if an error occurred. */ function del_wrapper($login,$domain) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='".$login."@".$domain."' AND uid='$cuid' AND type=1;"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_alias WHERE mail='".$login."_".$domain."';"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Change the password of the email account $mail * @param string $mail Pop/Imap email account * @param string $pass New password * @return boolean TRUE if the password has been changed, FALSE if an error occurred. */ function change_password($mail,$pass) { global $err,$db,$cuid; $err->log("mail","change_password",$mail); $t=explode("@",$mail); $email=$t[0]; $dom=$t[1]; $db->query("SELECT mail,alias,pop FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail' AND uid='$cuid';"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",3,$mail); return false; } if (!$db->f("pop")) { $err->raise("mail",15); return false; } if (!$this->_updatepop($email,$dom,$pass)) { return false; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Modifie les paramètres d'un compte email * Tout peut être modifié dans l'email (sauf l'adresse elle-même) * @param string $mail Adresse à modifier. Le domaine doit appartenir au membre * @param integer $pop Doit-il etre un compte pop (1) ou juste un alias (0) * @param string $pass Nouveau mot de passe pop, si pop=1 * @param string $alias Liste des destinataires auxiliaires, un par ligne. * @return boolean TRUE si l'email a bien été modifié, FALSE si une erreur s'est produite. */ function put_mail_details($mail,$pop,$pass,$alias) { global $err,$cuid,$db,$admin; $err->log("mail","put_mail_details",$mail); $mail=strtolower($mail); $t=explode("@",$mail); $email=$t[0]; $dom=$t[1]; $account=array(); if ($pop) $pop="1"; else $pop="0"; if ($pop=="0" && $alias=="") { $err->raise("mail",4); return false; } if ($pop=="1"){ $account[]=$email."_".$dom; } if ($alias){ $a=explode("\n",$alias); if (count($a)>0) { reset($a); for ($i=0;$i1){ $err->raise("mail",14); return false; } } $account[]=$a[$i]; } } } $db->query("SELECT mail,alias,pop FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail' AND uid='$cuid' AND type=0;"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",3,$mail); return false; } $oldpop= $db->f("pop"); // When we CREATE a pop account, we MUST give a password if ($pop=="1" && $oldpop!=1) { if (!$pass) { $err->raise("mail",4); return false; } // Check this password against the password policy using common API : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) { if (!$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$email."@".$dom,$pass)) { return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy() } } } $db->query("UPDATE mail_domain SET alias='".implode("\n",$account)."', pop='$pop' WHERE mail='$mail';"); if ($pop=="1" && $oldpop!=1) { /* POP Creation */ if (!$this->_createpop($email,$dom,$pass)) { return false; } } if ($pop!="1" && $oldpop==1) { /* POP Destruction */ if (!$this->_deletepop($email,$dom)) { return false; } } if ($pop=="1" && $oldpop==1 && $pass!="") { /* POP Account Edition */ if (!$this->_updatepop($email,$dom,$pass)) { return false; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Crée un compte email $mail sur le domaine $dom * @param string $dom Domaine concerné, il doit appartenir au membre * @param string $mail Email à créer, il ne doit pas exister ni en mail, ni en liste. * @param integer $pop vaut 1 pour créer un compte pop, 0 pour un alias * @param string $alias Liste des alias, un par ligne * @return boolean TRUE si le compte a bien été créé, FALSE si une erreur s'est produite. */ function add_mail($dom,$mail,$pop,$pass,$alias) { global $quota,$err,$cuid,$db,$admin; $err->log("mail","add_mail",$dom."/".$mail); $account=array(); $mail=strtolower($mail); if ($pop) $pop="1"; else $pop="0"; if ($mail) { if (!checkloginmail($mail)) { $err->raise("mail",13); return false; } } if (($pop=="1" && $pass=="")||($pop!="1" && $alias=="")){ $err->raise("mail",4); return false; } if ($pop=="1") { // Check this password against the password policy using common API : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) { if (!$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$mail."@".$dom,$pass)) { return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy() } } } if ($pop=="1"){ $account[]=$mail."_".$dom; } if ($alias){ $a=explode("\n",$alias); if (count($a)>0) { reset($a); for ($i=0;$i1){ $err->raise("mail",14); return false; } } $account[]=$a[$i]; } } } // check that the domain is a user's own ... $db->query("SELECT domaine FROM domaines WHERE compte='$cuid' AND domaine='$dom';"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",6,$dom); return false; } $db->query("SELECT mail FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='".$mail."@".$dom."' AND uid='$cuid';"); if ($db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",7,$mail."@".$dom); return false; } /* QuotaCheck */ if (!$quota->cancreate("mail")) { $err->raise("mail",8); return false; } $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_domain (mail,alias,uid,pop,type) VALUES ('".$mail."@".$dom."','".implode("\n",$account)."','$cuid','$pop',0);"); if ($pop=="1") { if (!$this->_createpop($mail,$dom,$pass)) return false; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Delete an email account (pop or alias) $mail * @param string $mail Email to delete * @return boolean TRUE if the email has been deleted, or FALSE if an error occurred */ function del_mail($mail) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","del_mail",$mail); $mail=strtolower($mail); $db->query("SELECT pop,mail FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail' AND uid='$cuid' AND type=0;"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",3,$dom); return false; } $t=explode("@",$mail); $mdom=$t[0]; $dom=$t[1]; $pop=$db->f("pop"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$mail' AND uid='$cuid';"); if ($pop=="1") { if (!$this->_deletepop($mdom,$dom)) { return false; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Check for a slave account (secondary mx) * @param string $login the login to check * @param string $pass the password to check * @return boolean TRUE if the password is correct, or FALSE if an error occurred. */ function check_slave_account($login,$pass) { global $db,$err; $db->query("SELECT * FROM mxaccount WHERE login='$login' AND pass='$pass';"); if ($db->next_record()) { return true; } return false; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Out (echo) the complete mx-hosted domain list : */ function echo_domain_list() { global $db,$err; $db->query("SELECT domaine FROM domaines WHERE gesmx=1 ORDER BY domaine"); while ($db->next_record()) { echo $db->f("domaine")."\n"; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Return the list of allowed slave accounts (secondary-mx) * @return array */ function enum_slave_account() { global $db,$err; $db->query("SELECT * FROM mxaccount;"); $res=array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $res[]=$db->Record; } if (!count($res)) return false; return $res; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Add a slave account that will be allowed to access the mxdomain list * @param string $login the login to add * @param string $pass the password to add * @return boolean TRUE if the account has been created, or FALSE if an error occurred. */ function add_slave_account($login,$pass) { global $db,$err; $db->query("SELECT * FROM mxaccount WHERE login='$login'"); if ($db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",16); return false; } $db->query("INSERT INTO mxaccount (login,pass) VALUES ('$login','$pass')"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Remove a slave account * @param string $login the login to delete */ function del_slave_account($login) { global $db,$err; $db->query("DELETE FROM mxaccount WHERE login='$login'"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Crée le compte pop $mail@$dom, avec pour mot de passe $pass * @param string $mail Compte email à créer en pop * @param string $dom Domaine sur lequel on crée le compte email * @param string $pass Mot de passe du compte email. * @return boolean TRUE si le compte pop a bien été créé, FALSE si une erreur est survenur * @access private */ function _createpop($mail,$dom,$pass) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","_createpop",$mail."@".$dom); $m=substr($mail,0,1); $gecos=$mail; if (!$mail) { // Cas du CATCH-ALL $gecos="Catch-All"; $m="_"; } $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_users (uid,alias,path,password) VALUES ('$cuid','".$mail."_".$dom."','/var/alternc/mail/".$m."/".$mail."_".$dom."','"._md5cr($pass)."');"); $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_users (uid,alias,path,password) VALUES ('$cuid','".$mail."@".$dom."','/var/alternc/mail/".$m."/".$mail."_".$dom."','"._md5cr($pass)."');"); $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_alias (mail,alias) VALUES ('".$mail."_".$dom."','/var/alternc/mail/".$m."/".$mail."_".$dom."/Maildir/');"); // Webmail data (squirrelmail default preferences) $f=fopen("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."_".$dom.".pref","wb"); $g=0; $g=@fopen("/etc/squirrelmail/default_pref","rb"); fputs($f,"email_address=$mail@$dom\nchosen_theme=default_theme.php\n"); if ($g) { while ($s=fgets($g,1024)) { if (substr($s,0,14)!="email_address=" && substr($s,0,13)!="chosen_theme=") { fputs($f,$s); } } fclose($g); } fclose($f); @copy("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."_".$dom.".pref","/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."@".$dom.".pref"); exec("/usr/lib/alternc/mail_add ".$mail."_".$dom." ".$cuid); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Met à jour un compte pop existant * @param string $mail mail à modifier * @param string $dom Domaine dont on modifie le compte pop * @param string $pass Nouveau mot de passe. * @return boolean TRUE si le compte pop a bien été modifié, FALSE si une erreur s'est produite. * @access private */ function _updatepop($mail,$dom,$pass) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","_updatepop",$mail."@".$dom); $m=substr($mail,0,1); $gecos=$mail; $db->query("UPDATE mail_users SET password='"._md5cr($pass)."' WHERE ( alias='". $mail."_".$dom."' OR alias='". $mail."@".$dom."' ) AND uid='$cuid';"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Détruit le compte pop $mail@$dom. * @param string $mail Email dont on souhaite détruire le compte pop * @param string $dom Domaine dont on souhaite détuire le compte pop. * @return boolean TRUE si le compte pop a bien été détruit, FALSE si une erreur s'est produite. * @access private */ function _deletepop($mail,$dom) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","_deletepop",$mail."@".$dom); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_users WHERE uid='$cuid' AND ( alias='". $mail."_".$dom."' OR alias='". $mail."@".$dom."' ) ;"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_alias WHERE mail='".$mail."_".$dom."';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM size_mail WHERE alias='".$mail."_".$dom."';"); @unlink("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."_".$dom.".pref"); @unlink("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."_".$dom.".abook"); @unlink("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."@".$dom.".pref"); @unlink("/var/lib/squirrelmail/data/".$mail."@".$dom.".abook"); exec("/usr/lib/alternc/mail_del ".$mail."_".$dom); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Fonction appellée par domaines lorsqu'un domaine est effacé. * Cette fonction efface tous les comptes mails du domaine concerné. * @param string $dom Domaine à effacer * @return boolean TRUE si le domaine a bien été effacé, FALSE si une erreur s'est produite. * @access private */ function alternc_del_mx_domain($dom) { global $err,$db,$cuid; $err->error=0; $err->log("mail","alternc_del_mx_domain",$dom); /* FIXME / Why on hell is it commented out ? $db->query("SELECT domaine FROM domaines WHERE compte='$cuid' AND domaine='$dom';"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",6,$dom); return false; } */ /* Effacement de tous les mails de ce domaine : */ $a=$this->enum_doms_mails($dom); if (is_array($a)) { reset($a); for($i=0;$i<$a["count"];$i++) { $val=$a[$i]; if (!$this->del_mail($val["mail"])) { $err->raise("mail",5); } } } /* Effacement du domaine himself */ $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_domain WHERE mail LIKE '%@$dom';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_users WHERE alias LIKE '%@$dom' OR alias LIKE '%\\_$dom';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_alias WHERE mail LIKE '%\\_$dom';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mail_domain WHERE mail='$dom';"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** hook function called by AlternC when a domain is created for * the current user account * This function create default email accuonts (postmaster) for the newly hosted domain * @param string $dom Domain that has just been created * @return boolean TRUE if the domain has been successfully created in the email db or FALSE if an error occurred. * @access private */ function alternc_add_mx_domain($dom) { global $err,$cuid,$db,$mem; $err->log("mail","alternc_add_mx_domain",$dom); $db->query("INSERT INTO mail_domain (mail,alias,uid) VALUES ('$dom','$dom', '$cuid');"); $this->add_mail($dom,"postmaster",0,"",$mem->user["mail"]); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user. * @param $name string name of the quota * @return integer the number of service used or false if an error occured * @access private */ function alternc_get_quota($name) { global $db,$err,$cuid; if ($name=="mail") { $err->log("mail","getquota"); $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM mail_domain WHERE type=0 AND uid='$cuid'"); $db->next_record(); return $db->f("cnt"); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Exports all the mail related information for an account. * @access private * EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;) */ function alternc_export($tmpdir) { global $db,$err; $err->log("mail","export"); $domain=$this->enum_domains(); $str="\n"; $tmpfile=$tmpdir."/mail_filelist.txt"; $f=fopen($tmpfile,"wb"); $onepop=false; foreach ($domain as $d) { $str.=" \n ".xml_entities($d)."\n"; $s=$this->enum_doms_mails($d); unset($s["count"]); if (count($s)) { foreach($s as $e) { $str.="
\n"; $str.=" ".xml_entities($e["mail"])."\n"; $str.=" ".xml_entities($e["pop"])."\n"; $acc=explode("\n",$e["alias"]); foreach($acc as $f) { $f=trim($f); if ($f) { $str.=" ".xml_entities($f)."\n"; } } if ($e["pop"]) { $db->query("SELECT path FROM mail_users WHERE alias='".str_replace("@","_",$e["mail"])."';"); if ($db->next_record()) { fputs($f,$db->Record["path"]."\n"); $onepop=true; } } $str.="
\n"; } } $str.="
\n"; } $str.="
\n"; fclose($f); if ($onepop) { // Now do the tarball of all pop accounts : exec("/bin/tar -czf ".escapeshellarg($tmpdir."/mail.tar.gz")." -T ".escapeshellarg($tmpfile)); } @unlink($tmpfile); return $str; } } /* Class m_mail */ ?>