ftp = $ftp; } /** API Method from legacy class method ftp->add_ftp() * @param $options a hash with parameters transmitted to legacy call * mandatory parameters: prefix, login, pass, dir * @return Alternc_Api_Response whose content is the newly created UID */ function add($options) { $mandatory = array("prefix", "login", "pass", "dir"); $missing = ""; foreach ($mandatory as $key) { if (!isset($options[$key])) { $missing.=$key . " "; } } if ($missing) { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "message" => "Missing or invalid argument: " . $missing)); } $ftpid = $this->ftp->add_ftp($options["prefix"], $options["login"], $options["pass"], $options["dir"]); if (!$ftpid) { return $this->alterncLegacyErrorManager(); } else { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("content" => $ftpid)); } } /** API Method from legacy class method ftp->put_ftp_details() * @param $options a hash with parameters transmitted to legacy call * mandatory parameters: id * non-mandatory: prefix, login, pass, dir * @return Alternc_Api_Response whose content is the updated UID */ function update($options) { $defaults = array("prefix", "login", "dir"); if (!isset($options["id"])) { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "message" => "Missing or invalid argument: ID")); } $id = intval($options["id"]); $old = $this->ftp->get_ftp_details($id); if (!$old) { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_NOT_FOUND, "message" => "FTP Account not found")); } foreach ($defaults as $key) { if (!isset($options[$key])) { $options[$key] = $old[$key]; } } if (!isset($options["pass"])) $options["pass"] = ""; $result = $this->ftp->put_ftp_details($id, $options["prefix"], $options["login"], $options["pass"], $options["dir"]); if (!$result) { return $this->alterncLegacyErrorManager(); } else { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("content" => $result)); } } /** API Method from legacy class method ftp->del_ftp() * @param $options a hash with parameters transmitted to legacy call * mandatory parameters: id * @return Alternc_Api_Response TRUE if the FTP account has been deleted. */ function del($options) { if (!isset($options["id"])) { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("code" => self::ERR_ALTERNC_FUNCTION, "message" => "Missing or invalid argument: ID")); } $result = $this->ftp->delete_ftp(intval($options["id"])); if (!$result) { return $this->alterncLegacyErrorManager(); } else { return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("content" => true)); } } /** API Method from legacy class method ftp->get_list() * @param $options a hash with parameters transmitted to legacy call * non-mandatory parameters: * Any of: offset(int=0), count(int=+inf) * @return Alternc_Api_Response An array with all matching FTP account informations as hashes */ function find($options) { $result = $this->ftp->get_list(); if (!$result) { return $this->alterncLegacyErrorManager(); } else { $offset = -1; $count = -1; if (isset($options["count"])) $count = intval($options["count"]); if (isset($options["offset"])) $offset = intval($options["offset"]); if ($offset != -1 || $count != -1) { if ($offset < 0 || $offset > count($result)) $offset = 0; if ($count < 0 || $count > 1000) $count = 1000; $result = array_slice($result, $offset, $count); } return new Alternc_Api_Response(array("content" => $result)); } } } // class Alternc_Api_Object_Ftp